Event thread (for the wiki)

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« on: March 08, 2018, 11:44:21 pm »
Sister thread to this one. This thread will cover any events that aren't birth or deaths, in (rough) chronological order.

This is what I have for now:

Nau-Cayûti's marriage to Iëva

From TWLW, chapter 12:
Through closed eyes he watched her, Iëva, his wife of seven years, scurry naked to the cabinet across their spare room and produce a philtre, which she considered with an expression hung between terror and gloating.
As this takes place at the time of Nau-Cayûti's "death", established as taking place in 2140 (TTT glossary, among other sources), it can be concluded that Nau-Cayûti and Iëva were married in or around 2133.

Mimara is sold into slavery

From TDTCB, chapter 3:
"Six years ago," she repeated. "My daughter died the same year."
This chapter takes place in the early spring of 4110, meaning that Mimara would have "died" around early 4104, maybe sometime in the later part of 4103. The way this is phrased leads me to believe, however, that it is more likely that Mimara would have been sold into slavery in (early) 4104 (for the curious, she would have been 8-9 at the time).

Serwa is sent to go live with the Swayal Sisterhood

From TJE, chapter 3:
But when she was scarce three years old, her tutors realized that she possessed the Gift of the Few. Despite Esmenet's threats, despite her entreaties, Kellhus sent the girl-still a babe!-to Iothiah to be raised among the Swayal witches.
In the other thread Serwa's birth year was estimated as being 4115, meaning she was sent to live among the Swayal Sisterhood in or around 4118.

The "incident" between Theliopa and Inrilatas takes place

Discussed in this thread and estimated as taking place at some point before 4129, possibly before 4127 considering some of the information available (4127 referring to the latest year possible for Kelmomas and Samarmas to still be soul-conjoined).

I'll keep updating this thread with more events as I go along.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 11:17:51 am by ThoughtsOfThelli »
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2018, 08:25:13 pm »
*sigh* Inconsistency time!

So, remember how Mimara was implied to have killed the man who was her first master during her years of slavery? (TWLW, chapter 12)
Five years later they would find him dead, his body jammed into the sewer chute behind the scullery. Apparently Abbarsallas could only be broken once.

From the TUC glossary:
Abbarsallas (4068-4106)-Mimara’s owner during her first five years in Carythusal.

Going by this quote and glossary entry, this would mean Mimara was sold into slavery in or around 4101 (when she would have been 5-6 years old). This is not consistent with what is said in TDTCB (see previous post), which had me estimate Mimara had been sold into slavery in or around 4104 (at age 8-9)...
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

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« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2018, 02:39:22 pm »
You're a champion and a scholar and I appreciate your sleuthing :) .

Can we interpret "my daughter died 6 years ago" to mean something other than being sold into slavery? That probably doesn't match up exactly with other flashbacks and explanations, but maybe '6 years ago' was when she thought she got word of her daughter actually dying, and she had sold her to slavery actually some years prior?
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« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2018, 03:09:29 pm »
You're a champion and a scholar and I appreciate your sleuthing :) .

Can we interpret "my daughter died 6 years ago" to mean something other than being sold into slavery? That probably doesn't match up exactly with other flashbacks and explanations, but maybe '6 years ago' was when she thought she got word of her daughter actually dying, and she had sold her to slavery actually some years prior?

Thank you, Wilshire, that's high praise. :-[

I always thought Mimara "dying" was Esmenet's way of referring to what had actually happened (selling her into slavery due to the famine) because of the shame and denial she felt. She even explicitly confesses the truth to Kellhus in TWP(?) if I remember correctly. And as far as I remember, Esmenet had absolutely no idea if Mimara was dead or alive (or where she had even been taken to) right until her agents found her in Carythusal (when Mimara was already an adult).
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

"You prefer to believe women victims to their passions, but we can be at least as calculating as you. Love does not make us weak, but strong."
-Ykoriana of the Masks (The Third God, chapter 27)


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« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2018, 04:35:55 pm »
She has a flashback (or tells Akka/Kellhus directly?) that she sold Mimara during a time period of starvation/famine. Its possible it was a different one than what we assume she is talking about in the quote above?

But that would really rely on Esment mistaking, or intentionally obscuring, the specific date for some reason. Requires a lot of further explanation and errors.

Probably better to assume the earlier birth date - as a younger Mimara would have had an even more difficult time killing her slaver.
One of the other conditions of possibility.


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« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2018, 04:58:47 pm »
She has a flashback (or tells Akka/Kellhus directly?) that she sold Mimara during a time period of starvation/famine. Its possible it was a different one than what we assume she is talking about in the quote above?

But that would really rely on Esment mistaking, or intentionally obscuring, the specific date for some reason. Requires a lot of further explanation and errors.

Probably better to assume the earlier birth date - as a younger Mimara would have had an even more difficult time killing her slaver.

I think that what she tells Kellhus does not contradict the "six years" comment in TDTCB because as far as I recall there weren't any temporal references in that later conversation. I don't believe Esmenet lied any further than saying Mimara had died, from the information we had from PON only we could make the assumption that date of Mimara's "death"=date Mimara was sold into slavery.
I don't think Mimara's birth date was ever in question (we have that in the TTT glossary and it was never explicitly contradicted later on, comments on Mimara's apparent age notwithstanding), only the date regarding her being sold into slavery. But like you said, it's easier to imagine a 13/14-year-old Mimara (going by the TDTCB date, 5 years after 4104, therefore 4109) killing Abbarsallas than a 10/11-year-old Mimara doing the same (going by the TUC date, 4106).
All this could easily be solved by retconning Abbarsallas' death date to 4109, frankly.
"But you’ve simply made the discovery that Thelli made—only without the benefit of her unerring sense of fashion."
-Anasûrimbor Kayûtas (The Great Ordeal, chapter 13)

"You prefer to believe women victims to their passions, but we can be at least as calculating as you. Love does not make us weak, but strong."
-Ykoriana of the Masks (The Third God, chapter 27)