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Triune Impurity Rites 999:
Hello everyone,

Big fan of Bakker. I found the first trilogy at Value Village and saw that it was compared to G. R. R. Martin, and thought I would give it a try. I had read all the books from The Song of Ice and Fire at that point (I think, Dancing with Dragons) and thought this was be an interesting delve. I realized when I got to Esmenet's encounter with the Shrial Knight who shot black seed that I had definitely stumbled upon something vastly different than anything I had ever read. Needless to say I was hooked. Obviously I was caught up in Kellhus and really tried to like him the way I would most (anti)hero characters. (click to show/hide)However, The Aspect-Emperor really twisted everything I felt about Kellhus into something different, and then killed him. WHAT.

In a masochistic sort of way, I think, I have found possibly the greatest fiction I have ever read. The world is unreal in its creation, the concepts I could talk about for hours, the brutality and the love, the twisting of our common conceptions of good and evil; everything makes Martin's work look like easy school reading for children. I am about a third the way through The White Luck Warrior audiobook, first the time I ever decided to cough up and spend money on listening to some old dude attempt to moan sexually like a woman. Worth it. I am catching a ton of plot points I missed before (admittedly I am a stoner, and sometimes the combination does not make for great reading comprehension).

I cannot wait for the next series. I have given up any childish hopes that this will end good. Good in the way of Sanderson, or Howard, or Donaldson. (click to show/hide)A small part of me still clings to Kellhus, but I honestly think Akka and Mismara are the new and last hope for humanity. Wonder what Kayƻtas will be up to ....

Anyways, that is my background with Bakker, I do plan on exploring his other publications, as well. I am glad to be a part of this community and I hope to learn a thing or two from other people's insights.


Awesome! Welcome to the forum. You're definitely in the right place.

FWIW, I listen to a lot of audiobooks, and must unfortunately say that TAE (or at least TUC) are pretty poorly done. I can't bring myself to listen to them, so its been a while since I've done a series reread.

Well met, Pendragon. Also, great name and great display name. Glad you decided to join us.

There are dozens of us! (Arrested Development joke ;).)

Welcome, welcome!

Mmmm, fresh blood.

Welcome, hopefully you will find some discussion interesting and worth participating in.  Feel free to correct us early and often, we are mostly just old and set in our ways.


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