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« Reply #180 on: December 23, 2018, 06:30:05 pm »

This is an Icelandic TV show ( so if you don't know Icelandic, than you can watch it in English subtitles ). Pretty fucked up, pretty intense. Has nudity and hedonistic sexual scenes. As an American, I don't know what is accepted television visuals/content for an Icelander and what is gratuitous. I was fine with it as it's presented. The racy scenes flow like any other as it moves quickly through them conforming to the pace of the story ( if it was made in America, there would be some kind of mood music and build up to "present" the sexual content ) - this show just kind of flies along through it like it's no big deal. One scene had me laughing hard, I'm sorry, I have to relay this as I've never seen something like this before: A lawyer visits his client at his home where the client is throwing a sex party and he calls the client out of the room - the client just casually comes out, stark naked, and is "working" his cock while they're talking about an investigation. This casual "working" is not quite masturbation, I think he's just trying to keep himself juiced so he can continue what he was doing beforehand. I mean, this is normally something I would ignore and not care as I don't need sexual scenes to be interested in a story, but this was one fucked up scene that threw me. Anyways, I apologize, but I had to share that.

It was a good show - I was into it - not perfect, but it's a cool mystery with some damn fine acting. Fuck if Iceland isn't a shitshow if this program is anywhere near realistic. This show has a robust child porn ring operation going on there - systematic destruction of girls, hooking them on drugs and then subjected to severe sexual abuse and shared online. Mad stuff - if you have the constitution, it's worth a watch as I enjoyed it. The ending is a little weak, didn't meet the standard of the build up to it, but eh, still pretty good.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 11:41:27 pm by TaoHorror »
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« Reply #181 on: December 30, 2018, 05:00:58 am »
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan ( Amazon Prime tv show )

So I'm watching Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan Season 1, not yet finished - it's ok, hasn't gripped me yet - I shouldn't judge until I'm done with it, but here goes - I'll update if the ending is strong. It's not as good as it could be. It's at once too fast paced and too slow. The writing is overly character focused, so the plot suffers - too simplistic, no nuance - action over drama, so there's no authentic tension, having to rely on directing mechanics to make the story better than it is, a story that could be fascinating, but is just plain. And we're not learning anything interesting about spy-craft, it's really about the lead navigating his way through some tough situations while maintaining his identity. Simply put, it's not as good as it could/should be. Anyways, there's this one hilarious scene early on. A drone operator is starting to lose his cookies over all the people he's killed ( apparently, the operators give each other a buck for each kill ). He's at his house, has over $100 in dollar bills on the wall representing all of his kills and he takes them all and goes to a casino and let's it ride - long story short, he wins big trying to lose all of the money and he's freaked out. There's this couple next to him hootin' and hollerin' ( they say they're husband and wife - maybe they are ) and they get him drinking and get him back to his room. Now we, the viewer, are thinking they're going to rob him of his 20 grand in winnings - but no, LMAO! The "wife" has sex with him while the husband watches and the operator is all messed up about it, stammering and apologizing to the husband ( while the wife is having sex with him ). When she's done ( quickly ), she gets dressed and the husband beats him with a belt. I'm dying at this point, it's so fricken funny - freaks, they keep life alive. Anyways, he offers the money to the husband as they're leaving and he's like, "no, that's your money, you earned that" - this is like the one cool slightly complex scene so far in the whole thing, as he "earned" it in several ways: won it at the tables, risked it with the husband/wife sick role-playing team, earned it by killing people with drones.

Well, it's a descent show so far, I guess as I'm sticking with it, so some enjoyment with the thing. I'll follow this up when I'm done watching it.

