Yeah we all wish that Likario, but we have our own agency as well. We built this TSA forum on our own, someone else built the PoN wikia, and others the reddit page, facebook page, wikipedia, wikiquote, etc. There's a thread encouraging people to review the book(s), we make podcasts, people are attempting to create boardgames and RPG rulesets, there's a TUC trailer someone on facebook made...
Heck, one year we even printed a few hundred "Who are the Dunyain" bookmarks and slipped them into every fantasy publication we could find. (Years later, at least one forum member found this place through those, imo that's a win).
I've asked a few times if anyone planned on updating the official website. I even put together half a demo on Wix before I got bored, its not hard, but the keys to that door are held by Scott's 'website guy' that "maintains" the official site - another dead place

So there's plenty we can do, though gestures from Bakker like being here (Thanks again!), doing AMA, etc. do help tremendously.
"We've" been of the opinion for years now that if Scott won't do it, we'll do our damnedest, even should we have to drag him along kicking and screaming

. Zaudunyanicon was planned and paid for before we ever got a commitment from Scott - who graciously isn't charging us for his time .
Maybe we should set up a swag shop - not sure what we'd do with the proceeds as we've never made (or asked for) a single dime. Though some of these things to cost a few bucks to run, its not like we've actually
done or created anything (my opinion at least) - its all derivative from TSA obviously. Though then I'd have to pay income taxes on any profits... might be worth figuring out though if it'd help the cause.
There is a donate button on the official rscottbakker website should you feel compelled.