Tyrants and Kings, or at least Jackal of Nar, is Madness' favorite fantasy (TSA aside AFAIK).
Specifically the second book,
The Grand Design, though
Jackal of Nar is pretty cool too. And I can't say it's my favorite fantasy aside TSA, though that specific book I recommend like
Speaker for the Dead (for which you have to at least be familiar with the events of
Ender's Game, to the audience

Legend is the only Gemmel book I've read, and for what it is I was very impressed.
I devoured most of Gemmell when I was like 14. So many great books.
And finally the Acts of Caine I was gushing about last year. I hope others find interest in it as I did, its a good story but it does take a rather strange after book 2. Kinda disappears into its own naval but still a great read regardless.
I liked the first two like I like
Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion. Definitely worth the read for Bakker fans.