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Messages - Baztek

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Literature / Re: YOU MUST TELL ME ... What else are you reading?
« on: May 04, 2013, 03:00:58 pm »
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. Depression, weed, tennis, wheelchair assassins, the human condition, beauty, dysfunctional families, life and death, meaning and meaningless, the value of entertainment, AA, suicide, Metro Boston, and more drugs. This book's got it all.

General Misc. / Re: So, whut up with male 'privilege'?
« on: May 04, 2013, 02:58:48 pm »
Meyna said it better than I could. I want to add though that hip hop culture respecting women would not somehow excuse the violence and self-destruction it glorifies. I was just trying to point out a part of popular culture today where men being dominant over women is still prevalent and very much visible.

Your bully comparison is apt, because misogyny does stem from some inner insecurity, whatever that may be. Just because the bully feels bad inside or that he introduces chaos into the system doesn't mean that, as far as those who suffer from his outbursts are concerned, he is not above them in the hierarchy they occupy.

General Misc. / Re: So, whut up with male 'privilege'?
« on: May 03, 2013, 01:55:25 pm »
Callan, your response helped me refine my own ideas. Let me put my position in less stark, misandrist terms: I have a problem with exaggerated masculinity, and low self-esteem coupled with what masculinity demands from a male in distress (aggression, control, claiming what's yours) can turn a tractable problem into a disaster. Throw some booze in there and you know the rest. It can get ugly, brutish, and primitive. But as it stands, despite being denied the luxury of exploring their inner lives without the threat of being called a "faggot", men are still positioned above women in hypermasculine subcultures.

 Look at rap. I dare you to find one young up and coming rapper who has a nice thing to say about his girl. Women are "bitches", status symbols, and just like the bigger the engine in your ride, the more physically endowed your fanclub is the more respect - or hate - you get from the guys around you. I'm not some pasty white nerd on the outside looking in: I've listened to so much rap it's amazing I'm not like that myself.

The point is, while in relation to other men, men are at a disadvantage because "womanly" feelings like compassion and empathy are discouraged, men are still in a position above women. And it's that disgusting, entitled attitude of one disenfranchised male taking it out on an entire gender because his dick isn't getting wet that repulses me to the pith. I will agree the problem isn't necessarily inherent, but with how ingrained these modes of behavior are in our culture, they might as well be.

General Misc. / Re: So, whut up with male 'privilege'?
« on: May 03, 2013, 02:05:33 am »
Face it Callan, violent offenders are predominantly male. I worked security at a club and, guess what, 99% of the fights were started by dudebros. Anecdotal might not count for much but I think you're being willfully ignorant if you think hypermasculinity and the entitlement it comes with has not contributed to this violence-saturated culture. We're reading a fantasy series where even the author repeatedly muses about how his fictional rape monsters are only one evolutionary rung down from men, for goodness' sakes. My point is, while I don't think every white guy whose had it easy is some demonic taskmaster for the patriarchy, it is ridiculous to assume that there isn't an abyssal disparity in the way women are perceived compared to men (not saying you are, but there are who do).

Despite how infuriating I might find the attitude of some feminists, I still am a member of the gender that by an enormous margin has produced the most child molesters, serial killers, mass murderers, sick bastards etc. I'm not kidding when I say TSA had a lot to do with it, since Bakker's view of male sexuality is so fucking dark. I mean shit, look at bronies, who sexualize characters created for little girls. Little girls. The worst of these guys masturbate to completion over ponies stylized as young girls. Let that sink in. There's something so loathsome and foul about that that the only thing I can do is denounce extreme feminists for their venom, because while I may not agree with everything they say, I never want to have my statements misconstrued as a defense of MRAs.

I'm probably wrong about some of the figures I stated, but I do know that I'm not alone in my feelings. I've stared too long into the abyss to not agree with guys like Bakker and feminists who believe some men can be manipulative and spiteful little creatures, but their tone is entirely the wrong way to go about it because it paints an entire gender with one brushstroke.

Quote from: Callan S.
I know a story of a woman, aggrieved at her boyfriend, chasing him through the house with a pair of scissors in her hands. He locked his bedroom door then jumped out the window.

Not to get personal, but I was in a very brief relationship with a woman prone to extremely violent outbursts. I only got a few slaps and loogies in my face for my trouble, but her next boyfriend she stabbed. The difference here is if I laid a hand on her I could have probably very seriously injured her, while that might not have been the case in reverse. Men can physically overpower women, so I'm not so inclined to start the waterworks for some poor 200 lb. guy who got chased around the house by a girl half his size. There are definitely outliers but we're not talking outliers here.

I totally pay it's not as big an issue as sexism toward women (in my estimate) is. But I think if men aren't treated as having rights, then they will be less inclined to treat anyone else as having rights (definately less inclined to treat someone else as having more rights than them). Males not seeing themselves as being worth protecting might be a big issue - if we only care about it because how they will latter act toward women, because of their self esteem problems.

I absolutely totally agree that if you subconsciously operate on the assumption every man you meet is out to get you, it will show, and that will turn people off from you, thereby feeding that hateful world view and fostering a very vicious cycle.

General Misc. / Re: So, whut up with male 'privilege'?
« on: May 03, 2013, 12:16:54 am »
I'm not going to pretend like I've done any formal academic study of gender relations, so I will leave it to the people who have to continue responding. I'm only offering my two cents on these movements based on what I have gleaned of them on message boards, which obviously skews the sample size towards the extreme ends of the spectrum, but still reflects the really toxic hate and anger that seems to be fuel these issues.

