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Messages - Titan

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The Great Ordeal / [TGO SPOILERS] The Parts Appalling
« on: July 23, 2016, 11:06:51 pm »
It certainly wasn't the most graphic scene, but the image of Nin'ciljiras ladling oil over his head really stuck with me. Otherwise, Kellhus' calm return to his Dunyain self after encountering the golden coffer at Dagliash was pretty chilling.

The writing that glowers upon it... What does it say?
That not everyone can be saved.
What do you say?
His Saviour turned to him, smiled what might have counted as an apology had they played number-sticks.
That this is a good thing.

Yeah, that was a great and chilling scene. But a great one, IMO.

But on topic, my most disturbing ones:

- the rape of Proyas. It was written so ambiguously - like Bakker was trying to trick us - that I wasn't even sure it physically happened until he told Saubon. And the fact that Kellhus did it not out of a sexual need but as a way to challenge Saubon - not Proyas - makes it even more twisted somehow.

- the Emwanna at the Nonman mansion, so disturbingly described. Horror-esque, but also recalling H.g.wells "the time machine" in how the are a combination of the worst aspects of the Eloi *and* Morlock.

- the whale mothers. 'Nuff said.

- the Monemn chapters. More for a meta reason, as they are by far the most of a chore to read through. Can't they all just die already. :-D

The Great Ordeal / Re: [TGO Spoilers] Whale Mothers
« on: July 23, 2016, 10:48:23 pm »
Here's a question - why would whalemotherism emerge at all? I can't see why gigantism would be stimulated as an outcome by the conditions of Ishual, and I don't see why the Dunyain would want it, unless every Whale Mother was also meant to be an Octomom. Theories?

It's got to be related to the whole "the seed is too strong" deal. Esmenet could barely deal with bearing half-Dunyain children, and literally all of them were defective to some lesser or greater degree (except maybe Kayutas). To me, that implies that a strongly specialized host is needed to carry Dunyain children. One flaw in this is the existence of Maithanet. He had no obvious flaws (he was even of the few), and he was the son of a random Fanim woman as far as we know. I also remember (though my memory is somewhat spotty) him saying there were only a few failures, although that may be counting only live non-mutant births.

But who's to say how many times "Moe" tried to get offspring, until he succeeded wth Maithanet? I suspect Moe took great care in selecting his mother, just a like Kellhus selected Esmenet.

But you are right that Kayutas seems to be the only "normal" one that is the most similar to Maithanet. I hope we'll have something from his perspective in TUC.

The Great Ordeal / [TGO Spoilers] Whale Mothers
« on: July 23, 2016, 07:46:36 am »
Here's a question - why would whalemotherism emerge at all? I can't see why gigantism would be stimulated as an outcome by the conditions of Ishual, and I don't see why the Dunyain would want it, unless every Whale Mother was also meant to be an Octomom. Theories?
This is can buy. Remember that Kellhus was only able to get living offspring with Esmenet (all others were died and/or had stillborns or severe defects), so he must be aware that she carries some traits in common with Dunyain women. Dunyain pregnancies are apparently very difficult, so perhaps they bred form females that would be ... hardier ... In child birth.

The Great Ordeal / [TGO Spoilers] Overall thoughts on the book?
« on: July 23, 2016, 07:36:55 am »
I just finished the book - I had been avoiding the forum while I read.

My overall thoughts of the book is that it started REALLY strong. The Ishterebinth(?) opening in particular was stunning, probably Bakkers best writing yet. But around the half-way point the book looses steam, but finishes on a high note with The Cnauir encounter.

I'll add more thoughts tomorrow.

It's a huuuuuge stretch imo. No doubt. I see two ways for it to be possible. He either manipulated another into being his Mallahat or as a Dunyain he could do the minor spells without being blinded. I will say when I read that scene, to me, I have the feeling Moe blinded his self right then. To me, everything points to Moe being totally in control and every turn in Kyudea being conditioned.

Upon re-read, it seems pretty obvious to me that Mallahat is Moënghus (why else describe him as pale and with Scylvendi scars?), and that he is at this point already a blind Cishaurim.

And even though he has lost his vision, the snakes allow the Cishaurim to see mostly normally. Or?

Potential TTT and TAE spoilers.
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[EDIT] Wilshire - Spoiler tags

Potential TTT and TAE spoilers.
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It's a huuuuuge stretch imo. No doubt. I see two ways for it to be possible. He either manipulated another into being his Mallahat or as a Dunyain he could do the minor spells without being blinded. I will say when I read that scene, to me, I have the feeling Moe blinded his self right then. To me, everything points to Moe being totally in control and every turn in Kyudea being conditioned.

Upon re-read, it seems pretty obvious to me that Mallahat is Moënghus (why else describe him as pale and with Scylvendi scars?), and that he is at this point already a blind Cishaurim.

And even though he has lost his vision, the snakes allow the Cishaurim to see mostly normally. Or?

General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S6)
« on: June 30, 2016, 10:39:28 pm »
I'm marking the quality analogous to Fan Fiction. I had no idea there even was an objective literal definition of "fan fiction" , I'd like to see it though :) Where would i find it?
In the interest of pedantry we'll refer to oxford dictionary.

Fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, film, etc.

