Earwa > The White-Luck Warrior

Who destroyed the [spoiler] monastery?

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: WillemB ---The Dunyain did it themselves.  Sort of like burning the ships on the beach... there's no going back.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Garet Jax ---It's the Cish.

Feels good to say too.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Wilshire ---There are probably some here that would say it was Moenghus senior, but I am not one of those people.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: lockesnow ---I bet on Moe, who guided Kellhus to the safety of Leweth's hut, and destroyed the Dunyain during the 2-3 days that Kellhus was paralyzed, captivated by watching WATER flow in a creek.

I do love the idea that Moe destroyed the Dunyain and established there a colony of Dunyainic Cishaurim.

The roots of Ishual go DEEP, Akka and Mimara will arrive at the mansion of Ishteribinth from Below.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: WillemB ---
--- Quote from: lockesnow ---I do love the idea that Moe destroyed the Dunyain and established there a colony of Dunyainic Cishaurim.

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I like that kind of speculation, but wonder how you'd present it narratively without the explanation feeling like a Scooby-Doo reveal.  Although, to be fair, Bakker pulled off that kind of chatter-heavy exposition at the end of TTT by bouncing between POVs, then cycling back to Mo and Kellhus.

Now, remind me why we don't think Moenghus really died?  Something about a Cishaurim face projection?   I'm obviously late to the party.
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