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Messages - TaoHorror

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51] 52 53 ... 77
The state of affairs intro's he's been doing in the books may clear some things up if he continues doing that with the next book. They've helped me out a few times with some things I didn't understand.

General Misc. / Re: Back from my unintended hiatus
« on: November 22, 2017, 08:29:24 pm »
It was about non-coeliac gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease in a sample of Portuguese patients.

+1 for Celiac ( clarity: I'm a sufferer of it, not in favor )

... did you mean the one about the loose ends/things being tied up in the narrative?

I don't remember ( trying to block it ), you said you liked the witches and I called them bitches - anyways, was meant to make you/all laugh, but was a dud so I retract said statement. The timing was funny in that I posted it right before I read about Madness dropping the hammer on us offenders ( I'm guessing the order of posts made it seem I was posting as an affront to Madness, but I wasn't - just a really bad coincidence ). In reality, I liked the witches as well ( wish I were one ).

General Misc. / Re: Back from my unintended hiatus
« on: November 21, 2017, 07:11:59 pm »
Yeah, a previous gf brought home a "lost" kitten ( I suspected the "rescue" was a cat burglary ) and I put her outside for the night to see if she would find her way home ... she didn't, so I kept her ( Beatrise ), lived 16 years. I thought cats didn't respond to their names, but maybe as you say, the name we gave her was too hard for her to "get".

You made me paranoid I ran you off, your last post was one I responded to with poor humor, LOL - good to have you back!

General Misc. / Re: InspiroBot
« on: November 21, 2017, 07:02:30 pm »
Hee, hee - that's awesome ... Inspirobot has a keen sense for the obvious at times.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Conspiracy or paranoia?
« on: November 21, 2017, 06:54:36 pm »
I wouldn't say I "believe" in conspiracies - if I were aware of them, then they didn't do a good job of obfuscation as I'm not privy to any inside info on anything. That all said, I find it more fun to think in terms of conspiracy, so I enjoy hearing about them.

General Misc. / Re: InspiroBot
« on: November 21, 2017, 06:48:38 pm »
No, I think it meant "under" - not that it's always right, of course.

Well, the No-God does several things and possibly through something of the same mechanism(s).


The "question" then is, what divides Humans from Sranc, at that point?  Supply your own answer, at this point.  Do humans, absent of "consequence" regress to such a "primal" state?  Do they strive to (re)create that higher meaning?

H, this has to be the most cogent explanation of TNG I've read/thought about so far - very well done, thank you!

Literature / Re: YOU MUST TELL ME ... What else are you reading?
« on: November 18, 2017, 02:07:13 am »
Speaking of Malazan. I'm 82 % complete with Gardens of the Moon. Paran reminds me of Proyas, except the latter is more potent a character, imo.

Any good or is it bullshit?
Don't say bullshit and Malazan in the same sentence again,  Tao :P

Aaaaah, you like it, don't you? Well, ok then, I'll see what all the fuss is about.

Literature / Re: YOU MUST TELL ME ... What else are you reading?
« on: November 18, 2017, 12:40:49 am »
Speaking of Malazan. I'm 82 % complete with Gardens of the Moon. Paran reminds me of Proyas, except the latter is more potent a character, imo.

Any good or is it bullshit?

Literature / Re: YOU MUST TELL ME ... What else are you reading?
« on: November 17, 2017, 11:02:54 pm »
God ... DAMMIT! They're making Kingkiller Chronicles into a tv show - wasted my time reading that Wind book, fuck.

Ok, too much damn talk about this Erickson guy, I'll dive into the first one ( Gardens of the Moon ). Anyone know if the Audio CD Book is any good?

Philosophy & Science / Re: What do you believe? (Redux)
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:00:20 pm »
I believe I have a lot to do and very little time to get it all done.

Great, H - just drop the "I believe I'll have another beer" response - bring it on, man! WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?

The bigger game is not the success/failure of TNG or how it should "end", but how does humanity prevent so many ( maybe all of us ) from damnation. That's a 2 fold problem: those already damned ( is there a way to save them still - if there's not, while I understand the panic of those still living, a callous approach to throw millions under the eternal bus just to spare yourself ) and those in line to be damned. The Inchoroi determined TNG to be a solution to this problem, but there is still too much mystery about TNG ( like even it if reduces the population to 144k, would that break the soul cycle and shut the gods out - it might not, hasn't on other worlds apparently ). Also, are there alternatives less violent to accomplishing the same thing? Appears Kellhus thought so. Let me tell ya, if dying at the hands of the TNG meant avoiding eternal damnation, count me in!

