That idea falls into the same trap that we discussed earlier.
Mimara is, apparently, holy. If anything, she is the most knowledgeable person in the Three Seas - she can actually see the morality of the world. She also had a pretty good education for a few years at the Palace, and would have been privy to a lot more mundane knowledge than most people.
This is sort of my point (which I didn't make very clear and in fact am not sure how to do so), but using the word "intelligence" or even "sentience" as I did is off the mark. A better word, perhaps, is "ignorance".
As you said, Mimara is not unintelligent, and by all means at this stage she appears to be quite comfortably
the most powerful individual in all of Earwa, with the possible exception of Kellhus. Even Cnaiur is cowed by her, not to mention Koringhus.
My point is, where does Mimara's "knowledge" come from? Is it really capital-K
knowledge, or is it intuition? From the very beginning of TJE and throughout TAE, Mimara's actions are frequently described as being motivated by whim, or instinct, or whatever. She has plenty of self-reflection, but there are things that Mimara just sort of knows, like that "Soma was not a man".
If you put Kellhus on one end of this spectrum, and Mimara on the opposite, it sort of makes my idea (true or not) more clear. Kellhus relies on nothing but knowledge, cold hard facts, laws, etc. in order to do what he does. Mimara goes on gut instinct. Just like how the Dunyain "reached for infinity and the sranc reached for zero", Mimara and Kellhus too sit on opposing ends of this spectrum (though it's murky, since Kellhus seems slid closer to the middle post-Umiaki, and obviously Mimara isn't as mindless as a sranc, for as I mentioned she does plenty of self-reflection and is blatantly an intelligent person).
I don't think this dichotomy between Mimara and Kellhus is a coincidence. One is male, the other female. One is light in color, the other dark. And of course, only Kellhus and Mimara are seen with Halos, except while just about everyone can see Kellhus's haloes (golden like the sun), only Mimara has seen her own (silver like the moon).
Though Koringhus does glimpse the "black ring" of the Judging Eye, and I'm not sure if this is the same as the silver halo Mimara sees herself with (I lean toward them being separate phenomena -- the black ring I think belongs to her baby rather than herself, but who knows).
TL;DR - There is a kind of spectrum to the metaphysics of Earwa, with The Darkness (That Comes Before) on one end, and the Light (That Blinds) on the other. Kellhus, represents the Light, Mimara the Dark.
As to "which side is right"...I don't think we'll get a conclusive answer to this since both ends seem to have benefits and downsides. I think going too far into either extreme is likely to be problematic. The Boy-Survivor, son of Koringhus, strikes me as being a vaguely Buddha-like "middle-path" scenario. Having seen both extremes (Dunyain & Sranc), he knows that both end in death and destruction.