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Messages - Blackstone

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TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:42:56 pm »

Excellent! Thanks for looking that up, H.

So it sounds like the Tall may be intact enough to give it one last round with the Consult.

Does anyone suppose we are going to see Mekertirig in TUC? If Kellhus ran into him in TDTCB, then it seems like they should logically meet up again.

Luckily that one was easy to find, haha.  Ebook can't get here soon enough!

I'd bet we do see him again.  However, I could easily see him being too aloof to be found.  It would be kind of neat if Akka and Mimara ran into him though.  I wonder, is he that much more powerful than Akka with the Gnosis?  My guess would be yes...
That would be my guess as well, but I feel like the False Sun did give us a hint that a human can be more powerful that a nonman.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:18:17 pm »
I am maybe a little bit dissapointed that the few nonmen who are left intact are simply the youngest and least accomplished. I was hoping there would be come more clever mechanism that a few of them found to keep their sanity.
That said, I wonder why the big guy had any sanity at all. He seemed pretty rational for being as old as he was. BTW, was that ever explained, why some of the nonmen are giants?
My interpretation of it was that the Tall were all intact but had retreated from the world out of...I don't know...apathy? Oirunas (sp) immediately recognized his son.

I could have sworn there was a direct description where it said (paraphrased): The Dolour affected them differently.  They did not lose their memories as much as the others, they simply were more prone to violent outbursts.

Yeah. Page 321:

The Dolour affects them differently: their confusion is less profound, but their violent humours rule them more completely.  They come here because only the Tall can hope to survive the mad humours of the Tall.
Excellent! Thanks for looking that up, H.

So it sounds like the Tall may be intact enough to give it one last round with the Consult.

Does anyone suppose we are going to see Mekertirig in TUC? If Kellhus ran into him in TDTCB, then it seems like they should logically meet up again.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Meppa is...
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:01:38 pm »

He's described as:

His hair was as white as the peaks of the Atkondras, his skin nut brown.

We don't ever get evidence of his being "old".  Only that he has white hair.

True.  To me there is a difference between gray and white hair.  White would seem to indicate it wasn't age that caused it in my mind.

I had to look it up to be sure, but IRL, white hair indicates greater age than gray hair. As people age their hair follicles stop producing pigment.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Meppa is...
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:45:24 pm »
He's described as:

His hair was as white as the peaks of the Atkondras, his skin nut brown.

We don't ever get evidence of his being "old".  Only that he has white hair.
Generally, white hair in a Mediterranean man (which the Ketyai are meant to reflect) means they are old. This is still more like evidence against than evidence for Meppa being the boy.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Meppa is...
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:43:31 pm »
I don't know, it's plausible that he had prematurely graying hair.  Sure, that would seem to be a strike against the theory, but I don't think it proves it wrong, per se.

No, it doesn't prove it wrong, but if there is evidence against and none for, then it seems like the most likely explanation is that he isn't the boy. And if all the Cishaurim were destroyed at Shimeh, then no one would be left to teach the boy the Psukhe. The most likely explanation is that Meppa, as a full fledged Cishaurim, somehow escaped.

Here's a question though, Meppa tells Fanayal that he doesn't remember who he was or where he came from.  But he tells Kellhus who he is, so he clearly lied to Fanayal.  Why?

That is an interesting question. I see what Hirtius/Pansa is saying, but it seems like the most basic interpretation is that Meppa lied to Fanayal.

Another question: Are we missing an obvious point? What cant is "Meppa?"

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Meppa is...
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:06:46 pm »
Meppa is described as being old. His Ketyai hair is described as gray in WLW. The boy would be like 28 years old or so. I don't think they can be the same person.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: The Parts Appalling
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:04:47 pm »
It might be that he expected Kellhus to engage him in a sword fight that would lead to the blade breaking and the fragment sailing through the air into the Aspect-Emperor's heart.  But then Kelmomas sort of borked the whole thing by introducing an element that was both outside the Inside and Outside?

Yeah, something changed even before the throne room though, because I don't think he even had the sword with him at the time.
I don't think he could even kill Kellhus that way...the guy plucks arrows out of the air. And wouldn't sorcerous wards protect from swords?

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: June 01, 2016, 02:30:38 pm »
I am maybe a little bit dissapointed that the few nonmen who are left intact are simply the youngest and least accomplished. I was hoping there would be come more clever mechanism that a few of them found to keep their sanity.
That said, I wonder why the big guy had any sanity at all. He seemed pretty rational for being as old as he was. BTW, was that ever explained, why some of the nonmen are giants?
My interpretation of it was that the Tall were all intact but had retreated from the world out of...I don't know...apathy? Oirunas (sp) immediately recognized his son.