I wish that every bitter feminist could realize that not all men are bad, and that every disgusting MRA redditor could take efforts to improve himself and not shame an entire gender for every instance of perceived (or actual) rejection, but that's just silly wishful thinking. The best I can do as an uneducated bystander and spiritual layperson, is to be mindful of how I am influenced by the biases of either side, and to wish peace for those who continue to suffer.

Your post really made me think, so I will continue to follow this thread. Cheers.

General Misc. / Re: So, whut up with male 'privilege'?
« on: May 02, 2013, 11:06:26 pm »
While we're no doubt in agreement of the graver faults of social justice people, let's not forget the other side of the spectrum: Men's Right Activists, who are exactly the type of hideously creepy, entitled, suburban whitebread persecution-card-waving twats that feminists rail against.

This might be construed as sexist, but I find something inherently more vile and predatory about hate speech coming out of the mouths of these neanderthals than feminists. Their condemnations of the feminist movement are so sexually charged as opposed to their counterparts that it really unsettles me in a very deep way. Instead of working on themselves as human beings and taking rejection in stride, they retreat into their little circlejerk cocoons on reddit and demonize women for not wanting to fuck them. They've also assimilated a lot of the other more vocal young male groups into themselves, so essentially reddit is becoming one gigantic atheist racist misogynist shitpile. I'm being hyperbolic of course but no one can deny these communities are growing more vocal by the day.

The extreme views of one side fuels the extreme views of another, so I think it behooves us all as a species to take a step back from all this bullshit and take a deep breath.

General Misc. / Re: So, whut up with male 'privilege'?
« on: May 02, 2013, 04:01:09 am »
While I certainly don't disagree with what the bulk of what a lot of these social justice warriors have to say, I've found that there is often a very dark undercurrent of distrust and anger churning beneath the surface of their discussion. Living in fear of some demographic of people is not only harmful to yourself, but the relationships you form with those around you. I understand that a lot of these feelings come from a place of hurt, but experience of horrible acts can just as easily close you up than open you up to towards others. I don't have any experience with abuse so I'm not gonna tell victims of abuse/bullying/ostracisation how to feel. But I can say from personal experience that feeding bitterness and resentment is no way to be happy in life. You will never find peace in fear.

General Earwa / Re: The Circuit of Seswatha and Achamian
« on: May 01, 2013, 01:41:46 pm »
This is interesting. I'd never thought about this before, but could Seswatha's Heart be another form of soul transfer similar to Shae's "pit bent into a circle" shenanigans? It's obvious some fragment of Seswatha's consciousness continues to exist in Mandate Schoolmen.

My guess is that Seswatha and Nau-cayuti stumbled into the Golden Room during their foray into Golgotterath, saw the Inverse Fire, which scared them seven shades of shitless, and caused Seswatha to consider preserving his soul through the ages. Of course, the question is, what was his primary motive? Was he so selfless that the unfortunate connotations associated with soul preservation were a small price to pay to keep the memory of the Apocalypse alive, or was saving his soul the real goal and he needed an ostensibly virtuous cause to get away with it?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello (t)here
« on: April 26, 2013, 12:48:00 am »
Sup man.

News/Announcements / Re: Suggestion Box
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:51:13 am »
Madness, dumb question, but have you already advertised this board on Westeros? Not sure if they frown upon that. Breaking into tight-knit communities can be very difficult, and I'd hate to think we missed out on some great discussion because tentative members don't feel like breaking into what looks like an insular community. Not that we are, but you get the picture.

Individual gods, yes, but I seriously doubt a single soul could fool the immanent being it helps comprise.

Something is really weird about Serwe. In the last board I suggested that Serwe's purity (or the purity of souls like Serwe) are the fulcrum on which Earwa's metaphysics hinge. Since the God is the Source, it stands to reason he is Perfection. Her worship and devotion to Kellhus must have cemented his divine status in the sleeping ur-soul that is God. If the God "awoke" or was an active agent in the affairs of Earwa - assuming he isn't after all - then the Goodness that Serwe represents would not have been so easily fooled. But since Kellhus is able to wow and dazzle the one being most similar to God in moral constitution, everyone else follows suit will little resistance.

General Misc. / Re: Explaining Bakker
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:11:25 pm »
Bakker's ideas are fairly straightforward, but readability is a whole other story. Sitting down and reading a blog post of his from start to finish is as about as fun as pinching a loaf when you're constipated: it feels great when you're done, but there's a whole lotta grunting and pushing to get there. I never read his blog anymore and frankly I only keep it bookmarked for TUC updates.

Not to be the typical unsatisfied fantasy fan, but I think he'd get a lot more done if he didn't write mammoth dissertations on theories of the mind that only his userbase reads anyway. Like whatever, it's his life, who the fuck am I to tell him what to do etc, but the guy has a great knack for philosophically dense stories and I think a lot of that productivity is getting channeled into more fruitless endeavors.

General Misc. / Re: Manga/Anime
« on: April 19, 2013, 02:46:43 pm »
Check out these movies:

Redline: Absolutely bananas, bombastic one-shot movie about a galactic car race that takes place on a militant robot planet. Equal parts Speed Racer and pure adrenaline. Some of the most beautiful, kinetic animation I have ever, ever seen.

Summer Wars: Worldwide MMO/Facebook hybrid gets attacked by a virus and it's up to a dweeb visiting his girlfriend's family to save the world.

The Berserk Movies: come on, it's berserk, you know this shit. great fight scenes would sit in awe again

News/Announcements / Re: Welcome to the Second Apocalypse
« on: April 19, 2013, 02:09:04 pm »
Redemption/Damnation is brilliant. I love it.

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