The Prince of Nothing (Film)

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« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2013, 03:13:56 pm »
Quote from: Truth Shines
Quote from: bbaztek
Teaser needs to be a panning shot of the Holy War marching on Shigek with dramatic, pithy voice-over from Akka. Final shot are an army of sorcerers duking out in the air with bass-heavy concussive blasts, mouths alight. Key is to not make it look like Dragon Ball Z: Now in Middle Earth to the average moviegoer, but something out of a history book or the Bible except there are people who can make your blood boil with a word. Done right, and you could leave a whole theater going "What the fuck was that? That was awesome!"

I think the teaser should come from the Prologue.  I'm still undecided between two scenes.

Howling snow storm.  A lone cabin.  The tipsy fur trapper pouring his heart out to Kellhus, declaiming against the world, announcing that he's fled from his native city to forget his dead wife.  Then we swtich to Kellhus' perspective, and see the twitching of the corner of the eyes, increasing heartbeat (nothing too robocop :)), and hear a second voice of the trapper overlaid with the first, fainter, but saying the exact opposite things.  We then witness the master perform his psychological surgery.  Then the voice over with something like: "In a world of ignorance and self-deception, one man has come to illuminate all.  Logos.  Reason.  The self moving soul.  A prince of nothing."  Dun dun dun.

Or: a simpler, more kinetic one.  Just the dual between Kellhus and the Nonman.  Drenching rain.  A blonde man in monk's clothing (I can't shake the image of those Shaolin kungfu monks) holding a long pommelled sword, facing off against a fully armored figure (those god-aliens in Prometheus are a good template).  With a cry of "Most memorable!" from the Nonman, suddenly the two explode toward each other.  Blinding sword strokes clashing, sparks flying.  The monk gradually gaining the upperhand, until the sword flies out of the Nonman's hand, and the monk, breathing evenly, has the point of his sword just kissing the Nonman's throat.  He says "Now you will answer my questions."  The Nonman begins to laugh maniacally -- "No, it is you who are the question."  Then -- well, just follow exactly what Bakker writes.  That part is an excellent script already.

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« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2013, 03:14:03 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
Good stuff, Truth Shines. Those scenes as they are originally written might be needed to be streamlined a little for accessibility but I have no doubt in my mind they would make for compelling marketing.

Whatever tone they do decide for the teasers/trailers*, I stand by that Skaeos' opening his face needs be the iconic holy shit moment of the movie, much as I'd like to see that scene over some psycho strings in an official trailer before the cut to black.

*yes i know a pon movie will never happen la la la la

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« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2013, 03:14:10 pm »
Quote from: Wilshire
scene with the nonman gets my vote for teaser. so intense.

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« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2013, 03:14:17 pm »
Quote from: Francis Buck
I was reading People and came across this actress I had never scene before:,0,214,314_.jpg

...and I instantly thought of Esmenet. Seriously, if I was making this movie, that's who I would cast. The ethnicity fits, she's very attractive but still has a mature look, and her accent could work for the exotic nature of the fantasy setting.

And for Mimara:

Damn, that girl just drives me wild. Yeah...oh, right, I forgot we were talking about casting a PoN movie...

EDIT: By the way, how do you post a link as text?

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« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2013, 03:14:23 pm »
Quote from: Auriga
Truth Shines, awesome ideas. I was also thinking a perfect trailer for a Darkness That Comes Before movie would show the conversation where the tipsy Leweth spills his heart out. It's really a perfect scene for a trailer - it's fascinating in a psychological way, it doesn't reveal anything of the storyline while also showing a few essentials, and it makes the audience more curious. The psychological surgery would be disturbing as hell. The visuals in that scene should be interesting - using close-ups of Leweth's sweating brow and beating pulse is a bit cheesy, but it could be done right. A much better idea is to have Leweth's dialogue overlaid with another (much fainter) dialogue, where he says the total opposite of the excuses he's telling Kellhus. The night-time convo takes place in shadow and firelight, and we mostly see just their expressive faces.

A good trailer would focus on the psychological aspect of the story, not on the "epic fantasy! swords 'n' sorcery! sci-fi aliens!!!" parts. Showing fight scenes with sorcerers is the worst idea for a trailer, it just gives a dumb "Dragonball Z" vibe that doesn't fit the story at all.

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« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2013, 03:17:44 pm »
Quote from: Auriga
Quote from: The Sharmat
I could support something like that, but only if the world only looked like that in Mimara-vision. Would be a nice way to visually convey the inherent narrative difference between her sections and everyone else, since obviously you couldn't do the past vs. present tense divide.
Showing Mimara's narrative in a stark black-and-white is also a great idea. It both shows the vast difference between her world and everyone else's, and conveys the moral extremes of the universe (there is only absolute holiness or damnation, no shades of grey). It's been mentioned before, but the sections with Mimara, and these hypothetical movies in general, should have a vaguely  "Biblical" feeling to them. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one movie that felt really "scriptural", and that's Bergman's The Seventh Seal. It's got that somber mood, color scheme of pitch-black darkness and stark white, bleak medieval setting, and a lot of symbolism. Just check out the witch-burning scene in that movie to see what I mean:

Other ideas...the first scene in the first movie should make a visual impression, for sure. Maybe begin with a long silence and snow flying in the blackness over Ishual? The whole prelude of the movie, before Kellhus encounters people, could use a combo of occasional sparse dialogue and maybe a voice-over at the start (the first scene should probably have a very brief "history lesson" voice-over - the narrator is Achamian, long before we meet him).

