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Messages - geoffrobro

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The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Mimara
« on: February 27, 2016, 02:23:39 am »
Maybe with the judging eye Mimara will be able to salt sorcerers and undo sorcery with a gaze!

According to the Nonman King, not one in a hundred Inchoroi survived the Ark’s fall from the heavens, and yet a thousand thousand of them had warred against the Nonmen over the course of their innumerable wars.

So, there were 100 million Inchoroi in the Ark?  I can't say I am believing that...

Certainly not if the measurements of the Ark in the Isuphiryas are to be believed. 

Yeah, I am more inclined to believe the measurements than the number of Inchoroi they thought they faced.

With the grafts, there could have been a much smaller, ever "evolving" group of Inchoroi which made it seem like vaster numbers.

I can somewhat believe the 100 million. Golgotterath is somewhat described as "low-tide" at the beach. when the tide drifts away and hundreds and hundreds of clams and mussels attach themselves to the pier or a sunken boats hull on its side. im picturing clams on clams on clams. im starting to think the Inchoroi are clams-heads with grafted bodies.   

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (VI)
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:37:42 pm »
fucking awesome dude!

(On my phone)
The skin spy is communcating on a sonar level. Tell fellow skin spies how many guards, their hours, and what is needed to visit him in captivity.

And the only other time we witness someone walk thru wards is when Cleric is sitting over Mimara while Akka is beside her sleep. It's seems like is a high level techqiue

In chapter 8 when Esmi is reading The Sagas, In The Kelmariad, which is a history of Anaurimbor Celmomas. Celmomomas had a stillborn twin named Huormomas, the poet who wrote The Kelmariad insisted Huormomas ever stalked his brother's side, chilling his hear even as he quickened his intellect.
Grim kinsman,frosting the breath of his every counsel
Dark reflection! Even the knight-cheiftains bundle their cloaks
When they catch your glint in their Lord's eye.

Certainly there were truces, the coming together of coincidental interests, but nothing else, nothing meaningful. Kellhus had taught him that. He cackled aloud when the revelation struck, and for a moment the world itself wobbled. A sense of power suffused him, so intense it seemed something other might snap from his frame, that throwing out his arms he could shear Joktha’s walls from their foundations, cast them to the horizon. No reason bound him. Nothing. No scruple, no instinct, no habit, no calculation, no hate … He stood beyond origin or outcome. He stood nowhere.

I'd have to say this is the moment in which Gilgoal actually inhabited Cnaüir. Joktha is one of my favorite battle scenes in the books, for this reason alone.

This is a really interesting part because we get Cnaiirs inside POV of feeling Gilgoal and a outside view. Conphas says the same when he captures Cnaiir in Chapter 9:

Conphas had witnessed it, as much as any of the Columnaries who'd quailed before him in Jokta. In the firelight the barbarian's eyes had been coals set in his skull. And the blood had painted him the colour of his true skin. Theswatting arms, the roaring voices, the chest-pounding declarations. They had all seen the God. They had all seen dread Gilgaol rearing about him. a great shadow...


Men were like this, Cnaiür realized, binding their manifold roots then branching in a thousand different directions, twining into the greater canopy of other men. But these things—these skin-spies—were something altogether different, though they could mimic men well enough. They did not bleed into their surroundings as men did. They struck through circumstances, rather than reaching out to claim them. They were spears concealed in the thickets of human activity. Thorns … Tusks.

Found this very interesting and a little gem from Mr. Bakker. Cnaüir observing the skin-spies and how they are compared to men. A lie made flesh essentially. And, he compares them to tusks. And the Tusk is another lie the Inchoroi has put in the Three-Seas to further their purpose. Great little nugget of you ask me.
This is very close to the lesson Kellhus learns from Pragma about trees.

Atrocity Tales / Re: The inverse fire.
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:15:25 pm »
im starting to think the IF is a consciousness giving device, an tekne operating system. a device that give flesh life from the scrane to the bashrag. But a creature that already has consciousness ie humans, nonman get a extra consciousness placed into them, similar to Ses heart and the mandate. a force that "drives" the flesh that is the body and the consciousness itself is driven by fear. 

I think it is plausible to think that perhaps Kellhus is actually working to defeat the Consult, but at the same time, achieve their same goal (minus all the murder).

I feel there is a good chance that what Kellhus wants is the sealing off of the world from the Outside, this way everything is calculable, everything is determinable and so being truly self-moving is possible.

Essentially, make a meaningful world, meaningless. ;)

ETA: it then makes plenty of sense as to why Kellhus would want the Tekne.

Kellhus did a interesting thing with the Mandate, he tricked Akka to not telling them of his presences until he had enough to bargin with them as equals. Kellhus may do the same thing with the Consult. He could show up at Golgotterath with TGO and a ultimatum, "Ill drive the No-God and show you how its done."

In chapter 2 when Cnaiir meets baby Moe and grasps the concept of how the Dunyain see world-born men, it leads me to believe the idea that Ses had a hand in the creation of the Dunyain. He has seen first hand the way nations and men will act even in the face of death. Like the king who hid the heron spear while other nations were destoryed, even with the threat of the No-God, men will be men.
So he at least had a hand in the making of the Dunyain civilization where he was very lucky to find the last Anasûrimbor.

General Earwa / Re: TSACast (SA Podcast)
« on: February 13, 2016, 01:28:18 pm »
Someone brought up that we all knew the Holy War was meant to fail. But the Consult needed it the to destroy the Cish. How? What was the consults plan if Khellus never showed up and "saved" it?

In Chapter 22 theres a cut to two guards, Rash and Wrigga, talking about one of their first sightings of Kellhus' and Serwe's child. these two were setup to tell Cnaiir that the babys name was Moenghus, as soon as Cnaiir leaves, the two men look at each other
"then just to be certain. they resumed their fabricated conversation. As theyd been instructed."

Who set this up? Kellhus? To start the wheel rolling on Cnaiirs betrayal?  Thats a odd way to inform Cnaiir that his son was born and named Moenghus. Natural word of mouth would of spread that info.


General Earwa / Re: Serwe
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:16:29 pm »
Conphas' main general see them after Kellhus kills the 3 assassins. From the Generals POV it's says he places a haloed hand on his shoulder. He believe Kellhus is a true prophet

General Earwa / Re: Serwe
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:41:25 pm »
during this reread i noticed Cnaiirs fetish for Norsirai women. His most loved wife was half Norsirai and i think this comes from Moe's manipulation of Cnaiir, sexual or not cnaiir loves the pale skin and blonde hair. Kellhus must of seen this and took Serwe and gave her what cnaiir could never give her, happiness and the feeling that you are greater then you appear. 

If there is every a cast contact me so I can make sure I'm free. This reread has opened a lot of stuff and ideas

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