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Messages - TaoHorror

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51 ... 77
The Unholy Consult / Re: For those of you who hated the ending …
« on: December 18, 2017, 05:08:51 pm »
I still can't understand people who didn't LOVE Kellhus dying.

Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the Proyas rape scene, was looking forward to more of that ... sigh

The Unholy Consult / Re: For those of you who hated the ending …
« on: December 18, 2017, 05:07:42 pm »
Great post, TaoHorror!

I have many frustrations. So, I must be getting it?

ETA: though I get the ending. Bakker need not write another book and TSA would be complete in my mind. Kellhus, might be salt, (and I'm not talking about what Bakker said), but Kellhus will be part part of th story going forward.

Thank you, MSJ, you're kind. I agree, he could've stopped with TUC, it is an ending. But appears he has more in him and if for no other reason to get some more reveals, I think it could be worth it. It could be, "now that I've got everyone pissed off, they're ready ... "

The Unholy Consult / For those of you who hated the ending …
« on: December 18, 2017, 04:08:44 pm »
This post is a “guess” … which is to say I don’t know Bakker, nor can I read the man’s mind. Over the past few months I’ve seen some criticism of the work on plot and clarity and hope to rope some of you back into enjoying these books and look forward to more, as I do.

Bakker has been presenting the coming/happening of what he calls The Semantic Apocalypse on 3 Pound Brain. He’s leveraging a “Bulls-eye” approach in that medium; he’s telling you exactly what it is, that it’s happening, why and how it’s happening and his concerns about it. I think he knows he’s losing a lot of people with that discussion and he’s not surprised by it. He’s simply showing us something most ( if not all ) of the rest of us cannot see because we’ve never looked at something like this before ( or more accurately, we’ve not used our “eyes” in a way beyond what evolution has yielded us ). He’s pointing right at it, but we’re looking up, down, behind us, eyes closed, right at it but not understanding it – his “pointing”, precision, is not good enough to get us to see it.

The books are an alternative approach to showing us this Semantic Apocalypse. By using tools such as obfuscation, misdirection, inconsistency, deception and lies, he’s having us follow him through the forest to get to “it”; since the bull’s eye approach is failing him, he’s trying to jar us into understanding using a medium so many enjoy. This is why he says those who are most put off by the books are actually “getting” the story better than those of us who don’t. Which is to say, those who are pissed off with the ending of TUC, et al are actually following him to see what he sees. The rest of us not so disappointed are risking not ever getting “there” … by trusting him too much we could be cheapening the experience taking a shortcut to the destination, missing the richness of the journey ( which is designed to enhance our “sight” ) and may still not get it once we arrive. Those of us ( like myself ) who enjoy the details so much, we risk never even arriving ( wandering around the forest, following our own path, too easily amused  ). He’s not a sadist, he’s getting no pleasure from this. He’s alarmed and doing his best avoiding the Casandra trap ( clairvoyance without believability ), he genuinely needs more brains on this to vet this out so we/humanity have a chance to adapt and survive it.

If you’ve read this far ( i.e. 7 books ), considering not giving up and continuing. Yes, our beloved hero is salt. Yes, there’s a lot of crazy shit that doesn’t make sense. Keep going and bring your anger/disappointment with you – we may find something of what he’s going on about together. Some of the richest insights into the work have come from the harshest critics.

Author Q&A / Re: Unholy Consultation - *SUPER SPOILERIFIC*
« on: December 15, 2017, 06:19:56 pm »
Well, I'm not Bakker, but I'll give it a shot - the "un-mutilated" mutilated could well pose "superior" as he/she/it appears unharmed ( will refer to as "he" heretofore for ease of conversation ). But then again, maybe not - could be a lot of things:

  • He was easier to trap/subjugate
  • He was an inside man ( we have zero details on the approach to the Ishual battle/war, could be Consult turned one of them before going in )
  • Could've been one of the first engaged and was surprised, so was subdued before he could escape
  • He could be Shae
  • He could've been re-architect-ed with Techne
  • He could've surrendered serving as a poison pill ( and could still be acting in that capacity )

And the list goes on. Interesting that the most fascinating battle/war was barely covered as a recollection ... any additional detail on that conflict along with more insight to who/what the mutilated are in the next books will be butta for me.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Dreams, No God, Serwa
« on: December 13, 2017, 02:43:57 pm »
But I can't imagine any Nonmen remaining with the Ordeal are going to appreciate that practice.

