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Messages - Yellow

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News/Announcements / Re: New forum Theme/look/format
« on: July 19, 2017, 06:56:35 pm »
On the tapatalk topic... I used to use it but the ads were painful, and it was buggy as hell. Much preferred the "full" forum view on mobile. This new style uses an enormous amount of real estate for things that aren't actually content.

PS - thanks to H for the settings help! The SMF default curves basically returns it to how it used to be. I'm happy now :)

News/Announcements / Re: New forum Theme/look/format
« on: July 19, 2017, 06:02:12 am »
My eyessszzzzz! They burnssszzzeesssss!!!!!

Seriously though, it's fine, but Beardfisher is right about the mobile un-friendly-ness. How do I try other themes/colours? Can't seem to find it anywhere in settings.

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers]The IncĂ»-Holoinas
« on: July 16, 2017, 11:00:12 am »
Secondly, it states in TUC that the NG collapses the Subject and the Object. I struggle to understand this but I think it takes a soul (which is usually the Subject) and makes it experience itself rather than the world (and/or Outside). So it becomes the Object as well.

Maybe this is a loop where it can only experience itself? So it blocks the passage for other souls and shuts the world. But it has no frame of reference, so although it experiences itself, it does not know what it is.

I'm quoting myself here (yeah, I went there) because I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this and it seems to have disappeared in the chatter.

Is this how "souls that encounter him go no further"? He literally plugs the hole by creating a logic loop.

I found the idea of "collapsing the Subject and Object" fascinating, but I don't have the tools to understand the implications.

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The Unholy Consult / [TUC Spoilers] (or maybe not) - The Daimos
« on: July 07, 2017, 11:17:44 am »
Ok, what do we know about the Daimos? It's not really been described in any detail, from what I can tell. We see a few things it gets used for throughout the 7 books, but I have no real feel for how it works. You could say the same about the Aporos (apart from that it's about contradictions), but I don't see that as playing a big role in the series.

Can anyone enlighten me?

I guess if people want to refer to...

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...they should probably use spoiler tags.

So, a question about Nau-Cayuti:

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Can we not drop these spoiler tags yet?

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Great, great post Wilshire. Love it.

regarding the title of the third series, I said it upthread, but it was buried in a big post:

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(hattip to kal at westeros, I think he's probably right)

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I soooo wanna hit those spoiler tags.....damnitt!!!!

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EDIT - sorry, really having trouble nesting the tags with this

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