Quya + Metagnosis

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« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2013, 12:22:48 am »
Quote from: Madness
It's really funny because until the reading of this thread I didn't even realize that there were anymore titles in the original series after Chapterhouse. Brian Herbert did not inherit his father's skillset :(.

I'm open to finding solace in disappointment. I read PON twice before I ever realized that there was going to be another series... I was mindblown that he would just tell only that story in that incredible world and I thought Bakker was an audacious fuck. It was awesome.


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But this might be better continued in another thread lol.

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« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2013, 12:22:53 am »
Quote from: Centurion
I usually try not to resurrect old threads, but this is something I've wondered about myself.  Some points:

-Achamian is probably pretty powerful in the Gnosis.  There's obviously debate about just how strong Achamian is compared to others in Earwa, but the Gnosis is pretty kickass all by itself.  Certainly, its much stronger than the Anagogic Schools.

-Achamian is thrashed by Cleric.  The way I read that fight led me to believe that it wasn't any skill of Achamian's which allowed him to win, but rather the actions of Cleric himself.  Either Nil'giccas became too confused in his insanity to realize where he was and what was happening, or he actually wanted to die.

-Cleric is a Quya, but he is also an Erratic.  Achamian says that Erratics remember fundamental themes (or something like that) such as the innuterals of their spells, but obviously insanity affects even the most powerful Quya's ability (ex. Nil'giccas lost).  If memory serves, the No-Man encountered by Kellhus in the wilds was also an Erratic, and even with his magic he did not (could not?) kill Kellhus. 

What I have been considering is this: could Intact Quya be on an entirely different level than Erratic Quya?  It seems reasonable to me that an Intact Quya would be able to focus on the forms of their spells with a keenness and force which would be impossible for their Erratic brethren.  Maybe an Intact Quya could form spells with a similar definition and power to the Metagnosis?  I kind of doubt it...but I like the thought anyway.

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« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2013, 12:22:59 am »
Quote from: Wilshire
Resurrect threads with vigor, none of them are locked for a reason.

I'd like to think that the intact could be on a different level, but as a foil for that: the Erratic could be like idiot savants.
But I personally hope that the Inchoroi magi or the Intact can offer us some pretty awesome battles against Kellhus's metagnosis.

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« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2013, 12:23:05 am »
Quote from: Centurion
In a similar line of reasoning: could an Erratic learn the Psukhe and turn eons of suffering and pain into a Deluge-esque outpouring of Water?

Actually, is it ever stated whether the Psukhe is something only humans can learn?  I don't think it is, but I could be wrong.  Now I'm wondering...if the No-Men have been around for as long as they have shouldn't it follow that they would have discovered the No-Man equivalent of the Psukhe by now?

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« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2013, 12:23:10 am »
Quote from: Madness
+1 Wilshire. Please, Centurion, resurrect at your leisure and indiscriminately.

There's a Bakker quote somewhere on Zombie Three Seas about the Psukhe being stumbled upon by humans but that it has arisen independently in the past before...

I figure Intact Quya would have an edge on Erratic Quya. The quote you are remembering is Achamian telling Mimara that sorcery is like a reflex for Quya... Cleric can little more forget sorcery than I can "forget" my knee-jerk reaction.

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« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2013, 12:23:16 am »
Quote from: Curethan
Digressing; I think the erratics remember things but they aren't joined together.
They are different people depending on their mood, when their moods change they remember different things - completely disconnected though.  Only trauma still lets them regain a sense of completeness.

On topic, I think Akka is more powerful than he gives himself credit for.  And he rates himself a chance against Cleric, until he is exhausted from being tied up for weeks.
Even then he fights dragon first and only uses Wards when they do go at it, because he doesn't want to kill his old freind.  It's not really a contest anyone could win.

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« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2013, 12:23:22 am »
Quote from: Madness
There is the The Cleric Suicides[/b].

I've already hazarded a theory regarding the Dunyain leveraging Nonmen Erraticism to create new, controllable personas...

But +1 for Thoughts, Curethan.