Don't know about that - Cleric started the practice and perhaps sacrificed himself to Akka knowing he would need "him" to continue to Ishual. Me thinks there's more to quiri than the objective benefits - some connection occurs for which non-men may not consider a violation or disrespect, even flattery that humans still need/rely on them.

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (VI)
« on: December 09, 2017, 05:44:44 pm »
+1 for Shae

Consider new territory: Kellhus ass-raping Proyas

General Earwa / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Tolkien & Eucatastrophe
« on: December 08, 2017, 08:33:02 pm »
I'm a simpleton, just pulling from something cool/fun to read - no expectations from me.


I don't how you Can't get that from his answers and the question. My perspective, I mean. I can't see it any other way, that's just me though.
I originally interpreted that post of Bakker the same way you do, but now I also see that it can be interpreted to mean that the No-God existed previously and served the purpose of reducing any living population to the 144k, and so without it the Inchoroi of old needed some cruder methods of committing genocides. And lo and behold, the Womb Plague.

I honestly can't tell which interpretation is more likely considering the information available, so this is probably the point when we find ourselves requiring additional clarification from Bakker.

I summon and he returns! Missed you, SL!

Before all of this rich discussion - I had the (mis)understanding TNG was was part of the plan all along ( i.e. was used in other worlds ). But I agree with Wilshire, they probably ( were all told ) every world they eradicated was special per his point.

Now after reading through all of this, I see hints/evidence from Baker, et al that either could be possible. Even the original insertant reference could be stretched to still refer to someone from Earwa before NC ... by all appearances, to me, it seems TNG was used throughout the galaxy, it broke on its way into Earwa with the "original insertant" no longer living, they repair TNG and then find a lucky candidate to power/use it. A big question is why NC and Kel resembled those candidates. Just random luck? Someone goosing their souls on the way in?

General Misc. / Re: Dan Mumford Art
« on: December 07, 2017, 05:40:18 pm »
That is some trippy stuff, I so love the pretty colors  :)

Writing / Re: The Lost Zorro Transcriptions
« on: December 05, 2017, 01:47:08 pm »
Cheers, claps, laughs!

Writing / Re: The Lost Zorro Transcriptions
« on: December 05, 2017, 12:49:31 pm »
please, continue!

Philosophy & Science / Re: How To Be Happy
« on: December 04, 2017, 04:40:44 pm »
Oooh, aaah, pretty! Wish I looked that cute. Yeah, happiness is for suckers ... sign of a shallow mind.

Philosophy & Science / Re: How To Be Happy
« on: December 04, 2017, 03:36:44 pm »
Happiness is awareness of reality. Nietzsche ( at times ) beautifully expresses components, such as happiness is the feeling power is growing inside you - but there's more.
Conversely, unhappiness is the feeling that an Alien is growing inside of you. ;)

I don't know - that could tickle  :D

Philosophy & Science / Re: How To Be Happy
« on: December 04, 2017, 02:21:47 pm »
Happiness is awareness of reality. Nietzsche ( at times ) beautifully expresses components, such as happiness is the feeling power is growing inside you - but there's more.

Hmm, think I'm getting lost with the recent comments ( which is quite in character for those of you who know me ). Are we saying that if the world is "shut", the remaining denizens won't have a soul anymore ( ergo, p-zombies )? I just thought the souls would be "trapped" on Earwa - where else would they go if they couldn't reach the Outside?

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