I wonder why the nonmen heroes never stopped growing. I can only assume that after receiving the immortality treatment they stopped growing, elsewise Oirunas's armor wouldn't have fit after the thousands of years since he last put it on.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Kiünnat and Zero
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:26:23 pm »
I don't think Kellhus knew enough about TJE to have come up with any proper conclusion, nor that he saw TJE.

Seems to short circuit Koringhus pretty well. Maybe almost completely destroying the before/after thing in a way that sorcery only disrupts.

Zero-God and It seems to be about the same to me. Kor/Kel don't necessarily need the same data inputs to come to the same conclusion.

I think you are probably right about Kellhus not fully understanding or grasping the Eye. He didn't interact with her all that often. I don't remember off the top of my head what Koringhus's interpretation of Mimara's face after the eye opened, but she certainly smashed everything he believed to be true in a matter of minutes.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: The Parts Appalling
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:20:50 pm »
What's with all this 'I mailed the ARC' stuff?  Are you guys just sharing or...?  Makes me feel like a selfish bastard holding onto mine.  Mind you, I'm okay with that.
Ha ha. Yeah, I some of us sent our ARCs on to other guys on the forum.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Momemn
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:11:49 pm »
Did he teleport away?  I don't recall that.  I'll have to look at it again.
I think it's implied that he did, since the next scene is him in the tent with Malowebi. I believe the scene in the throne room ends with Kell sitting on his throne. I no longer have my ARC so I can't check.
I'm not sure on the timeline of that whole thing, but there is no direct referance to him teleporting. I actually got the feeling that the Malowebi scene took place before the throne room scene. I'm kind of wondering if we were supposed to be wondering if Kellhus survived.
I think Malowebi happened after. Kell still had both Decapitants on his belt when Esmi saw him.

That's a good point.  I think that chapter bounces around.  However, I have some minor doubts.  IMO, the Decapitant would probably have had to have been attached pretty much right away, right?  I mean, you wouldn't let a body bleed out from being decapitated, then go back later and attach a demon head.  Would you?  Seems like the body would still need it's blood to function, but hell, maybe not with a demon head grafted onto it.

Also, Kellhus appears in Fanayal's camp only after the first earthquake, not after the second.  Again, why would he show up in camp, thrash everyone, teleport to the palace, yada yada, then teleport back to the camp to attach the demon head?  Unless the body needed time to exsanguinate first.  Circuitous thoughts! ah!
When I did my second read, I decided that he didn't kill Malowebi immediately. It says the sword came down, but it could have been the pommel of the sword to knock him out instead of the blade to kill him. Then Kell transported to the throne room because he was short on time. Then back to make a demon. That's the only thing that makes sense to me with the way it's written right now.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Momemn
« on: May 31, 2016, 04:02:44 pm »
Did he teleport away?  I don't recall that.  I'll have to look at it again.
I think it's implied that he did, since the next scene is him in the tent with Malowebi. I believe the scene in the throne room ends with Kell sitting on his throne. I no longer have my ARC so I can't check.
I'm not sure on the timeline of that whole thing, but there is no direct referance to him teleporting. I actually got the feeling that the Malowebi scene took place before the throne room scene. I'm kind of wondering if we were supposed to be wondering if Kellhus survived.
I think Malowebi happened after. Kell still had both Decapitants on his belt when Esmi saw him.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Momemn
« on: May 31, 2016, 03:48:33 pm »
Did he teleport away?  I don't recall that.  I'll have to look at it again.
I think it's implied that he did, since the next scene is him in the tent with Malowebi. I believe the scene in the throne room ends with Kell sitting on his throne. I no longer have my ARC so I can't check.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Momemn
« on: May 31, 2016, 03:25:33 pm »
I'd be surprised if she was dead. Kelmomas is not particularly reliable, and I assume that Kellhus teleported away from the danger and took her with him. He seemed to like her more than a Dunyain should.
That whole scene was rather confusing, I'll have to read it more closely once I get the full release.
I'd agree with you, but he seems to teleport after the chunk of rock crashes to the ground.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: May 31, 2016, 03:22:46 pm »
Yes, give the Artifacts, the Aporos, and the Gnosis, what other specialized schools might they have founded.
It makes me wonder if we will see any of them turn up. Perhaps the nonmen crossed into Eanna and taught the Gnosis to the last tribe of men.

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