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All i got is "ban member" in the admin tab. :(

We should probably have a separate topic or something for all my ridiculous admin related queries.

<<< Amateur hour

Private message, homie.


--- Quote from: Wilshire on July 17, 2013, 12:59:31 am ---Not sure who's suggestion it was, but whoever said it would be a good idea to have a topic that labled "Unholy consult release date" or something similar, you where right. Its nearly the top viewed topic on the site with nearly 1500 views. That topic has certainly drawn a couple people here. Hopefully some of them has stuck around.

--- End quote ---


Yeah  Curethan that was brilliant.

Soooo what now... Put it to a vote/poll or something? Maybe we will get slightly higher participation % this time.

 Or we could give it some more time, split this into its own topic and let it marinate for a while.

there doesnt appear to be a character limit to groups. Or at least its >30. 

If you are talking about the forum ranks, then yeah, I think I'll add a poll to it right now and then likely baztek is going to win. It's not like we can't change them. And though I think we should reduce the post counts we should leave big margins somewhat as they are.


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