Glitch: retired world-killing void gods solving mysteries

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« on: January 12, 2020, 02:51:29 am »
Interesting RPG idea that's running a Kickstarter at the moment.

It's a game about people, people like you and me, more or less, people who were like you and me, until they stumbled on a “glitch”—a lesion, a crack, an unfixable and irredeemable break in the fabric of reality; and that glitch broke them, in turn. And for a while, infected by the malice of the endless void beyond the world; for a while, their eyes made open to the true nature of the world, they thought that the answer, the best answer, the only answer, to that break was to end the world itself ...

... until they realized that was dumb.

Now, they solve mysteries!


You can play Glitch for light fun and laughs. You can play it for an experience that'll get under your skin. (It's honestly like most RPGs in that way.)

What the game's tuned for is mostly "light-hearted fun, that can sometimes get quite real."

It's a game of stories, like most roleplaying games; a game of you crafting a story; so all that "something beautiful" stuff, all that "something to make your life better" stuff I wrote earlier: that isn't anything to do with whether you're having light fun or a deeply gripping experience; it's in the kinds of stories I want to help you to tell.


Functionally, Glitch is a "diceless" RPG. That means its rules system focuses more on resource allocation than on randomized results. That doesn't mean that it's predictable or mechanical or even particularly deterministic; it just means that it gets its unpredictability, not from dice, but from the players ... from the stew of collaborating and conflicting perspectives that you all playing it will bring unto both the story and the game.

When you play Glitch, you'll be taking on the role of a character of your own creation. As you play them, you'll take actions premised on one of their five basic traits. On one of their four divine abilities, one of their four expressions of elegant and supernatural inhumanity...

Or on their fifth attribute, which could be loosely understood as "cope."

When you take action within your character's means, it will be "free." When you go beyond those means, there is a Cost. It's not a very big Cost, to be clear; pushing one's limits is sometimes healthy and sometimes unhealthy, but, just like people in the real world, characters will probably push themselves in healthy and unhealthy ways all the bloody time. The effects aren't bad at first, and they do have ways to deal with them.

But enough Cost—piled up, with time—can bring even the strongest person tumbling down.

You can think of this basic system, if you're familiar with it, as an improved and polished version of the system found in Nobilis.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 08:50:52 am by sciborg2 »


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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2020, 03:45:20 am »
Sounds trippy, I'll check it out
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« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2020, 02:37:50 am »
These diceless systems seem really useful for playing gods. I could see a game where you play entities like the Hundred one session using Glitch/Amber Diceless/etc and then deal with the fall out of divine intervention in a more conventional system (5e, Pathfinder)


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« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2020, 01:52:55 pm »
Agreed - face to face interaction with deities is not handled in 5e or older systems. Maybe it's simply never meant to be, but a card system would be appropriate in lieu of dice.
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« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2020, 10:49:00 pm »
Agreed - face to face interaction with deities is not handled in 5e or older systems. Maybe it's simply never meant to be, but a card system would be appropriate in lieu of dice.

Well the older systems - 1e & 3.5e - did stat the gods, which I always found kinda ridiculous unless you wanted to run an Illiad type game.

But I wouldn't want there to necessarily be interaction between the gods and mortals. I was thinking more like in the god game you are creating the world or at least the current world state as a negotiation/competition without randomness. Then the PCs on the mortal side - who may or may not be the players in the god game - have to live in that world use the dice based systems of D&D and similar games.

 For example if Poseidon really, really wants to punish Odysseus by sending his ship far of course from home he can probably do it. The other gods like Athena would then be able to spend their points helping Odysseus bit by bit on each island they visit since Poseidon had used up his points. PCs playing mortals then play out the adventure on the varied islands Odysseus and crew visited.