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Messages - Royce

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 [38] 39 40
The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:16:09 pm »
have you read this?,sounds kind of fun :)

Philosophy & Science / Re: Rupert Sheldrake
« on: September 06, 2013, 05:59:04 pm »
Of course numbers doesn`t indicate correctness,but if something as strange as this occurs on a regular basis among humans,shouldn`t we give it some serious attention at least?
Descartes was communicating with angels,and even the big bang theory states that everything sprang out of nothing in an instant.That is like saying that you can believe in one miracle,and everything that happens after that we can explain just fine.

Philosophy & Science / Re: Rupert Sheldrake
« on: September 06, 2013, 05:15:38 pm »
The only Psi research I've read about - and I'm willing to read anything on the subject - that really seems solid is Krippner's dream telepathy.

I suggest you listen to that audiolink i posted earlier,or maybe check out this book by Sheldrake.

I'm not sure he's been collecting data or conducting experiments for a number of years

He certainly tries to state that he has done exactly that,but that is futile to argue about :),since either he is a fraud,or the implications of evidence of telepathy is a bit to much to swallow for materialists who have built up a body of work assuming telepathy is impossible.
Is it right to say that millions(maybe billions) of people who claim that they have had a paranormal experience are deluded? Can we prove that they are deluded,or are we just assuming they are?
I have personally never encountered anything paranormal,but to say that everyone who has is deluded,without proof,just doesn`t sound very scientific.

Philosophy & Science / Re: Rupert Sheldrake
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:56:20 am »
Psi just seems like one of those things that is a gloss on the material world. There's enough stuff out there to make one curious, but never enough evidence that you'd want to bet money on it.

I agree,but if you listen to the debate,you will hear that there is a lot more to it than that.This boils down to two perspectives that crashes.For a materialist there is nothing more tabu than this subject,and as Sheldrake clearly states,they won`t even look at his evidence(just as the guy he is debating is looking away when he provides his evidence at this talk).

I agree with everything you write. My problem is that there are an obscene number of qualified academics who aren't practicing - Sheldrake just happens to be one of them so I feel it necessary to go to task for the practice as I'm sure to make this argument over and over throughout my life.

What do you mean that he is not practicing? If he has collected data and conducted experiments according to the scientific method,and his results show well above chance on several occasions,wouldn`t you call that practice?

Philosophy & Science / Re: Rupert Sheldrake
« on: September 05, 2013, 08:21:41 pm »
For those who are interested,here is a debate on the issue

Literature / Re: "the golden age" by John C Wright
« on: September 05, 2013, 04:52:53 pm »
It probably took me a lot longer to read it. Maybe not every chapter, but I definitely re-read plenty of pages and sentences. So much is missed the first time through that a second read through everything after you've completed it is highly recommended. I was blow away by home much better TSA was the 2nd time around.

I thought I had a decent understanding of the concepts in PON,until I found this forum :) You guys are insanely committed to pick Bakkers brain apart,and I love that :) I guess I have to read it several more times before I reach the level of discussion that arises on this forum.

Literature / Re: "the golden age" by John C Wright
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:19:19 pm »
Well,we start to learn English in school when we are 10 years old,so I have spoken and written the language just fine throughout the years.Did not read much in English though,not until I started on my university education where some of my courses had lots of English books.But in my personal fields of interest there are basically no books in my native tongue.So at one point I just started plowing through books in English,and as time flies by my understanding of concepts gradually gets better and better.It took me 6 months to get through the PON trilogy,because I read every chapter two and often three times:) I had to do it that way,because Bakker is......Bakker:) Every sentence is a roundtable discussion.

Thanks for that Wilshire,I hope you get to enjoy this one ;)

General Earwa / Re: Kellhus vs. ...
« on: September 04, 2013, 11:11:07 am »
Kellhus vs Magog:)  should at least be funny to watch,and could maybe last more than 30 sec

Literature / "the golden age" by John C Wright
« on: September 04, 2013, 07:06:25 am »
I have worked very hard with my English for the last 5-6 years,with one single purpose:To be able to read and learn about
various topics and read literature not available in my native tongue.
This trilogy really tested me.It is like a Ray Kurzweil wet dream,a crazy neuroscientist dropping acid and letting his imagination run amok.This may be the most creative sci-fi I have come across so far,and the word neurophilosofy comes to mind,if I must describe it in one word.
I would love the opinions from people who have read a lot of sci-fi and/or from people who have an interest in everything that begins with neuro,and futuristic utopias/dystopias.
Please read this.

General Earwa / Re: Dune (Frank Herbert) and TSA (Bakker)
« on: September 02, 2013, 05:46:56 pm »
I seriously don`t see the point in screening this series.There is so much going on that can`t be described through television.The miniseries was so horrible my eyes bled.I am very biased though,since I don`t watch movies or TV anymore.
Thumbs up for reading,thumbs down for light and colour shooting through your eyeballs,feeding you with images,hypnoticing and dazing you like valium:)

General Earwa / Re: Dune (Frank Herbert) and TSA (Bakker)
« on: September 02, 2013, 07:18:44 am »
haha,you should stay away from the movie adaptations on this series.The David Lynch movie from the eightees does
have a certain charm,but the miniseries that came later on was a disaster

Philosophy & Science / Re: Rupert Sheldrake
« on: September 02, 2013, 07:13:32 am »
Well,that is kind of what he is trying to point out in his book,that maybe we can understand what telepathy is,by doing proper reasearch/experiments,which he has done.All he is saying is, that when his experiments with animals and humans show results above chance,we should at least look into it more seriously.
I totally agree with you that the scientific method works,and we all enjoy the fruits of their labor.What he is doing in this book is to use this method on science itself,by taking 10 of the most popular "dogmas" in materialist science up for questioning.He is himself a modern scientist(google him) so there should be nothing wrong with his academic credentials.
I am a skeptic like yourself,so when anyone is certain about anything my claws come out:). It is certainly much more satisfactory for humans to be certain about what reality is,but when certainty in all honesty does not exist,it is getting us nowhere to portray something as certain.
Telepathy is just one small aspect in the book,so maybe you should read it if it is in your field of interest to question everything.If not,then don`t read it:)

Philosophy & Science / Re: Rupert Sheldrake
« on: September 01, 2013, 05:45:28 pm »
I have no idea if there even is any "proof" of the paranormal yet.Haven`t heard about this experiment you mention,but I will read about it.

The Forum of Interesting Things / Re: Trollhunter
« on: September 01, 2013, 05:41:16 pm »
Not really :) Just a lot of stupid myths and "folklore". Like all the mountains and islands were once trolls who stepped into
sunlight and turned into stone(don`t know why they chose to do that).In other words,bullshit:)

Literature / Re: YOU MUST TELL ME ... What else are you reading?
« on: August 28, 2013, 01:54:02 pm »
Just finished the first of three books in "the golden age" by John C Wright,and that was something special indeed.
Very heavy on the science stuff,took me almost a week to get through the first 60 pages,but after that it flows beautifully.
It has to be said that English is my second language,so most likely I struggle more than you guys will.
Strongly recommend this to sci-fi fans,or maybe sci-fi fanatics,because it is VERY sci-fi:)

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