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Messages - Tythus

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The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Ajokli's Motivations
« on: October 04, 2017, 08:56:02 pm »
I hear people saying Ajokli manifested though Cnaiur alot, and I'm curious why people think that is? Is it because of the way the dialogue is delivered as he walked towards the No-God?
It's mainly because of this quote:

Quote from: R. Scott Bakker, "The Unholy Consult", Chapter 20, "The Furnace Plain"
Naked and unarmed, Cnaiür urs Skiötha, the most-violent-of-all-men, strode laughing into the Horde of Mog-Pharau ...
And it parted ... not for the smoke steaming from his numberless swazond, nor for the crimson glow poisoning his turquoise eyes, nor even for the shadowy presentiment of four horns rising about his head.
The mention of four horns is the most important part pertaining to your question here.

Awww, ya thats pretty straight forwards. I should really give the last few chapters a re-read besides the Golden room scene, I flew threw the last few pages after Kellhus was salted.

Thanks for the response!

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Ajokli's Motivations
« on: October 04, 2017, 08:26:43 pm »
Yes, in retrospect, it seems likely that the Great Ordeal wasn't anything more than a contrivance to get Ajokli to the Golden Room so it could fully manifest.   

The only thing that gives me pause about this is that Ajokli is later able to manifest itself in Cnaiur.  Might be as simple as the fact that Kellhus was the most powerful being on the planet and therefore, the ideal host?

I hear people saying Ajokli manifested though Cnaiur alot, and I'm curious why people think that is? Is it because of the way the dialogue is delivered as he walked towards the No-God?

General Earwa / Re: (spoilers all) General Questions
« on: October 04, 2017, 03:35:45 am »
1)What's up with the Bashrag ?Unlike the Sranc, they are not lust/food obsessed. How are they controlled? Not a lot was revealed about them...
2)Why did only Quya mages join the battle and what happened to them after? What where the Tall and Ishroi doing?
3)Where did the big dragon go from Sauglish? I thought he ran to Golgoterath.
Some of these things I wondered myself, Especially 2 and 3

Hey guys, first time posting, I wish i knew about this site through the entire series ><

While I was reading TUC, I had a flash back to when Esmenet was visited by the Consult (By skin-spy, or by Aurang himself, different forums say different things and i havent read the first book in about 10 years so i cant remember) and her womb was filled with black seed? I had a thought that maybe they were conditioning Esmenets womb to bear kellhus's children in order to use in the Carapace. After reading the end of TUC I thought there was some merit to it, considering the line of Anasurimbor had been used before, and since Kellhus didnt succumb to the Mutilated reasoning they used his son.

It seems like something the consult would do if they saw that far into events, having a contingency plan to bring about the No-God again. Just curious what other people might think.

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