[TGO Excerpt Spoilers] The Great Ordeal ARC Giveaway

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« Reply #270 on: June 12, 2016, 09:57:12 am »
Prediction: Kellhus possesses some cryptic knowledge of the Inchoroi (some unrevealed outcomes of the probability trance?). Alternatively, he could have his own spies in Golgotterath. We'll be given to understand why Kellhus acts so resolutely sending the whole of his Empire to battle the mostly unstudied enemy.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 10:31:05 am by selwynmauberley »


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« Reply #271 on: June 12, 2016, 10:14:31 am »
Prediction: More of the Inchoroi are rushing at breakneck speed towards Eärwa. Cheesy but thrilling.


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« Reply #272 on: June 12, 2016, 10:17:12 am »
Prediction: Serwa will discover Consult skin-spies among the Nonmen.


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« Reply #273 on: June 12, 2016, 10:19:48 am »
Question: Can it be that Dunyain women aren't simply companions to Dunyain men, but rather have their special function within the scope of the mission of the Dunyain (by analogy with Bene Gesserit)?


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« Reply #274 on: June 12, 2016, 11:40:06 am »
5) Prediction: Serwa will not show any signs of mental instability.
The half-breed Dunyains are broken tools, sharp and exceptional, but uncontrollable. She looks and acts like a normal human being. Just like Kellhus before he had become the Emperor. She is one of the Conditioned who grew up in the strictest discipline and honed her mind with the study of the Gnosis. She is not mad. She is dangerous.

6) Prediction: Achamian and Mimara will stay in ruined Ishual.  She is pregnant and probably unable to move. They have to shelter from the winter. Thus, Achamian will have enough time to do some archeology and reveal at least a few secrets of the Dunyain.

7) Prediction: A whirlwind that surrounds the No-God is the side effect. It is a visual confirmation that the metaphysical ‘immune system’ of Earwa fights with something that is completely alien, something that doesn’t belong to this universe.


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« Reply #275 on: June 13, 2016, 11:51:11 am »
Prediction: Sorweel wil masturbate some more


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« Reply #276 on: June 13, 2016, 11:53:34 am »
Question: is the Consult commanding any Dragon?


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« Reply #277 on: June 13, 2016, 12:00:32 pm »
What a fun thread this has been!

There are only a couple hours left to get your predictions and questions in! MG is in CDT so I will lock the thread at 12pm CDT (1pm EDT) and we will announce the winners shortly thereafter (probably sometime before I go golfing again).

Cheers everyone - I'm glad to have met you all and I hope you stick around to share in this mad experiment.

Five more hours - get your posts in!
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Erratic Halaroi

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« Reply #278 on: June 13, 2016, 04:25:15 pm »
Golf is an excellent idea for this most unholy of Mondays. Madness, may your score be low and the water around the greens be splash free.   

Question - Are the Inchoroi playing the long game on this planet because this is their last stop on the their "Reducing Souls Because We Care" galactic tour? Did the Ark really crash land, or is this how it's been done on all the planets they have graciously introduced their particular brand of population control too?   

Side note: I am now I'm picturing a foursome of Kellhus, Achamian, Cleric, and Mekeritrig attempting to play golf and pondering how long it takes for one of them try and use sorcery to get the ball in the hole...and then, out of sheer frustration, using a war-cant to blow up the green and all around it entirely...hahaha...fucking golf.   

Erratic Halaroi

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« Reply #279 on: June 13, 2016, 04:37:22 pm »
Question - At some point, does Mimara have the opportunity to see her reflection while looking through the judging eye? If so, does she take it? If so, does what reflects back at her bring comfort or dread?   

Erratic Halaroi

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« Reply #280 on: June 13, 2016, 04:45:50 pm »
Question - Did the Nonmnn have counselors and Qirri clinics to help them kick the habit of Qirri?  Would Qirri be considered a "back ally" kind of drug...or will it have more of a high end, "upper class" set of users? My suspicion is the latter.

Silly question, I know...but I'm running out of time. I suspect my remaining 3 questions will get progressively worse. :)   

Erratic Halaroi

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« Reply #281 on: June 13, 2016, 04:48:17 pm »
I miscounted - only two questions left!

Question - If Halloween were celebrated on Earwa, what would the consult dress up as to try and come off as scary?  Bunnies?

Erratic Halaroi

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« Reply #282 on: June 13, 2016, 04:54:13 pm »
Last Question - If I could have a drink with one character from the books, who would it be?  Hmmm...I'm going to go with Cleric, the stories he could tell would be fascinating...though I would do my best to be walk the line between being good company and unremarkable...you know, so he does not feel compelled to kill me afterword's to remember me.

That's my 10. Thanks, Madness, for making his happen. Good luck to all and congrats to the winners.   


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« Reply #283 on: June 13, 2016, 05:11:34 pm »
That's my 10. Thanks, Madness, for making his happen. Good luck to all and congrats to the winners.   

Nah, the kudos all go to mrganondorf on this one. I'm just the face. Big round of applause for MG 8)!

Thanks, everyone, for participating and signing up :)!

I found many of your predictions and questions very witty and intelligent and I do hope that you all stick around.

The bakkerfans conglomerate will announce the winners and PM them shortly.

Golf is an excellent idea for this most unholy of Mondays. Madness, may your score be low and the water around the greens be splash free. 

Side note: I am now I'm picturing a foursome of Kellhus, Achamian, Cleric, and Mekeritrig attempting to play golf and pondering how long it takes for one of them try and use sorcery to get the ball in the hole...and then, out of sheer frustration, using a war-cant to blow up the green and all around it entirely...hahaha...fucking golf.   

Lol - it was a good round. I beat my Dad but I play a lot more than him. I'll probably try for another twilight eighteen tonight.

And I imagine Kellhus (or most any Dunyain) would make an incredible golfer.
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« Reply #284 on: June 13, 2016, 05:23:59 pm »
All you Bakker fans,

Thanks for participating!  The two winners will soon be randomly selected!  After they are selected, the winners will be announced and those two users will receive a private message here at www.second-apocalpyse.com about getting your books! 

Don't forget that of all the lovely places on the internet to discuss Bakker, this is the one forum dedicated just to his work.  Keep the conversation going!  Look at all of the threads already dedicated to The Great Ordeal: http://www.second-apocalypse.com/index.php?board=4.0  And that's just the latest book!

Let the fan theory parade never end! :)
Truth shines!
