Miscellaneous Chatter > Literature

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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: sciborg2 ---Working my way through Kafka's short story collection. At the moment I'm trying to not go back in time and slap Kafka in the face, but my frustration is attenuating my temporal tether...
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Callan S. ---
--- Quote from: sciborg2 ---Working my way through Kafka's short story collection. At the moment I'm trying to not go back in time and slap Kafka in the face, but my frustration is attenuating my temporal tether...
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I'll bite. Why's that? I haven't read them, btw.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: sciborg2 ---Heh, I meant that humorously. The stories just don't make any sense. There's no narrative or plot to cling to. Though really this is just one story that is going on and on with no end or point in sight.
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Wilshire ---1984, I loved. Truly amazing
Brave New World, was too similar to 1984 but not as good, still worth a read though.
Picture of Dorian Grey, slightly homosexual but was interesting.

Sorry but I'll never understand the fascination with The Great Gatsby
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What Came Before:

--- Quote from: Truth Shines ---
--- Quote from: Jorge ---Post your favorite 'Literary Fiction' novels and stories.

Here are some of the ones I'm partial to, not many are really 'contemporary'.

The Great Gatsby
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Indubitably (I like that word).

The first great work of literature I read.  Still my first great love in books.  10 years after reading it in high school, I happened upon a books on tape series on great American literary classics given by professor Arnold Weinstein.  That gave me some great new insight on the book, which just made me love it even more.
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