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Messages - sciborg2

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MDMA and Autistic Adults: A New Research Study [Psychedelic Salon #392]

The latest episode of the Psychedelic Salon podcast features a talk from the 2013 Palenque Norte Burning Man series.  In it, Alicia Danforth discusses the results of a 2013 research study she conducted into the various effects of MDMA on individuals with Autism Spectrum disorders.

Criminals and Researchers: Perspectives on the Necessity of Underground Research

I do not deny that there is sanctioned research being done on psychedelics, nor do I deny that there are groundbreaking results coming out of sanctioned psychedelic research. However, the fact of the matter is that there is not “enough” psychedelic research being done, nor do I believe it is possible to ever pursue “enough” psychedelic research within the confines of sanctioned institutions set within a prohibitionist paradigm.

Quantum Entanglement Benefits Exist after Links Are Broken

Lloyd admits this finding is baffling—and not just to him. Prem Kumar, a quantum physicist at Northwestern University, was skeptical of any benefits from quantum illumination until he saw Lloyd’s math. “Everyone’s trying to get their heads around this. It’s posing more questions than answers,” Kumar states. “If entanglement does not survive, but you can seem to accrue benefits from it, it may now be up to theorists to see if entanglement is playing a role in these advantages or if there is some other factor involved.”

As a possible explanation, Lloyd suggests that although entanglement between the photons might technically be completely lost, some hint of it may remain intact after a measurement. “You can think of photons as a mixture of states. While most of these states are no longer entangled, one or a few remain entangled, and it is this little bit in the mixture that is responsible for this effect,” he remarks.

Prof Brian Cox: physicist or priest?

Many popular scientists are atheist, so why are they so happy to use the misty-eyed language of religion?

Richard Dawkins has lost: meet the new new atheists

The atheist spring that began just over a decade ago is over, thank God. Richard Dawkins is now seen by many, even many non-believers, as a joke figure, shaking his fist at sky fairies. He’s the Mary Whitehouse of our day.

So what was all that about, then? We can see it a bit more clearly now. It was an outpouring of frustration at the fact that religion is maddeningly complicated and stubbornly irritating, even in largely secular Britain. This frustration had been building for decades: the secular intellectual is likely to feel somewhat bothered by religion, even if it is culturally weak. Oh, she finds it charming and interesting to a large extent, and loves a cosy carol service, but religion really ought to know its place. Instead it dares to accuse the secular world of being somehow -deficient.

Why ghosts are good for you: Patricia Pearson at TEDxTucson 2012

Patricia shares her latest research for an upcoming book about mysteries of consciousness around death and dying, to be released in 2013. Patricia Pearson is an award-winning novelist and journalist whose most recent book is the critically acclaimed memoir Brief History of Anxiety...Yours and Mine, assigned "major points for wit and flair" by the New York Times.

The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet

Allowing one company to control the supply of crucial physical commodities, and also trade in the financial products that might be related to those markets, is an open invitation to commit mass manipulation...

The situation has opened a Pandora's box of horrifying new corruption possibilities, but it's been hard for the public to notice, since regulators have struggled to put even the slightest dent in Wall Street's older, more familiar scams. In just the past few years we've seen an explosion of scandals – from the multitrillion-dollar Libor saga (major international banks gaming world interest rates), to the more recent foreign-currency-exchange fiasco (many of the same banks suspected of rigging prices in the $5.3-trillion-a-day currency markets), to lesser scandals involving manipulation of interest-rate swaps, and gold and silver prices.

But those are purely financial schemes. In these new, even scarier kinds of manipulations, banks that own whole chains of physical business interests have been caught rigging prices in those industries. For instance, in just the past two years, fines in excess of $400 million have been levied against both JPMorgan Chase and Barclays for allegedly manipulating the delivery of electricity in several states, including California. In the case of Barclays, which is contesting the fine, regulators claim prices were manipulated to help the bank win financial bets it had made on those same energy markets.

And last summer, The New York Times described how Goldman Sachs was caught systematically delaying the delivery of metals out of a network of warehouses it owned in order to jack up rents and artificially boost prices.

You might not have been surprised that Goldman got caught scamming the world again, but it was certainly news to a lot of people that an investment bank with no industrial expertise, just five years removed from a federal bailout, stores and controls enough of America's aluminum supply to affect world prices.

How was all of this possible? And who signed off on it?

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Lucid Dreaming
« on: March 17, 2014, 01:49:54 am »

I've had the dream where I was God, but my divinity manifested itself in limited form - I got superpowers and stopped some robbers. I was becoming aware of my status as dreaming creator of that universe, and began to draw followers but quickly realized I was about to wake up.

Guilt ridden at the coming annihilation I confessed to my creation that I wasn't truly a God, and that I hoped the true Lord would welcome them once my awakening destroyed their reality.

On the subject of orgasms without drugs or sex, the answer is yes.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Crop circles
« on: March 16, 2014, 12:10:05 am »
It makes me think that the guiding narrative and the pageantry of ritual are necessary aspects...

