After reading
The Carathayan but before having read TUC - thus confirming the role played by the Decapitants - FB made an apt comment to me regarding Kellhus "collecting Ciphrang like pokemon."
Now there is an interesting narrative collapse if we adopt FB's perspective, implying that the "two" Decapitants hanging on Kellhus' girdle are a rotating cast of illusory heads. Malowebi reminisces, in his WLW POVs when considering Kellhus, that Ciphrang do periodically possess people and wreak havoc in the World. The Nonman embassy, Nin'sarricas, suggests that such substitutions have happened as well - brilliant move, Bakker, playing the reader that the Nonmen hand-shake would alert the Nin'sarricas to any foul play by Outside agencies.
Now I've maintained
in-thread that fitting
The Carathayan in Earwa's context might yield many world nuggets but...
Just strictly going off FB conjecture and Bakker's comment that Uster Scraul, the leading man of that
Atrocity Tale, would make a good character vehicle for future such tales, we could surmise that Scraul - who it's hinted at in story has a predestined death augured by one of his sisters - is Kellhus' Headsman, roaming around the Three-Seas post-Unification Wars in 4121 (randomly right after Kellhus learns the Diamos as noted above in thread) collecting all these aforementioned "naturally-occuring" Ciphrang possessed individuals so Kellhus can put them to use.