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Messages - Mithfânion

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The image in itself is a little bit of a spoiler of course, as I was able to identify who it was and who surrounds him ( seems obvious even at a glance). On the other hand it is not much of a spoiler because I still don't have any idea what happens, but when someone starts saying that it is actually a massive spoiler and that it is big event in the book etc then of course bells start to go off.

That said I am definitely up for more previews.

Author Q&A / Questions
« on: June 22, 2016, 11:12:52 am »
Hi Scott,

A few questions if I may:

1) Do more Inchoroi exist at this point in the story than the two we know?
2) How much power do these two have left, if you compare them to earlier in their life?
3) Does the God of Gods live in the Outside like The Hundred, or is he present in Earwa as well?
4) In one of the old Three Seas threads, you mentioned the following, or at least this was a summary of what you said:

Originally, among the Men of Eanna, magic was the monopoly of the Shamans. They were of the Few, their souls recalling the God of Gods in near-perfect proportion, and were also considered holy, with a direct line to the will of the divine. They were Prophets and Sorcerers in one (to the point that this distinction was meaningless then).

At some point (still in Eanna, long before the Tusk), individuals arose who claimed to represent the Gods as Prophets, but who were not of the Few, and whose souls did not have any special recollection of the God of Gods. This perhaps gave the Gods a means of bypassing the God of Gods' influence and interfering in the World themselves, each with their own individual agenda.

Probably the Gods gave their Prophets 'magical' powers (miracles/thaumaturgy), but these remained under the control/will of the Gods, not of the Prophets themselves.

There was eventually a conflict (initially political/philosohical, but eventually violent) between the Shamans and the Prophets. The Prophets won and outlawed/condemned Sorcery.

The Prophets monopolised the claim of representing the divine. This was the beginning of recognisable Kiunnat beliefs, with the Gods and their laws as pre-eminent and the God of Gods as an impotent 'placeholder' to represent the Gods as a collective.

So questions:

a) Were Inri Sejenus and Fane shamans? Their power was real? Or were they more like prophets?
b) If the Hundred are parts of the God of Gods, why are they trying to suppress him? Why is there a battle between the Hundred and the God of Gods?

5) Who in today's world is capable of practicing the Metagnosis?

Author Q&A / Re: Power Levels
« on: June 22, 2016, 10:34:03 am »

As per the dictionary:

the doctrine that knowledge of the Absolute is within human reach, but through a higher religious consciousness rather than by logical processes.

Now that is fascinating. "Has he grasped the Absolute?" suddenly takes on another meaning.

Author Q&A / Re: Favorite Secondary Character
« on: June 22, 2016, 10:20:31 am »
Like Cnaiur, Conphas was definitely memorable. He has a great story arc.

Author Q&A / The Unholy Consult size
« on: June 22, 2016, 10:14:03 am »
Hi Scott,

I was very happy to hear that TUC is scheduled for Summer 2017, this will be immense.
Great Ordeal is about 500 pages of narrative in book form. Do you think TUC will be around 400 pages of story to wrap it up, or is it basically the same size as The Great Ordeal with 500 pages of narrative?

Secondly, what size do you think the encyclopedic glossary will end up being? In TTT it was nearly 100 pages.

Beautiful preview it has to be said.

I expect that that is Sorweel in Ishterebinth, surrounded by Nonmen.

Yes, he does mention he does a lot of rewriting and polishing of the narrative and it seems then that this may sometimes include even fairly substantial things, as well as more minor stuff. In that regard the fact that he is buffing up TUC and making changes to it will mean you will find new stuff in that as well.

The Great Ordeal / Re: TGO Review: Grimdark Magazine
« on: June 18, 2016, 07:26:00 pm »
All the reviews so far have been incredibly positive, it has to be said.

I am completely unsurprised by this though. We are now getting to the real meat of the story and Bakker is clearly in his element, finally allowed to reveal and let loose.

Hey, this is the only info we have to go off of though, right? Anyhow, I didn't mean to stir the pot, sorry for doing so. My critic wasn't one to put down RSB. I just agreed with Pat that I think it couldve, would've been an excellent novel in its entirety. I'm sure TGO is great on its own and I'm excited for it. It was more of a "what could've been" type of thing. Sorry, don't mean to be a Debbie Downer.

I'll make this conversation make sense in the future, MSJ, if Bakker hasn't clarified before then :).

Hey Mike, I was wondering when reading this, I know you've read the TGO manuscript, but did that include TUC ( or the draft of what will be TUC)? Or will the release of TUC be new content for you as well?

The Great Ordeal / Re: New Interview with Bakker!
« on: June 18, 2016, 07:13:16 pm »
The July 2017 date is heartening, and somewhat expected, I thought it would be a year after release.

General Earwa / Re: To Madness...
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:46:17 pm »
I'll second the request for a synopsis as Madness would author it.

General Earwa / Re: To Madness...
« on: June 15, 2014, 01:28:04 pm »
What's unclear about that, as Wilshere posted in the quorum as well, is whether or not the manuscript is in, and has been in with the publishers since the announcement on Scott;s blog, back in January or so, and that what is going on now is the publisher and Scott doing their editing work on it, which is the normal process between handing in the MS and final publication.

Or, if the manuscript has been handed in, but that there are rewrites being required in such a sense that the book is still being written. That could cause another serious delay, but I believe from what we have been told that the former is the case here. That's why publication in early 2015 would be reasonable.

General Earwa / Re: To Madness...
« on: June 14, 2014, 09:56:00 pm »
SilentRoamer [12|Jun 02:47 pm]:   whats the estimated publish date now? is it even this year?

Madness [12|Jun 02:47 pm]:   I don't really know. I do know that I don't understanding how publishing works.

Madness [12|Jun 02:48 pm]:   Seriously, it seems fucked.

Madness [12|Jun 02:48 pm]:   Umm... I want to say absolutely by mid-2015.

Madness [12|Jun 02:48 pm]:   But early is still an option.

Madness [12|Jun 02:49 pm]:      I gather that these companies work in "Quarters" and sequences/cues of putting authors out.

Madness [12|Jun 02:49 pm]:      And Bakker is not a priority.

Madness [12|Jun 02:49 pm]:   Except to us, of course.

This is typical from what we heard and speculated about before. The manuscript is in but now they need to lock on a date, and as you say, if you're not in schedule, you could easily move up a few months. I do remember from previous books that according to Locus, there was about a year in between handing in the MS, to publication. So hopefully early 2015.

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (III)
« on: June 14, 2014, 09:30:37 pm »

Either you have a lot of free time suddenly, or these aren't particularly difficult to make. Either way, this is a great series of drawings.

I forget who Onkis was, but that drawing just looks great. Gilgaol and Ajoki are also very nice.

I cannot see "Kings" for some reason, it says there's a filter on it and not on the others.

Also like this one:

Your depiction of the Tusk and the Heron Spear also works for me.

Mog is splendid. The Synthese is close but a bit too much in the face IMO, face should be smaller.

This Inchoroi depiction ranks among your best though:

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