Earwa > The Thousandfold Thought

Moenghus is a lying liar who lies

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: The Sharmat ---Anyone ever noticed this passage: "He (Moenghus) raised a cloth, pressed it into the pit of his eyes. When he withdrew it, two rose-coloured stains marked the fabric."

If this guy is a Cishaurim, he's been eyeless for years. Why then are his sockets bleeding?
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Sideris ---Well, he was eyeless when he spoke to Xerius, and that was two years previous in the timeline. Empty sockets could weep blood, me thinks.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: lockesnow ---well of course he is.  When he left Ishual, he joined a Scranc community and 'rode' them all the way south to the Scylvendi.  He undoubtedly learned the Sranc language in an hour or two, raped a few Sranc men, children and women a few hours after that, and thus seized control of the group.  He also probably learned about the Inchoroi from the Sranc, long before Kellhus did, but no one ever seems to consider much of this gap between Ishual and Utemot for Moenghus, even though that gap nearly killed Kellhus (who traveled a journey that is mysterious and suspicious for its complete lack of Sranc).
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Madness ---Very good point, lockesnow. The Sranc do possess a modicum of society.

Also, Cnaiur comments in his TDTCB flashback of aiding Moenghus in patricide that it was strange that Sranc kept a prisoner.

Though, my personal interpretation until now had been that Moenghus had barely managed to convince them to let him live.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---Some wounds don't heal.

Or can be opened again. As a proof.

Not saying it couldn't be a fabrication. Just saying to walk the probability trance and walk down both probabilities.

But to bank against one path, the issue Kellhus estimated what that Moenghus had traveled down a dead end path in losing his eyes - he could no longer see into other men, nor had the waters to make a replacement magic, presumably. That's why he wasn't ultra controlling after all these years (merely triggering a holy war). Moenghus, a Dunyain, actually failed in his mission. No small event.
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