ARC: TWP Chapter 5

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  • Kijneta
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« on: September 09, 2018, 01:25:23 pm »
Why must I conquer, you ask?  War makes clear.  Life or Death.  Freedom or Bondage.  War strikes the sediment from the water of life.
Sez who?
Seswatha, that's who.


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  • Kijneta
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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2018, 08:08:40 pm »
Saubon has marched. Proyas is livid.  Kellhus puts him back in his box.
Cnaiur knows
He speaks in hidden cues, Cnaiur reminded himself.  He wars against all of us!

Kellhus spells it out to Cnaiur, but then
And suddenly he realized that he'd actually believed the Dunyain, believed that he had made a mistake.
"Not everything I say," the Dunyain said, "can be a lie, Scylvendi.  So why do you insist on thinking I deceive you in all things?"
"Because that way," Cnaiur grated, "you deceive me in nothing."

The Fanim have killed Proyas' cousin.  Cnaiur reads the battle scene and muses on the idiocy of the Inrithi.  He decides Skauras has brought all his might to Gedea.

Saubon POV.  He doubts.  The world is against him.
Dread overcame him, threatened him with despair.  At night, he wept in the secrecy of his tent.  Was this not always the way?  Hadn't the Gods always taunted, frustrated, and humiliated him?  First the fact of his birth - the be the first soul in the body of the seventh son!  Then his father, who'd punished him beyond all reason, beat him for possessing his fire, his cunning!  Then the wars against the Nansurium a few years previous... Mere miles!  So close he could the smear of Momemn's smoke on the horizon!  Only to be afflicted by Ikurei Conphas - to be bested by a stripling!
And now this...

He has 40-50 thousand men plus the 9 thousand Shrial knights, yet is vastly outnumbered.  These are big armies!

He has limited control over his forces - he is only the titular head of the Galeoth.
...The deference owed to a lackland prince was largely ceremonial; his every command, it seemed, had to run a gauntlet of pride and whimsy

He realises Skauras is trying to prevent him joining up with the Tydonni and the Thunyeri - another 90 thousand.

Kussalt, his groom is with him.
...But then he'd always been the.  Saubon's earliest childhood memory was of Kussalt scooping him up into his arms and racing into the galleries of Moraor after a bee sting had nearly choked him

A sad man, Coithus Saubon
Sez who?
Seswatha, that's who.