Earwa > The Thousandfold Thought

Some Questions

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Old Gnostic Fool:
A couple more questions:

What happened to the original Istriya? Did she get killed by the skin-sky that ended up impersonating her?

What’s the significance of the scene with the two kids in Sumna heading for the harbour to witness Maithanet’s departure?


--- Quote from: Old Gnostic Fool on November 03, 2017, 01:34:07 am ---A couple more questions:

What happened to the original Istriya? Did she get killed by the skin-sky that ended up impersonating her?

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Unknown. Its implied heavily throughout that the skinspies typically kill those they impersonate. There's several scenes that mention faceless/disfigured bodies being found that can't be identified, which sort of hints of this. I don't think she is explicitly found dead at any point.

--- Quote from: Old Gnostic Fool on November 03, 2017, 01:34:07 am ---What’s the significance of the scene with the two kids in Sumna heading for the harbour to witness Maithanet’s departure?

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AFAIK, the significance is entirely world building. I don't think they are ever seen again.


--- Quote from: Old Gnostic Fool on November 02, 2017, 09:17:54 am ---As a follow up, are the Gods worshiped by the Inrithi physical beings that can be summoned like the Ciphrang? Do Gods play an active part in this universe like the Valar in Tolkien's work or the Elder Gods in Malazan or are they just abstract points of worship?

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There's an important clue here in TTT when Moënghus and Kellhus discuss the principle of before and after, but it will also be discussed in later books.


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