The first three books of The Black Company saga are amazing in my opinion. The following two are really good, but it started to taper off for me after that. I think it has to do largely with the narrator and narration. I found it easy to follow along with Croaker.
Both Erikson and Bakker have cited him as an antecedent.
Doesn't matter what order you read them in, once you've read both it is impossible not to recognize how much the Black Company inspired the Bridgeburners.
I liked the writing and was intrigued by the magic and The Ten(?)
As someone who typically craves systematic magic--else it become plot device--I absolutely loved Cook's ability to leave utterly everything unexplained but still manage to define just enough that the reader can easily delineate sorcerous rank where none is imposed. Example being, there is no doubt that the Ten Who Were Taken are unrivaled, and that
he who "took" them is superior to them.