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Messages - Gnostic Cants

Pages: [1]
General Earwa / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Nascenti of Zaudunyanicon
« on: August 16, 2017, 07:32:50 pm »
The epic tale of how Crabicus/the Boy will save the World single-handedly? ;)

I guffawed out loud at the pun here. I share an office with two other people, who happened to be talking to two other people in here. They all looked at me like I'm crazy (I've had my headphones on, trying to ignore them and look like I'm working and not reading all of Bakker's AMA posts).

Anyway, thanks for the clever post TOT.

You're welcome, Gnostic Cants. I couldn't resist, puns make everything better, TSA included. :P Sorry about that one slight moment of embarrassment, though.

As small price to pay, friend.

General Earwa / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Nascenti of Zaudunyanicon
« on: August 16, 2017, 06:50:08 pm »
The epic tale of how Crabicus/the Boy will save the World single-handedly? ;)

I guffawed out loud at the pun here. I share an office with two other people, who happened to be talking to two other people in here. They all looked at me like I'm crazy (I've had my headphones on, trying to ignore them and look like I'm working and not reading all of Bakker's AMA posts).

Anyway, thanks for the clever post TOT.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Abstractions...
« on: August 16, 2017, 06:45:59 pm »
Hello, All.

Longtime lurker/reader and one-time Overlook harasser (for holding TGO and TUC up). Finally joined.

Thanks for all the thinks and ideas over the years. Wish I could join the "conference" this month, but, alas, I cannot. Hope there's a place where it can be streamed (FB live?).

Welcome to the Second Apocalypse, Gnostic Cants.

It happened last weekend. Bakker the Brother filmed a large portion of it, I'm working on audio transcriptions, and we have lots of pictures incoming. Also, a chance to win a Bakker-signed/Jason Deem/Overlook teaser image in poster size!

Thanks, Madness. Yeah, I realized after posting about the timing. I'm dumb.

Looking forward to getting to see/hear more. I think I replied correctly to be included in the drawing to win (not that it'll help -- I possess all the luck of an army of Malowebis).

Good to be here, among the skinnies.

General Earwa / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Nascenti of Zaudunyanicon
« on: August 16, 2017, 05:33:51 pm »

- "Kellhus is dead but not done."

Wonder if Bakker is seeding this idea with his talk about "Gin'yursis" becoming a Ciphrang. Or if Kellhus' head was the decapitant he put on Malowebi's body (I don't think the latter is true, but it's an outside thought I've had).

Also, about halos -- in the tower, we see holograms at work (with the No-God return masquerading as Kellhus transcendent)... wondering if Kellhus figure out something similar. The floating without using sorcery piece strikes me as similar.

General Earwa / Re: Zaudunyanicon 2017 Redux
« on: August 16, 2017, 05:27:28 pm »
Bakker's brother and/or I will be recording the talk and Q&A tonight to post online (and as per the Q&A thread here, Bakker's brother apparently might be filming portions of tonight and tomorrow for some kind of mini-doc) but Wilshire and I are going to try and figure out if we can Twitch stream tonight as well.

So, I missed it. Shoot -- it's been quite a month.

Any chance of getting access to footage? Other descriptions for vicarious experiencing?

Introduce Yourself / Abstractions...
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:33:05 pm »
Hello, All.

Longtime lurker/reader and one-time Overlook harasser (for holding TGO and TUC up). Finally joined.

Thanks for all the thinks and ideas over the years. Wish I could join the "conference" this month, but, alas, I cannot. Hope there's a place where it can be streamed (FB live?).

The Unholy Consult / Re: Zaudunyanicon 2017 Poster/Patch Giveaway!
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:30:03 pm »
Thanks for the giveaway. I've been a long-time lurker/reader of this and Three Seas before, and one of the rabid fans who harassed Overlook to published when they were stalling on TGO. This finally pushed me over the edge to join the forum.

No idea what TNG will hold, but I'm hoping to see Meppa resurface and very curious to learn where the Heron Spear is. Predictions: the decapitant Kellhus put on M's body and sent to Zeum is going to cause havoc there, just when they need it least (thanks to the No-God coming for them). I have some other thoughts about what happened in TUC and how they'll play out in TNG, but that's better for another thread, I think.

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