Earwa > The Thousandfold Thought

Why did Moenghus leave Ishual

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: harrol ---In the book it said the Dunyain celebrated a fortuidous correspondence of cause upon finding Ishual. It sounds like a complete coincedence. By the way I am sorry for all the misspellings.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Curethan ---Ah, I thought it was upon finding the lil Anasurimbor. 
Still, just where the fuck did they think they were going?  Running to the hills is one thing, running to the glaciers full of rape goblins in enemy territory quite another.
Atrihau would seem the obvious destination after the fall of Sauglish, but I guess its possible they thought they could go around the Demua mountains and get jobs as slaves at Ishtiberinth.

If you're going to apologize for misspelling, I will have to as well.  This dang embedded spell checker is using an American dictionary.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---
--- Quote ---Did the dunyain refugees discover Ishual by blind luck?
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The world conspires? Same thing that has Cnair find Kellhus sitting incapacitated upon Cnair's fathers grave?
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Curethan ---Yeh, still gotta have some reason for heading north in the first place. 
Legions of the no-god to the frozen north, last city of the norasai to the east, all the other refugees heading south...
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: The Sharmat ---It's possible they were simply driven into the mountains. The Sranc would presumably be mobbing behind all the refugees fleeing south. Could be that the lagging members were forced to turn northwest away from the hordes.
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