As I mentioned in the Quorum today, back when I was an active member at the Podcast of Ice and Fire forum, we had this thing going where we'd draw an MS Paint version of every chapter for a given book in the series (one thread per book, starting, of course, at the beginning of the series). Anyone who wanted to join would claim a chapter and then post their depiction of it in the thread (using nothing but MS Paint) whenever they could (no time limits here). It was quite fun at times, and it was always great to see what different people came up with (and what particular scene(s) they chose to focus on in their drawing).
Like I said in the Quorum, TSA doesn't need to be all grimdark all the time, it can be amusing, as most of you may agree.

This would also give everyone who
doesn't have amazing drawing skills (like yours truly) the chance to create some actual TSA fanart.
So, would anyone be interested?
EDIT: As this is a small community, if enough people end up joining, I don't see why we couldn't have two (or more) versions of the same chapter. That just didn't happen in the APOIAF forums because it was a much bigger community, and people wanted to avoid having dozens of versions of the same chapter.