EDIT: I finished watching this. It's gets an "eh" from me - it's ok, but not great. It's not leveraging cable freedom and is formulaic with some cable freak stuff in it, but it should be better given the budget and actors in the thing. So this falls in that jello land of not bad, but not good enough to recommend.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 06:39:58 pm by TaoHorror »
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« Reply #182 on: January 02, 2019, 06:28:32 pm »
The Marvelous Miss Maisel. Watched the first two episodes and I think its pretty hilarious. Well acted, and Rachel Brosnahan is hot, which is obviously nice.
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« Reply #183 on: January 02, 2019, 11:58:56 pm »
The Marvelous Miss Maisel. Watched the first two episodes and I think its pretty hilarious. Well acted, and Rachel Brosnahan is hot, which is obviously nice.
My wife loves this show. I've caught a few episodes when she's watching - smartly written, pretty funny stuff, great period cinematography.
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« Reply #184 on: January 03, 2019, 12:54:13 pm »
My wife loves this show. I've caught a few episodes when she's watching - smartly written, pretty funny stuff, great period cinematography.

Yeah, it's a good show.  My wife commented that she thought the second season was better than the first.  I disagree, but it is still good, even though I think it ended a bit nonsensically.
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« Reply #185 on: January 03, 2019, 02:39:26 pm »
My wife loves this show. I've caught a few episodes when she's watching - smartly written, pretty funny stuff, great period cinematography.

Yeah, it's a good show.  My wife commented that she thought the second season was better than the first.  I disagree, but it is still good, even though I think it ended a bit nonsensically.
There's a sense of whimsy in the show anyway though, so I can see that being OK.

And yes, its definitely got great period cinematography (if that's what you call it). You can fell the 50's(?) leaping off the screen.
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« Reply #186 on: January 08, 2019, 04:22:26 am »
So, apparently mad-as-fuck tv has been my bag lately - unintentional, didn't see these mad things coming. I'll start with Goliath, though I finished the second season few months back. This is a fascinating show - it blends mundane life with extreme violence and nasty plotting/scheming. Very enjoyable show, highly recommend it - but be warned, some intense violent drama. It's not so much a visual horror, but when you see the insane designs of "the bad guys" against our protagonist, it's like, WTF, who thinks this shit up. What's amazing is these ideas are not far-fetched, they could be happening, and yet clever and creative. I love shows that are smarter written than I am ( e.g. Dexter, Breaking Bad ) and this one qualifies.

The inspiration for this post is I'm in the middle of watching Blood ( Irish tv show ) - What ... the ... fuck ... I'll post a review when I'm done. It has it's hooks into me, but man, what a fricking mind game this thing is.
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« Reply #187 on: January 12, 2019, 12:21:44 am »
Finished Blood and not sure I would recommend it. 7 episodes, the first 3 were wild and entertaining. Then it slowed down and got a bit long in the tooth. Fucked up stuff, though. The ending is a real downer, so if you like the toilet flushing story experience, you'll like this, just a downward trajectory the whole way. Ending was interesting, I'll give it that, but this isn't must see tv, no need to add this one to your bucket list.

I'm now watching Wire in the Blood. Amazon has come up with what I find to be the most hilarious marketing manipulation to date - so funny, I actually like it. So when you've completed a series, it automatically starts another show for you to watch - a show you didn't pick, LOL! But it's a fairly intelligent feature, typically I like the next show they present to me. Well, this is what happened when I finished Blood. But it gets better, if you've just completed a Netflix show, the next show it brings up for you to watch is an Amazon Original in the same vein/genre as what you just finished, LMAO! So if you just finished a Netflix British cop show, you'll be presented with an Acorn British cop show ( Acorn is Amazon's British content service - yes, I pay for it, don't hate ). And if you don't do anything to stop it, you're watching it in like 5 seconds. I'm on the first episode and W - T - F ... the British are jacked, what the hell is going on that crazy island?
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« Reply #188 on: March 22, 2019, 05:02:17 pm »
Second season of The OA is out on Netflix today.  Might try to watch it this weekend.
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« Reply #189 on: March 31, 2019, 09:54:17 pm »
Suspiria (2018)
Pretty good overall, a couple of really brutal scenes, nice aesthetics. Felt like a lot of stuff could've been cut out; annoying low-frame-rate camera technique needs to fuck off. Happened a lot during the ending which ruined it a little bit.
It's a very female centric movie. It was nice to see an exertion of the female body that wasn't superhero bullshit or non-existent, as we so often see in cinema.


