Aurax, does he have Sorcery? What other abilities might he have?

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« on: August 02, 2014, 12:13:43 am »
Ok so Aurax. Do we think he has Sorcery?

"Species wide graft" is quoted often, but once the Ark were so few in number would they have really forced that issue? I am not sure.

Also what else might he be able to do? He is the supposed surviving master of the Tekne and we have not really seen him yet which I see as a kind of indication he is some sort of reveal.

What do you all think about Aurax?


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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2014, 12:03:05 pm »
I believe Aurax was seen in the epilogue of Warrior Prophet. 
The Inchoroi is not named, but it would present an interesting irony in that Aurang is the one without actual screen time (except by proxy) in the second apocalypse whilst Aurax appears but isn't actually mentioned except by reference.  And I like that :D

Also tend to think he has the gnosis, I think RSB used both brothers as an example of the sorcery graft success in an interview.
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« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 08:29:22 pm »
I'm almost positive that RSB confirmed Aurax (and Aurang) as being two of the six Inchoroi that survived the Graft necessary to perceive the Onta.

I also agree with Curethan that we see Aurax in the epilogue of TWP, though I don't think it was ever confirmed. I'm also not certain how intentional his lack of screen times was, at least initially. Assuming that he is the de facto Master of the Tekne, it would make sense that he'd stick around at Golgotterath, and would not frequently range too far south unless absolutely necessary (for example, figuring out who the Dunyain are). Regardless, I do expect him to be interesting. Aurang has been our only viewpoint into what an Inchoroi is like for quite a while, so it seems logical that Aurax would possess a fairly distinct personality, though if that's the case we don't see much evidence of it in his (admittedly brief) appearance in TWP.

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« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 01:02:22 am »
I agree that the Inchoroi in the Warrior-Prophet epilogue is Aurax. Aurang is still bound to a Synthese in that time and I got the impression that isn't something you can just turn off and flit back into your own body in an instant.

As to him not showing much of a distinct personality...well, we saw very little of him. And what we saw of him involved him doing things are basal to the entire Inchoroi species. They recognize this themselves. "We are the Race of Flesh. We are the Race of Lovers." To the Inchoroi, everything is about sex. They're like if geese or bonobos or similarly over-sexed animals became sentient and developed a culture.

We can glean some of his personality from his other actions though. Aurang, not Aurax, is made the No-God's horde general. We can therefore assume that he possesses qualities desirous in a general that Aurax lacks. He is probably more decisive, more bold. A man of action, as it were. His personal presence (although within the synthese) in the Three-Seas managing their spies (a very dangerous task mind you, one lucky hit with a Chorae and he's a bird-sized pile of salt) confirms this.

Aurax meanwhile very rarely is mentioned in the histories we know or in the series. He is the one cited as giving the (remaining) secrets of the Tekne to the Mangaecca. Since Aurang and Aurax are described as twins, they were by necessity born at the same time. That means they each had just as much opportunity to learn the Tekne. They did not pursue this option equally though.

Aurax is the nerd of the two. He's likely more prone to inspiration and intuition and introspection and curiosity, less prone to action. He deals in grand plans and theorems, not actions or the minutae of tactics and logistics.

Aurang is a soldier. Aurax is a scientist. They're both monstrous alien organisms of immense narcissism and horrific appetites. But their chosen vocations gives a hint as to the things that separate them from each other.

Here's looking forward to seeing more of both the twins in Unholy Consult.


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« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2014, 10:45:29 pm »
The atrocities a more creative inchoroi could invent.
One of the other conditions of possibility.