I don't want to be pedantic, but "fan fiction" as opposed to "an official/licensed adaptation". That is how virtually anyone would defined the term. Otherwise... we'll anyone writing is a fan of what they write about, I would hope.
(GRRM has made his thoughts about "fan fiction" well known: )

General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S6)
« on: June 30, 2016, 08:41:18 pm »
I was referring to the lack of quality in comparison to the original. They had the actual text word for word the majority of the run, entering the phase where they now only have broad strokes means i'll sit through another few hours of improbable travel, over acting and random sex scenes so i can get the broad strokes of how the series is going to end. As I don't think Martin is going to finish the series.

...which still doesn't make it "fan fiction".  ;) I don't see the chasm of quality difference that you seem to see (everything you mention has been present from the start of the show), but we're probably not going to agree here. And that's OK.

General Earwa / Re: Who is your favourite character and why ??
« on: June 30, 2016, 04:37:03 pm »
Achamian - for some reason I really do like this flawed person a lot.

Proyas - I find people struggling with faith very interesting, and he may also be the most objectively "decent" person in the story.

General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S6)
« on: June 30, 2016, 04:24:21 pm »
It seems like a very unique kind of situation to be in. Just as there's not a very large selection of authors historically who have experienced contemporary online fandoms, surely Martin must be one of the very few authors ever to have had their own story overtaken by their story on a separate medium?

It may be completely a unprecedented situation, I'm not aware of it any other author having an endorsed/official adaption pass him.

Basically fan fiction finishing the story for him.

Certainly fiction, but not "fan fiction" since HBO paid GRRM handsomely for the rights.  :) And they have been told the broad strokes of the ending.

BTW, have you all seen GRRM's original 1993 outline of the ASOIAF story that he was shopping around to publishers? Back then he imagined the story being a trilogy  ;D, and some of the elements of the story has changed *radically* since then. (No spoilers if you have read the books, the endgame is blacked out, but there is so much bizarre stuff):

General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S6)
« on: June 29, 2016, 06:24:06 pm »
I've been thinking about a re-read myself. It'll have to wait til after I get a re-read TGO and I'd rather have an idea about when TWOW is coming out. I have a feeling that Martin is finishing A Dream of Spring also. I think that's why he's been pushing it back and back and back.

That's quite optimistic of you. I very much doubt it... If we are lucky we'll see TWOW next year. And ADOS? 5-10 years later. GRRM seems to be having problems collecting the story threads towards a conclusion - more and more characters and plots are being added, it seems.

I also suspect that as he has realized that the TV show will finish the story before him (different path but still the same ending), he is no longer in a hurry... Maybe it is just best for him to polish it until he feels the end is just right.

General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S6)
« on: June 29, 2016, 01:13:51 am »
So rewatched the first episode and a half of S1...

Seeing Jaime reach out to shake John's hand at Winterfell was so fucking disorienting.

Yes, I rewatched S1E1 recently as well. (With the Rifftrax audio -;D

And speaking of the last episode and the pilot -
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You're still reading things on hard copy, like the sorcerors of old?  :o   Embrace the tekne of kindle! ;D

What are the comparative weaknesses you perceive, Titan? Just curious.

Hmm... GRRM's writing is ... how should I put it... easier to read. Even though the 5th book (ADWD) is not GRRM's best, I actually found Tyrions journey through Essos to be my favorite part. A lot of people hated this part, but I can read though a LOT of well written world building without getting bored. Bakker has his moments, but frequently his descriptions of the world is lacking. It took until the 5th book to even get a clear picture in my mind of how the Sranc and Nonmen look, which seems like a rather basic failure. There is practically NOTHING about how the Sranc look in the first book (or did I miss it?), so I kept expecting a some sort of twist where the Sranc were just regular humans under some sort of mind-control. Or just a primitive tribe.

Bakker's work bears close reading. I actually think this does him a major disservice, especially in TDTCB when it is of utmost importance that the reader be paying attention. There are one-liner descriptions of Nonmen and Sranc during Kellhus' prologue and Sranc in Cnaiur's POV later in the book - even then, though, Bakker relies twofold on these very sparse descriptions and the reader's imagination to evoke an image that isn't necessarily easy to visualize. Inhumanly expressive. Fused teeth. Hairless. Nonmen are statuesque in the extreme. Sranc basically have some fucked-up human-dog body. Etc. Etc.

Classic Bakker in that something might only be addressed in three sentences across five books but then is outsourced to the reader to hold and maintain the world to the capacity of their inner limits ;).

Certainly, there are a few clues strewn about - but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. Bakker has vivid descriptions for other things, but here is the sum of his descriptions of Sranc appearance in the Kellhus prologue: ...inhuman faces... ...narrow shoulders and dog-shaped chests... That's it. And that's not enough for me. Basic character/creature description should not have to be a treasure hunt for clues.  :)

We'll probably just have to agree to disagree about this, but you asked for what I found lacking in Bakker's style, and that is my best example. Obviously I'm still a big fan, but the man is not perfect.

General Misc. / Re: [TV Spoilers] Game of Thrones (S6)
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:14:43 pm »
So... yeah.

Wow. That was an intense episode of television.

Though, the conversation with Daavos and Mesiendre (sp?) was kind of jarring - in I know for a fact I missed many pieces of leadup in other arcs throughout the seasons, as I am apparently not an attention TV viewer, but why didn't Daavos freak out on Mesiendre at any point before now?

He may have had suspicions, but it wasn't until he found the burnt figurine that he had something resembling proof.

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