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« Reply #190 on: April 01, 2019, 06:16:53 pm »
Starz is one great big pile of shit. I get it, fuck awards and awards shows, they're fucked up, it's loser marketing bullshit with no real assessment of quality/art. But to cancel shows BECAUSE they received Emmy's is more so.

Boss - mind blowing, awesome. You people would love Boss, everyone's a bad guy and even the lead is a pure bastard ( not misunderstood, not making mistakes - he's a monster through and through and we the viewers still root for him, which is genius writing ) ... won Emmy's and lauded as amazing. CANCELLED after 2 seasons.

Counterpart - very cool stuff, a fascinating treatise on what forges our identity ( nature vs nurture vs circumstance ) and not from a scientific or even philosophical perspective, but a real world what if - extraordinary and fun to watch and yes, it won Emmy's. CANCELLED after 2 seasons.

Piece ... of ... shit ... ... ... PIECE OF SHIT! What a pile of shit network Starz is, WTF! Well, fuck all, I still highly recommend both of these shows even if they don't enjoy a soft landing of a proper story ending. Boss is a bit more leave you hanging, while Counterpart did end it's current story arc in Season 2, but that show could and should surely go on.




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« Reply #191 on: August 02, 2019, 06:09:48 pm »
Chernobyl ... wow, this show owned me. It's a limited run of 5 episodes on HBO. Highly recommend it. To be clear, I'm in no way making any assertions of it's accuracy, I don't know much of the details of what actually happened. That said, I/we welcome all comers and if you have some information/facts/perspective on the actual event, please share and know it's appreciated without judgement or disputation. I'm only giving this show an A+ based on how enjoyable it is to watch. The acting is crazy crazy good. Direction and story are superb, it's has a grip on your throat the entire time. Production is top shelf. This thing is a real horror show and if accurate, an actual hole was opened into hell, simply mad stuff.

Killing Eve - so this show is interesting as it has a lot going against it for me, a campy comedy girl power thing ... or so I thought, while it is those things, that's the cover for what turned out to be a fairly clever dark comedy/spy story that's more than what it appears. I typically don't like comedies, but this one was fun to watch and I recommend it. It's not super heavy, though it is quite violent - but the comedic aspects enhance the horror of the violence, not mute it. It's fun to watch and recommend it. No big reveal on human nature, just fun and I've been on a spy kick lately, though it suffers a bit on the intrigue and is more human interaction than clever plotting - a mix of every day people with the fantastic than genuine cloak and dagger stuff - it's not like "omg, what's going to happen next" like we get with The Americans, but more of what people who are typical psychologically react to genuine psychopaths. I'm not psychologist, but the lead psychopath is likely more caricature than real, but hey, they have to make it fun to watch. But it's not stupid either, not idiotically outlandish - they walk a nice line with this one.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 06:14:06 pm by TaoHorror »
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« Reply #192 on: September 02, 2019, 10:35:57 pm »

Dark is a German TV show on Netflix. They did a good job with the dubbing, so you can watch it in English if you want. 2 seasons out, 1 more to finish it off. I can't discuss it meaningfully without spoiling it, so here goes. I don't give away any plot, but the frame of the story will be ruined for you which, while revealed during 1st season, will take the fun out of discovery for you if you read my thoughts on it here.

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« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 11:12:44 pm by TaoHorror »
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« Reply #193 on: September 03, 2019, 12:10:24 pm »
My wife wasn't too interesting in watching Amazons The Boys, but I decided to check it out.  It's a good show, well worth watching, even if it is not exactly perfect.  It is also rather different than the comics and, even though I am only about 25 issues in, the show is really rather "better" than the comics to me.

If you want something that I guess could be taken as a "realistic" or "gritty" look at superheros, I'd probably like the show.
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« Reply #194 on: September 03, 2019, 12:38:13 pm »

Dark is a German TV show on Netflix. They did a good job with the dubbing, so you can watch it in English if you want. 2 seasons out, 1 more to finish it off. I can't discuss it meaningfully without spoiling it, so here goes. I don't give away any plot, but the frame of the story will be ruined for you which, while revealed during 1st season, will take the fun out of discovery for you if you read my thoughts on it here.

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Fully agree with this. Dark is slow existential horror and mystery. Love it.

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