Miscellaneous Chatter > RPG Discussion
Any pen&paper roleplayers here?
In terms of a ruleset, pretty much anything out there could be used for skills/combat/character development. The heavy lifting comes in with the magic system. Developing the metaphysics of Earwan sorcery is crucial. Also, we'd want to use something that does justice to the gravitas inherent in the setting. Castes and tribes are relatively easy to define. Jnan skill likewise. All the flavor can be easily built in. D20 is open source, but the class structure and magic system would need to be built from scratch I think. Thoughts?
Huh, i wasn't expecting that many posts in so short a time ;D
Very good.
Ok, so here goes:
Possibility a : We even create an own rulessystem for it (besides all the collecting of world entries for the setting guide). Not sure if anyone is interested in working out an own system. What we have to be clear on is that it is a LOT of work to make a system from scratch (that also does what it should, probabilities-side).
Possibility b : We take a system that is out there. I wholeheartedly agree that the d20 family (including PF) is waaaaaaaaaay out ;D I could live with FATE although i am not sure it is gritty enough (but it would support the storytelling part quite well).
If we go with b) I was thinking about the new Runequest 6 rulesset. It is an old game but it was dusted off quite nicely by the new company and it has nice rules for cults and magic and stuff which we could use for a PoN RPG...like, a lot ;)
If you want to use a class-based game, i think i am out. 1) I hate those :-X and 2) i don't think it matches Earwa that well and therefore is no real "way to go".
RQ6 has a class and level less system that nonetheless can simulate those aspects via culture and occupation/careers... a lot more elegant imo.
Another system that is more on the side of the narration/storytelling style is Cortex +, another interesting little system that even went open source.
I agree: no class system is essential. I also don't like those and have been tinkering for years on a classless alternative (i.e., skill-based). Not that I've got very far, mind, but there you go.
I'm not familiar with RQ6, but I'll see what I can learn.
If you hadn't guessed, I'm in ;D
Do you all need/want a subforum for sorting out the different aspects of this, rather than being constrained by one thread?
This would be superb, Madness, thanks a lot! :)
@ Somnambulist - Check for the srd of Mongoose Runequest 1 or Openquest srd. Those games are very similar.
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