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Wikiquote Project?

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Truth Shines ---I'm sure many of you already know the entry on the Warrior Prophet on Wikiquote.  I've been re-reading TTT just recently, and have come across a lot of great quotes.  I'm thinking why don't we do a project and create an entry for each of these books?  Each person can be responsible for a particular chapter or section.  We'll pool them together, talk about them, then post them to Wikiquote.  These can include both those opening quotes -- fictional proverbs, aphorisms -- from various chapters, as well as particularly pithy dialogues.

Just from TTT, two great examples (I'm quoting from memory, so they are inexact):

Example of Aphorism -- Truth and hope are two travelers in contrary directions.  They meet but once in any man's life.

Example of Dialogue -- (Moenghus to Kellhus): Set aside your convictions.  The feeling of certainty is no more a marker of truth than the feeling of will is a marker of freedom.  The deceived always think themselves certain, just as they always think themselves free.  This is simply what it means to be deceived.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Truth Shines ---What?  No one is interested?  I would have done it myself but the project is a little too big.  It would have been much better if more people join in.

Another excellent one for inspiration:

It is said faith is hope confused for knowledge.  Why believe, when hope alone is enough?
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---I hadn't heard of Wikiquote before your post, TS, but it is intriguing.

However, if there was a project I could afford time to tackle at the moment, beyond simply posting, it'd be the re-read for me. It's an experiment in crowd-sourcing, deducing and, in ways, generating the mysteries of Bakker's mind.

I often say I'm a full-time student, full-time employee, and I just want to be full-time Madness. Lol.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Wilshire ---Its an interesting idea, and there are a lot of quotes around here, and I've got a lot of quotes I personally like from the books.

Like Madness said though, it's a large project, and I've never heard of wikiquotes either, but it would be fun.

If you want it to become something big, something that involves a lot of people, you're going to have to start it. Truth Shines, you should start several topics, maybe one in each bored, one for each book or something. Title it something like "favorite quotes from this book", tell people what you want to do, and start each one by writing down some of your own.

I've got dozens of quotes laying around or marked in my books that I'd post to help get a few posts, but aside from that it would be a bit of a waiting game to see what happens.

After you've got some critical mass of quotes for a book, make one of them wikiquotes pages. I think it would be a great idea and I'll help you with some quotes but I don't know anything about the wikiquotes so that would be on you.

What do ya think?
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---Actually, that's a decent proposition. I'd dead tired tonight and it's my first night off in seven - I'm planning on creating some new threads tomorrow. Perhaps we can create a thread for each book or even use lockesnow's existing epigraphs threads and simply post our favoured quotes within them. Clearly, everyone's not reading this thread in particular but it's like the t-shirt ideas...

If you build the thread, the quotes will come :).
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