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I think I support Wilshire's second proposal but I am not sure why.

lol which one is that?

My two cents, keep everything as it is but add the 'General Earwa' section to the top of Earwa. And since this is going to include discussion and spoilers for all published works (including Atrocity Tales), you might wanna get rid of the Atrocity Tale forum since it only has a few threads and a whole forum for two short stories seems too much to be honest.


-- Introduce Yourself
Misc. Chatter
-- Subs as they are.

General (Earwa)
Trilogy divisions as they are now
-- Book divisions as they are now

Other titles
-- Book subforums as they are now

Or if you don't care for any of that I support the order that Madness suggested of having 'Other titles' below the Earwa section. Just makes more sense to me to have Bakker's works following each other.

I think those stores deserve their own forum, especially since there might[/] be more to come. Maybe move Atrocity Tales down to Other Titles? I think its description matches up with some of the other ones in that forum.

It is done.

Let me (or Wilshire) know if anything in General Misc. belongs in General Earwa or vice versa.


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