Earwa > The Thousandfold Thought

I wonder about Kellhus ripping his heart out..........

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Capt.Croaker ---after the hanging on the circumfix.i often wonder if he may have died on the circumfix and was possessed while he went to the outside.its possible,maybe?this was discussed when he was visted by the Nonmen in The white luck warrior.it was said he went to the outside in the unification wars.i cant seem to believe he could have removed his heart before the hanging.Is Kellhus a possessed soul.i would wage a bet he is.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: lockesnow ---he need not have died.  Physiology seems to work differently on Earwa. For example, Thoughts pass through the soul, not through the brain.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: SATXZ ---I was pretty sure he tore out serwes heart, then pretended it was his own for the audience.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Capt.Croaker ---
--- Quote from: SATXZ ---I was pretty sure he tore out serwes heart, then pretended it was his own for the audience.
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i would have thought that would have been noticed

--- Quote from: lockesnow ---he need not have died.  Physiology seems to work differently on Earwa. For example, Thoughts pass through the soul, not through the brain.
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Some people on earth would say the same thing.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---This section recieved alot of editing and removal of text in the draft - there's ambiguous and then there's just plain confusing. I think we should all hope for some directors cut of the book or a cutting room floor excerpt in the future, in regard to this.
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