A "magical realism" approach is probably best for the supernatural stuff, at least for the first hypothetical movie (which would be based on book one and the first parts of book two.) The sorcery fireworks mostly take place in the second and third parts.

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« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:02 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
Quote from: Auriga
A good trailer would focus on the psychological aspect of the story, not on the "epic fantasy! swords 'n' sorcery! sci-fi aliens!!!" parts. Showing fight scenes with sorcerers is the worst idea for a trailer, it just gives a dumb "Dragonball Z" vibe that doesn't fit the story at all.

I couldn't disagree more. I'm not talking 2 minutes of fast cuts and IN A WORLD bs, but a glimpse, just enough to whet the appetite and let the viewer know this is not just any fantasy film: it's one where the capacity of a human being to boil blood with a word or throw geometrically perfect parabolas of light into screaming armies is treated with all the visual power and gravitas that it would be if it were real. What I love about Bakker's sorcery is how raw it feels: the air cracks and concusses, fortifications are blasted to bits, armies reel in terror at the mere sight of a sorceror. A teaser that showcases the more visceral side of the story (cheesy spec effects notwithstanding, they have to be perfect, I can't stress that enough) would only attract more viewers. Throw in some psychological trailers, and you could have a perfect storm of hype.

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« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:09 pm »
Quote from: Wilshire
Quote from: Auriga
A good trailer would focus on the psychological aspect of the story, not on the "epic fantasy! swords 'n' sorcery! sci-fi aliens!!!" parts. Showing fight scenes with sorcerers is the worst idea for a trailer, it just gives a dumb "Dragonball Z" vibe that doesn't fit the story at all.

Along with what bbaztek said, remember the point of a movie trailer is to draw people in. Its to make people want more, and besides, everyone here knows the story. Why not hope for a thrilling teaser trailer rather than a droll philosophical black and white story? Sure it doesn't 'capture' the essence of the books, but hey, the books draw different people in for different reasons. You probably shouldnt just ostracize those who like the action in the books because you feel that your POV is the right one.

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« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:16 pm »
Quote from: Auriga
Quote from: bbaztek
I couldn't disagree more. I'm not talking 2 minutes of fast cuts and IN A WORLD bs, but a glimpse, just enough to whet the appetite and let the viewer know this is not just any fantasy film: it's one where the capacity of a human being to boil blood with a word or throw geometrically perfect parabolas of light into screaming armies is treated with all the visual power and gravitas that it would be if it were real.
Hmmm, you do have a point. It's not a bad idea for a trailer, if done right. A brief but tantalizing glimpse of a sorcerer with light blazing from eyes and mouth - the book's description, "a mask before the sun", was a perfect one - would be way more effective with the audiences in a trailer, than a minute of flashy lightshows and "omg so cool" MTV fast cuts. However, as you said, the sorcery needs to be treated with dignity and gravitas in a hypothetical Prince of Nothing movie, otherwise it will just be a total fail. The sorcery action is obviously an important part of the books, but not exactly the easiest thing to put onscreen.

As for the to show them onscreen? The Battle of Kiyuth would be the first one we see, I guess, and it would have to look as gritty and realistic as possible. A lot of medieval battles between Byzantine legions and Asian nomads, so there's plenty of historical inspiration. Cavalry charges, grunting shield-walls, screaming horses and men, lots of filth and gore. Only at the end of the battle do things turn supernatural - the audience (and the Scylvendi) would have a shocked "WTF" moment of mind-boggling terror when the Nansur sorcerers show up out of nowhere and start raining hellfire.

(Am I the only one who had Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" in my head in that scene?)

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« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:24 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
Kiyuth would be the "hook" of the movie. Here's a standard medieval battle, barbarians, knights, swords, spears, shields, the whole shebang, albeit with fantasy cultures. And just as the average moviegoer is beginning to regret taking a leap of faith "on that Prince of Nothing movie", the Cishaurim come and tear absolute ass. People disintegrating, bodies combusting, utterly batshit insane pyrotechnics that look as real as modern cgi technology can make them. The movie needs visceral power that hits like a hammer to the gut, and nothing could prepare the viewer for the thrill ride of the first book than Kiyuth done right.

I spend entirely too much time posting about a movie that will never exist. Sigh.

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« Reply #55 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:31 pm »
Quote from: Ajokli
I've yet to see CGI that would fit in the world of Earwa. Too pretty and surreal

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« Reply #56 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:37 pm »
Quote from: Wilshire
Sorcery is nothing if not surreal in TSA. Its poorly understood, rare to see, and absolutely powerful. Also, dunno about you but pretty sorcery would tie into the whole duality theme of the series. Something so beautiful in the eyes of men, but so jarring and damning in the eyes of a sorcerer. From different POVs it should look completely different, cleansing and angelic or damning and demonic depending on whos eyes you look through or from what culture the person is from.

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« Reply #57 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:44 pm »
Quote from: Ajokli
Good point

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« Reply #58 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:50 pm »
Quote from: KRST IS

Anasurimbor Kellhus - Chris Hemsworth

Anasurimbor Esmenet - Indira Varma

Anasurimbor Mimara -

Drusas Achamian -

Serwe -

Cnaiur urs Skiotha -

Psatma Nannaferi - Lindsay Duncan

Nil'giccas (Incariol, Cleric) - Paul Bettany

Anasurimbor Kelmomas - Jack Gleeson

Ikurei Conphas - Kevin McKidd

I might post more if I see any good ones ;)

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« Reply #59 on: June 03, 2013, 03:18:59 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Welcome to the Second Apocalypse, KRST IS.

Bettany is an inspired choice.