On the writing style of Scott Bakker

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« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2017, 10:24:08 pm »
Thank you all for the warm welcome.

I stand corrected, I now remember as well the flying Chishaurim, yes.

As a side thing, why do you think these books don't have the popularity they deserve? Is it because of the more dense writing style? Are they not promoted enough? Certainly the quality is there...

Extreme Feminism+RSB interacting with said extreme feminists.....lol. That's my theory.

I think it goes well beyond that though.  Dense style, steep learning curve, confrontational style of the story itself, do lend itself to the series being a bit of a tough sell for a good number of people.

I think Bakker has said it before, that it isn't the story we really want, but one that we need.  You are going to have a hard time getting some people to take that pill, no matter what.

Lol. Yea, it was more of a joke than anything. There are multiple reasons and you guys have giving good ones

TheBlackElf, I've been saying over at Westeros that, that's what itll take. That in 30 or so years, it'll be huge, Tolkien huge. Its too great a story and honestly I've never read any fantasy that comes close to TSA. It will have its day in the sun, that I do not doubt.
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« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2017, 03:45:37 pm »
Thank you all for the warm welcome.

I stand corrected, I now remember as well the flying Chishaurim, yes.

As a side thing, why do you think these books don't have the popularity they deserve? Is it because of the more dense writing style? Are they not promoted enough? Certainly the quality is there...
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