I was searching for a similar thread and I haven't found it - if I'm wrong, please, mods, merge this in the other (if that is possible).
I will start with a minor thing but that I hate it most.
SWORDS ON THE BACK. It is a common mistake that is shared in my favorite fantasy books. Why does Kellhus carry his longsword sheathed on his shoulder? WTF! This is silly, maybe it looks badass for noobs but anyone who knows something about HEMA or medieval warfare considers this complete bullshit. It is of no use in real combat and puts the fighter in great disadvantage. Even if you are a fucking übermensch berserker dûnyain warrior-mage you will be cut down by a filthy peasant with a scythe before you can unsheathe your blade.
It is not only a Bakker thing indeed, Martin does the same with Jon Snow (although in the series Jon carries Longclaw correctly, R'hllor be praised for that) and Sapkowski with Geralt of Rivia (the games of the Witcher repeat the iconic mistake).
Who was the first that wrote this shit of swords on the back? I don't know but I hope that the sranc will have his ass.
This is fucking ridiculous.
Some videos about the matter: