[TUC Spoilers]What was the point

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« Reply #105 on: August 13, 2017, 08:17:53 pm »
From the very first mention in the book, I've always read the Nail of Heaven to be an equivalent of the Polestar/ Polaris, the way it's used in navigation.

Yes, but the variation of its light intensity before the crush of the Ark implies some relation.

Is it a portal/wormhole? Is it an inchoroi spacial station?
I'm slowly becoming convinced that Earwan astrophysics are as different from our own as the metaphysics.

The speculation from Ajencis on the origin of the Ark really pushes this, because it reveals that there are no other visible celestial bodies in the sky besides the stars and moon. And yet, the Ark was damaged by the 'shoals'. Whatever they might be...
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« Reply #106 on: August 15, 2017, 10:24:18 am »
At least, there weren't any that Ajencis knew of when he wrote. It's also possible that Eärwa's star system just doesn't have that many planets. Personally I always felt that everything pointed to the universe outside of Eärwa's planet being much the same as ours.


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« Reply #107 on: August 15, 2017, 12:00:29 pm »
At least, there weren't any that Ajencis knew of when he wrote. It's also possible that Eärwa's star system just doesn't have that many planets. Personally I always felt that everything pointed to the universe outside of Eärwa's planet being much the same as ours.
He implies comparing different charts. Spotting planets is a pretty elementary part of astronomy.

Idk, physics works pretty differently on Earwa with dragons and shit. Maybe Bakker's universe has warps and spacewhales and planets-that-are-gods floating around in the void.

And then there's the question of where the nonmen really came from. I doubt it really affects anything plotwise anyway, just shading the margins, haha
Retracing his bloody footprints, the Wizard limped on.


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« Reply #108 on: August 16, 2017, 03:44:09 pm »
A decade of real life waiting and in the last 30 pages the author pissed the whole lot up the wall its just a generic "LOL bad guys win and all the good guys die LOLOL"

Im being very black and white about this but and stripping all the philosophy out to get to the root of the story, the whole exercise was pointless.
Nothing was resolved. Its just an unsatisfying, cliche resumption of the status quo.

7 book and 10 years can be boiled down to two words - dont matter
A beautifully complex world collapsing into a pile of "K Nope"

What am i missing here?

I see where this is coming from, I just this morning finished this amazing adventure and was left with a pit in my gut, even now I'm hiding in the bathroom at work, poring over this forum for clues, I must have missed something! But the more I think about it the more I enjoy the ending. So please bare with my rambling (and poor grammar ) for I'm not one for monologues...

I was blown away when the five dunyain we're reveled, I didn't see it coming. I was blown away when we learned what kellhus sees in the inverse fire. Blown away when the four horned brother is reveled. I was and still am colossally disappointed that that scene seemed to all come crashing down as soon as it began, kellhus turned to salt? Just like that? But then the no-god rises and with it my excitement, in the end I found myself more excited then before, with no kellhus to stop it who will? But then the book just ended. I was stunned again, I stared at the stack of remaining pages, appendix... at this point I had no clue that we may be getting a third series, I struggled to come to terms with all the open ends, but I think in the end while a bit anti climatic the ending serves its purpose. If this is it then it is a fitting end to the greatest adventure I've ever read and if not then the next chapter will be amazing I'm sure. It made me really think about the one character above all others that I truly think this story is about. Akka. I think we all see akka as the "main" character, we all love him, but I've always wanted it to be HIS story and I think in the end we got that. Here he stands, the broken, tired old wizard against the end of the world. He is seswatha reincarnated, in some ways I think he is so much more. If it stops here then I'm glad it closes with him, if it continues then I hope it continues to be the story of akka and the apocalypse

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