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Messages - themerchant

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The Thousandfold Thought / Re: The fate of Cnaiur
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:57:26 pm »
Well he lives on as a level 90 druid in world of warcraft, just finished levelling him last night. I'm going to guide him to happier times as my miner and jewelcrafter.

This is fan fiction cnaiur though, not the real one, he is terrifying.

Should have been a death knight for accuracy ;)

Not that I should talk, since my death knight's name alludes to Three Seas magery.

My DK is called Nilgiccas  :-[

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: The fate of Cnaiur
« on: February 23, 2014, 05:47:47 pm »
Well he lives on as a level 90 druid in world of warcraft, just finished levelling him last night. I'm going to guide him to happier times as my miner and jewelcrafter.

This is fan fiction cnaiur though, not the real one, he is terrifying.

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Moenghus is a lying liar who lies
« on: February 23, 2014, 05:25:34 pm »
When he is talking with Moe he looks at his "halos" and thinks how can there be light that casts no shadow, am i mad? The light of delusion...

So he has some small internal doubt but then his actions show he hasn't really listened to it, he stabs moe, says he is more than Dunyain he is a harbringer, I'm not sure myself everything i see has merit and makes sense as an argument.

the kind of thing with Kellhus though is, all these little clues can be explained as him laying traps so folk believe false things, you can just continue spiralling down.

My own thought is just like all the actions in the Prince of Nothing everything is conditioned as well in The Aspect Emperor. Now there might be a moment in each trilogy where the conditoning breaks down,thwarting the conditoner in some, Kellhus on the circumfix in Trilogy one and becoming "broken" and perhaps the twin souled Crazy Kel in trilogy two.

I'm still thinking that Moe is still active in some capacity(but probably dead), after all you can't build walls against that which is secret.

Literature / Re: I don't get Erickson
« on: February 18, 2014, 08:43:14 pm »
So, should I be patient or read out of order?  Book 3 first?

 Best to read in order as there is some overlap. I'm not a huge fan of his but memories of ice is a good book imo.

Literature / Re: I don't get Erickson
« on: February 18, 2014, 05:20:11 pm »
The third book a memory of ice , is in my opinion the best book in the series. the jumping about is a bit weird, the 3rd book follows on from the 1st and 4th one from the 2nd. With the 5th one taking place before any of the others in another continent, the 5th book is my 2nd favourite one.

General Earwa / Re: Sound like anyone you know?
« on: February 16, 2014, 04:59:16 pm »
I don't think it reads like Bakker that much at all.

Totalbiscuit started off as a youtuber doing videos about games, like world of warcraft, he's much bigger now but i don't really follow him, i noticed he was commentating some hearthstone tournament at Blizz Con.

General Earwa / Re: Kellhus and Nau Cayuti
« on: February 16, 2014, 12:41:24 am »
The whole No-God is soul-borne Nau-Cayuti... that literally is nerdanel in extreme - the only piece of evidence this is based on is that there is a nameless captive being dragged towards a Golden Room.

I don't buy it.

But equally nerdanel is the idea that Kellhus is time-warped Nau-Cayuti, which I do buy.

But hell, I've submitted that Achamian and Kellhus travel through time at the end of this series to fight the First Apocalypse.

Oh was it you that first proposed that? I've always liked that one, it's my favourite nerdanel , last triology called the first apocalaypse.

Philosophy & Science / Re: Animal (and AI?) Personhood with Singer and Brin
« on: February 12, 2014, 12:51:36 pm »
That was amazing! Crow power

"“He’s not Cishaurim.” The thing had spoken this softly, as though to preserve tiny eardrums.

A cat-curious turn of the head. “Indeed,” the Synthese said after a moment. “Then what is he?”


Tiny grimace. Small, glistening teeth, like grains of rice, flashed between its lips. “All games end with me, Gaortha. All games.”

Sarcellus became very still. “I play no game. This man is Dunyain. That’s what the Scylvendi calls him. She said there’s no doubt.”

“But there’s no order called ‘Dunyain’ in Atrithau.”

“No. But then we know that he’s not a Prince of Atrithau.”

The Old Name paused, as though to cycle large Crow thoughts through a small Inchoroi intellect."

It now all makes sense lol

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Conspiracy or paranoia?
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:56:50 am »
I prefer justified paranoia with no conspiracy.

No WMDs in Iraq, but Bush gets reelected?

The banks fuck up the world economy, pay some meager fines, and go after pensions as the new resource they want to gamble away.

People know about the injustices of conflict minerals and sweat shop labor.

All this is open information.

So why is there a need for conspiracy?

there is no need for a conspiracy.

They do happen though, for instance Iran-Contra (in America) over here we have the deliberate suppresion of the McCrone report, plus many many more.

However the banking collapse had banks knowingly mis-sell toxic debt, that another arm of the bank had categorised as triple A for them, then bet short on it. The LIBOR rate was being manipulated as well, there is no need for a conspiracy, but if there is one it should be dealt with.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Meppa is X
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:43:26 am »
I suspect Meppa is significantly more powerful than any other Cish we've seen , i believe it is described in text he has an "ocean" worth of water or words to that effect.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Esmenet & Aurang
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:33:03 am »
Maith has a mother as well and it's not esme. Although i often wonder at his mother, considering his reference to Inrilitas about having his mothers bones and them being soft. Was Maithanet a test-tube baby or was his mother big-boned?

Philosophy & Science / Re: Animal (and AI?) Personhood with Singer and Brin
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:02:31 am »

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Meppa is X
« on: February 10, 2014, 03:29:43 pm »
Second being his Neuropunctured Cishaurim experiment.

That's what i think as well, i also think the skin-spy with a soul is his , that's why Maith knew about it, and also knew where it's "off" button was. The actual thing itself is completely blind that it is serving Moe and not the Consult. God knows what happened to it, maybe it is Meppa.

I also think that Moe is dead but perhaps will live on in a seswatha type capacity. Perhaps imprinted in Meppa.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Conspiracy or paranoia?
« on: February 10, 2014, 03:21:43 pm »
Yeah i know Charlie Brooker, his show is more for comedy than actually delving into the issues. It is very funny and Brooker is smarter than me that's for sure.

I don't watch TV anymore, beyond watching some shows later on, or sporting events live.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Conspiracy or paranoia?
« on: February 07, 2014, 03:27:32 pm »
the problem with trying to parse what happened with the buildings brought down by aeroplanes and the WTC7 is all the material has been shipped away, so that horse has bolted anyway

What do you think is the most plausible explanation to the collapse of building 7?

Well despite what some folk say(loose change) there was some serious fires raging in WTC7 and structural damage. The problem i have saying my own theory is, then i leave it open to challenege and it will require me to go get videos with time stamps, and a lot of the supporting evidence will take time to gather. I used to debate this often years ago and i'm not sure if i want to start.

But anyway i'll state what i think happened.

I think Flight 93 was meant to hit WTC7 , if you go back and listen to some reports they actually announce another explosion is heard (this is the problem i would have to go and source all these videos again, get time stamps to show when things were said) at around the time the flight if it hadn't crashed would be coming into New York. It can sorta "explain" why 3 buildings fell with 2 aeroplanes.

So i'd imagine that Building 7 came down the same way as the two towers came down, minus the aeroplane. Probably through some structural weakening from pre-planted explosives.

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