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Messages - Baztek

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I know you're joking and I was gonna say sin depends on intentionality but that was thoroughly refuted by Ishual being soaked through with evil although no Dunyain has ever actually intended to inflict harm for harm's sake.

The implication here is Mimara's True God is the one divinity that is not blind by definition, but turning the Judging Eye on the No-God would be like turning it on your car.

Hmm well the No-God is pretty much a machine so it makes sense she'd see nothing. the aporetic sorcery inscribed in the chorae might offer a more "natural" route to what I'm just gonna call the True God from now on

Well I'm talking about her seeing through her chorae, where oblivion peeled back to reveal a light. Did she really see the No-God with the JE?

The credence Bakker has given to the Fanim (the Psukhe bearing no mark, Fane calling the demonic nature of the Hundred, Meppa being all-around one of the wokest in-universe characters in the series), especially with putting that epigraph in the beginning of TGO, and with how philosophically milquetoast the alternative is ("it was the nonmen in the time before time with the candlestick"), it's pretty clear the God shattered "itself".

The only reason I don't buy the Fanim perspective on things 100% is that Mimara is seeing through to something that is somehow both the void of the Solitary God and a transcendent being of light

Imo the God of Gods is oblivion. Recall the line from Fanim scripture: "and it was as death"

It's just I think Mimara does see through something, idk, truly transcendent in that nothing while fedora tippers like the Inchoroi, Dunyain, etc. just can't reach that far

Because the No-God is the pure void of the subject, the de-substantialized nothing the subject becomes after you deny the existence of the soul, the primacy of consciousness, its privileged position in the universe, etc.

Sounds like I'm saying the opposite of what I just posted but this is what ties it together: the  materialist assertion (Badiou, Zizek, even mysterians like McGinn) believe the subject/consciousness fundamentally is this pre-ontological void. And what is literally the first in-universe quote in the entire series? Ajencis saying "the soul is that which precedes everything"


And if we wanna go further, the disenchantment of Earwa by the No-God represents nothing but the modern disenchantment of reality by nihilism, technology, science, materialism, the belief that the root of everything is an empty godless nothing.

This seems obvious but what I'm getting at is the Inchoroi are not simply shutting Earwa off from the Outside but shutting it off from the very idea of an intelligence, an agency/mind behind existence, and in for Earwans the void is a small price to pay for a nature thoroughly spiritually castrated. Better nothing in the woods at night than demons, ghosts, witches.

Right, precisely, the Gods can't see the No-God because the No-God is THEIR darkness that comes before, ie the abyssal God of Gods pre-shattering, albeit in a "tekne babby's first absolute" kinda way

it's clear as day the God shattering is none other than the creation of reality/subject-object/consciousness, to this day I have no idea how people think it's as banal and uninspired as "nonmen did it"

Likaro did nothing wrong.

Also the more Bakker feels the need to answer critical questions on reddit instead of in the books the less I like him and this book.

lel why

General Earwa / Re: Bakker and Women
« on: August 04, 2017, 05:34:45 pm »
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kek, the heron hug

Aurang really shouldn't have gone out like a chump. How you build up a dude for 7 books and take him out in 2 pages? I feel like Bakker was the one guy who was gonna deliver the goods since I've been feeling like tons of works lately have been guilty of this, though I can't name any off the top of my head. But nope.

With this fight in particular I think it was just to show how much MORE Kellhus was than literally everyone else.  The scene against Meppa was pretty awesome, but Aurang?  Ain't nobody got no time for no AURANG...And I also thought that most of the sorcerer-ie battles that were not in the POV of one of the fighters were kind of lack-luster.  No suspense, just destruction.  Except for the tumbling of the Towers.  That was awesome.

We've been getting that for 7 books. It just gets old.

Aurang really shouldn't have gone out like a chump. How you build up a dude for 7 books and take him out in 2 pages? I feel like Bakker was the one guy who was gonna deliver the goods since I've been feeling like tons of works lately have been guilty of this, though I can't name any off the top of my head. But nope.

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