In short, the next books will explore all of this on 3 or so levels: Individual TNG effect experiences ( hoping for some from the Mutiliated, but we'll get Akka/Mimarra/the boy/Moe Jr at the very least ), TNG war strategic experiences ( which cities fall, how fast, population counts, Zeum and other country resistance efforts, divine expressions perhaps ) and if any of this improves outlooks for humans in the afterlife. Damnation dwarfs all other concerns, so much so it led mad horrifying plans by The Consult to address it. Kellhus apparently was pursuing other avenues - while the GO was a hell of a journey ( pun intended ), it seemed to be a kinder approach than what The Consult are pursuing - but if Kellhus's approach fails, then The Consult are probably on the right track.

To bring this back around to the original topic, if I simply gain some insight as to what the hell happened in the GR, I would be satisfied.

Hey, I liked the dog book ( was hoping he would kick out the next one ). Neuropath was a buzzkill, but still liked it - not sure how much of it is true, but learned a lot.

Philosophy & Science / Re: What do you believe? (Redux)
« on: November 14, 2017, 07:25:04 pm »
When I was in college, I answered the door naked once when JW showed up knocking. The mother slapped her hand on her daughter's eyes, her daughter was trying to squirm out of her hold exclaiming, "let me see, let me see!". I wouldn't do that now, of course.

In my current incarnation, I'm what you would call a liberal christian ( to overly generalize for ease of conversation ) - which is a christian who doesn't believe people go to hell just because they aren't Christians. A quick run down of the 3 basic categories ( again, overly simplifying for conversation - there are over 1600 denominations around the world, all full of texture, depth and identity ). Fundamentalists place going to church as or more important than the bible. Evangelicals put the bible ( as written word, verbatim best they can ) above going to church. Both F and E typically believe you have to "accept" Christ to be saved ( again, some texture - some believe Jews are exceptions, etc ). Liberal Christians believe it's not important to be a bible scholar to enter heaven ( a criticism of the Evangelicals ), but anyone who "walks" the life of Christ is saved ( or at least values/aims for that walk, nobody is perfect ). When Jesus says the only way to the father is through him ( bp ), we take that to mean living his life/living a "good" life, not requiring one to "accept him as lord and savior". We view the ( to use Bakker language ) endless disputation on the meaning of passages of the bible, the infighting among Christians on the "specifics" to be a waste of time and worse leading down the wrong path, driving away others. So Liberal Christians agree with the major tenets of the bible and try to shirk off the self-inflicted wounds of traditional Christendom ( hypocrisy, cafeteria sin tolerance, license for bad behavior ) ... so those really badly behaving people out there that claim they're saved giving them the green light to do whatever they like ... liberal Christians have news for them, they're not. Atheists can be saved to our point of view ( questioning God's existence gives God a ping of pride, to our way of thinking ). If you can follow just the one ( hardest ) directive of Christ, to love your enemies, the rest all falls into place and you need not read more on how to live from the bible or anything else. Of course, it can be a lot of fun to do so, but not required if you can actually love your enemies. The "proselytizing" we do is to walk that walk among others, lead by example - spread "good" if you will, not try to "turn" anyone.

Your position on religion is understandable - religion is run by massive numbers of humans, all fraught with error and evil. Bit of advice, don't let your sour view on religion deprive you of some cool stuff. Like reading the rich texts from various "gurus" for example. The mistake ( some ) evangelicals make is to disregard the amazing reads out there which dispute or criticize religion with some even "avoiding"  science, which is sad to miss out on so much humanity. Atheists can make the same mistake in the other direction - some of the spiritual history and texts are wild, fun stuff to read. Religious history is the history of humanity - to avoid/disregard them is to miss out on some seriously cool history and exposure to wild-ass intellectuals.

Philosophy & Science / Re: What do you believe? (Redux)
« on: November 14, 2017, 06:49:19 pm »
I forgot to answer the question: What do you believe?
No gods. No demons. Just people who think they are.

Pretty sure my son falls in the latter category ( i.e. he thinks he's a demon )

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