It's definitely possible. I've read about rituals that induce altered states like what seems to be possession, but the ritual can also take that altered state - whatever it is - and make it far more useful than the erratic shifts in behavior we see with demons possessing(?) Christians or ghosts possessing(?) Hindu women on the eve of their marriage.

So perhaps both possession and abduction relate to psychological events that take on more chaotic aspects when divorced from ritual. I really wish Hancock had explored this some more. For example he mentions the carnival imagery appearing to a great number of DMT users, and the possibility that people ignorant of others' experiences are having similar trip imagery, but then doesn't really pursue that.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Crop circles
« on: March 14, 2014, 10:40:30 pm »
In his defence, he has probably been involved in hundreds of ceremonies, and since the experience in itself is so convincing, I can see him being very convinced by now :)  But you are right, his conviction through experience does not bring forth proof of anything.

Just to be clear I'm not saying he's 100% wrong. Just that he's taking the common themes and then assuming it's proof.

For one thing, no one in the DMT trials or on ayahuasca actually goes anywhere. Which would, in turn, suggest no one who experiences a UFO abduction goes anywhere.

But Hancock seems to take it the other way, which is that DMT and ayahuasca allow part of your consciousness to go to other realms and produce ultraterrestrial-human hybrids.

I think he'd have been better off examining the commonalities in the DMT/ayahuasca
experiences. If he can show some of the imagery that has been experienced prior to the internet was not due to communication about the drug he'd really hit upon something.

I mean even Sam Harris was impressed by some of that data at one time as it is kinda weird.

Loved Samurai Jack. In some ways I was happy it ended without resolution, as Jack's slow ongoing struggle against overwhelming tyranny did seem like it could be tied up easily.

Off the top of my head I loved 4 Seasons of Death, the origin of Aku, the robots pumping Aku's evil essence, the Light vs Dark Ninja episode, the one with Jack remembering his past as a little boy, and the ones where he teams up with the Scottish dude.

The Clone Wars shorts Tartakovsky did were also great.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Crop circles
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:44:44 pm »
Graham Hancock's Supernatural has some interesting comparisons between UFO abductions, fairy sightings, psychedelic experiences, and drug (or otherwise) induced shamanic vision quests.

I think the relation between the altered states is spot on, and the factors behind these experiences would be worth delving into.

Where Hancock stretches things is when he suggests the potential Spirit World that borders our own. I'm not sure there's enough there to really make this claim. It's like saying the commonality in archetypes (Trickster, Earth Mother, Sky Father, etc) is enough to show these beings must exist somewhere.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Crop circles
« on: March 13, 2014, 09:26:56 pm »
I don't think depiction of people floating in the sky would count as proof. There are many, many depictions of gods or spirits across the world after all.

That said, I do recall some weird shit happening in pre-modern Japan relating to sky phenomenon being witnessed by huge swaths of the populace. Plus there's that whole Divine Wind thing.

I have a couple of books by Hancock, but have not read them yet. I try not to read books about psychedelics(have read a few), but I feel I have to get through Terence Mckennas Food of the Gods before I try anything else. He is the master you know :)

Hancock is interesting. I've admittedly dismissed all his Atlantis type stuff, or at least classified it as so improbable as to not be important to my life.

I like Supernatural [the book] as ethnography, there are so many accounts of shamanism in the book and the comparison to UFO abductions is interesting. But I don't think there's any smoking gun in the book that proves psychedelics transport us to another dimension.

Also, I still think his TED talk was terrible and an utter waste of an opportunity.

Leaving aside the vital but off topic criticism of materialist evangelism and the personalities behind it, which admittedly is best left for another thread, I'll correct my derailing by getting back to the topic at hand:

Joe Rogan Experience #417 - Graham Hancock

Some interesting discussion about psychedelics and how they relate to the wider availability of drugs out there.

The Psychedelic Reader

Eric Davis's intro to the collection of 60's articles on psychedelics.

Quantum biology: Do weird physics effects abound in nature?

Disappearing in one place and reappearing in another. Being in two places at once. Communicating information seemingly faster than the speed of light.

This kind of weird behaviour is commonplace in dark, still laboratories studying the branch of physics called quantum mechanics, but what might it have to do with fresh flowers, migrating birds, and the smell of rotten eggs?

Welcome to the frontier of what is called quantum biology.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Crop circles
« on: March 13, 2014, 05:57:36 am »
I guess the aliens could be really obsessed with "redness" and base their morality the quality of their own color qualia for reasons they can't explain to us? Like blue is abhorrent to them in the way murder & rape is to us?

Just trying to come up with some plausible shit they could say but we couldn't really understand. So they still are agents with goals but their inclinations are just bizarre.

Yet even then if we could see the evolutionary history of their species we should understand why their wiring is different from ours and why red is Good but blue is Evil?

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