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Topics - mrganondorf

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General Earwa / Miscellaneous Questions about TTT Glossary
« on: March 26, 2014, 12:59:19 am »
Looking through the TTT glossary:

- Fane: he's doing his thing about 300 years before TDTCB, about the same time the Consult goes silent/begins using skin spies exclusively.  Coincidence?

- Mangaecca: looking for all the Gin'yursis references, only found this one.  More?

- Miracle: there's two miracles of Kellhus listed and there's supposed to be a third, what is it?

- Onkis: I came here to verify the bit about her being the deity of the darkness that comes before, did not find!  Plase halp.

- Schools: anyone have any info on this so called major school, Circle of Nibel?  Anything about any minor schools?  Anything about pre-swayali witches?

EDIT: more questions:

- Ajencis: happens before, not too long before the Dunyain.  They are his genes?

- Apocalypse: I feel extremely stupid admitting this, but I never noticed that TDTCB starts with the bastard at 2147 and the first apocalypse ends at 2155.  What were the Dunyain doing for those first few years with the womb plague stillborn years going on?  I think I assumed that the plague that killed nearly everyone in Ishual was the same plague that resulted from the No-God's death.

- Mygella, Anasurimbor: the entry is short - "(2065-2111)--The famed Hero-King of Aorsi, whose deeds are recounted in the Sagas."  There's no mention of him in the Sagas entry.  Any more info?

General Misc. / Inappropriate Subtitles - Spoilers?
« on: March 13, 2014, 09:20:53 pm »
EDIT: I didn't want to perpetuate negative stereotypes!  :(

Introduce Yourself / Stayed Away For Too Long
« on: March 13, 2014, 03:17:25 am »
Hi all!  I'm pretty new and really enjoying TSA.  I stayed away for a long time because I didn't want to expose myself to spoilers.  But the attrition of waiting for TUC caused me to do all the things I promised myself I wouldn't do: read 4 revelations, False Sun, excerpt from chapter 1 and visit this site.  All hail Madness and Wilshire!  Thank you for running it.

So, I can't wait for the next book--I've been reading/listening through many times!!!

Me: hubby, daddy, philosophy adjunct, rabbit owner, and american football enthusiast.  Hopefully someday I'll be a nurse.  :)

I like these videos:

The White-Luck Warrior / Kellhus + Anagogis = ?
« on: February 18, 2014, 05:18:18 pm »
Rereading TJE and got to the assault on Sakarpus--that concealing mist got me thinking that maybe this was Kellhus putting the anagogis to work.  Previously I had thought

K + Gnosis = fucking awesome
K + Daimons = demons everywhere, k makes yatwer eat aurang
K + Anagogis = stupid, no use for inferior majik

But then that mist--then I thought, is the seeing flame anagogis?  A dunyain (and a writer) would just love to lull everyone into a false impression and then BAM!  Plus, if the anagogis is good for *appearances* that could be especially attractive for dunyain use as he is always at pains to manipulate all of everybody.  WHAT SAY YOU?

Literature / I don't get Erickson
« on: February 18, 2014, 05:04:01 pm »
I've heard that Bakker fans should like Erickson books, so I tried it.  I liked the first one, rich world, big things going on, lots left to tell.  The ending came sudden and contrived but I was ready for book 2.  Could not finish.  Found the characters blank and their motivations insubstantial or unbelievable.  But I still hear how awesome Erickson is!  I'm going to give him another try because I feel like I must be wrong.

I don't mind if a book is demanding, heck that's why I like Bakker!  Where the fuck is a nice full description of a sranc?  Does it ever happen or is the reader just supposed to pick up a little here and there forever???  I don't mind.  Like it.  Like 'hard' books.  Like Gormenghast, whatever.  Like 'easy' books.  Like Harry Potter.  WHY CAN'T I LIKE MALZAHN??????

The Forum of Interesting Things / Bakker on Twitter
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:09:54 am »
I do not like the devil's chirp very much, not at all, not at all much really not good badly.  I wish he would stop.  When I see those things on the side of 3 lb brain, I cringe.  Too harsh?

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