lodown.net - heh, I comment, then comments are disabled?

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« on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:09 pm »
Quote from: Callan S.
Someone linked to this site in the TPB comments. I commented - nothing actually dramatic or anything (more just asking for more info - scroll down to where there are comments to find mine and judge for yourself if you wish). I found the posts seem to cut to the heart of things. I could actually relate to the thought process.

But then comments get disabled?


I find that sudden cutton of disconcerting -  it's kind of like being deprived of air, but the reverse - it's like needing to breath out, but denied (eternally). So I thought I'd breath out here and go, waz up with that? I can't remember who linked to it, but if they are a member here perhaps they could talk about how they came across the site previously?

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« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:15 pm »
Quote from: Auriga
Scött would have one or two things to say about the appalling moral certainty of the guy who doesn't want to publish comments that contradict his personal philosophy. ;)

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« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:20 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
the logo for this blog should be an ouroboros except it's the author ravenously sucking his own dick

i mean come on

Meditation is not zero-ontological. It is bullshit-ontological,* that is why Zen seems zero-derived. Silliness is fun, especially when rationalized as profound.

it's like he threw darts at a thesaurus

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« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:25 pm »
Quote from: Callan S.
Well, I have to say I wanted to comment on the blog because the posts interested me. How I'd read that ontological reference is that he is asserting meditation does not let you escape ontological and reach some kind of zero ontological level. It seems an interesting assertion to make. And look how acidic Scott gets on the devils chirp twitter feed "Compliment: An interpersonal loan when flattering and a genuine gift when backhanded." - there are paralels there.

However, to just spit this bile at the world, but to become a shut in/turn off comments? For a start it's gutless - it's that safe area where you never have to be wrong about doing something, because you never do anything except bitch about absolutely everything. Safe place to be in, cause how can you ever be the target of your own bile when you only ever spit it and never do anything to be the target of it? But hypocritical in that you supposedly care about how things are bad in the world, but you do fuck all to change it because you're a big shut in. Wont even try and change the world the lazy way by talking with folks! It's like throwing away your vote in an election. A hermit of the semantic apocalypse? One of perhaps many to come?

Not that I don't have my own line of bile...

Ok, no more comments, threads closed!

Joking! LOL! But blunt weapons only, no knives! Lets keep it friendly! >:)

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« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:30 pm »
Quote from: jamesA01
I'm the one who linked to Lodown.

The site is run by one Pierre Rousseau. I came across him in the youtube comments section of a Chris Hedges video. I've been half cyber stalking him since then.

I would be lying if I said he wasn't one of the most interesting thinkers I've ever come across and his writing doesn't play on my mind late at night. To be honest when I came across his stuff I felt like it was a path to reconnect with the mystical experience that led to the nervous breakdown that started me reading theory in the first place! It really hit home, suffice to say when I approach it more soberly there is lots to disagree with.

I have been commented on Pierres' sites for a while now and occasionally emailed him. However he is a very difficult man to talk with. I have repeatedly recommended that he read Bakker, even going so far as to send him the Last Magic Show essay over email. He has not responded to these requests. I also suggested he read Baudrillard, particularly The Perfect Crime. He claimed Baudrillard was the next subject of his investigation a while ago but it seems to have slipped his mind.

Honestly, if Pierre is mad then I'm as mad as he is, because I can't honestly get over the feeling that he's right and that I know what he's talking about in some really deep and true sense. But the kind of thing we're talking about is the kind of thinking that leads you to become a ranting homeless schizo street preacher.

The most glaring problem I have with him is his anti civilization talk and seeming idealization of some lost primitive arrangement. This type of hippie conservatism sets off massive alarm bells.

But now if you try and talk to him he simply says that the idea that you or he exist as selves is wrong and part of a junkie addiction of consciousness. You can't really get through to him.

If you want to read more of his stuff or contact him, you can find other sites and his facebook account here: http://pierre-rousseau.net/

His main site, lodown, is here: http://lodown.net/

I'll post extracts later on and we can start a proper discussion about these ideas.

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« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:37 pm »
Quote from: Callan S.
*exhaling from a drag on an imaginary cigarette*

Wow, his hermitude seems a kind of thunder on the horizon. What's that notion about the seperation of experience and knowledge? Well there goes knowledge, off to it's hermit hut in the hills.

Already down a soldier.

Yeah, 'selves exist is junkie addiction', about that - so why does he engage in the gluttony of outpouring on several websites?

No, not mad...madness is a kind of innocence. He's not mad.

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« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:43 pm »
Quote from: jamesA01
Well, because he (not his existential self but the entity known as Pierre Rousseau, or X) is engaged in an investigation which will change the symbolic structure of consciousness and the organization of human life on earth completely by 2015 at the latest. (It's been pushed back a few years).

Basically, since the evolutionary emergence of language and the symbolic nature of human consciousness, there has been a terrible error, a junkie addiction to the sensation of volition. By 2015 there will be a spontaneous world wide awakening and consciousness will finally become coherent and healthy.

This is when we all apparently give up being addicted to the notion of the self and volition and the entire organization of our current life ceases. We realize that the law was an atrocity because by attributing guilt to people it only perpetuated the junkie addiction to volition.

Of course when I pressed Pierre about this he admitted that jails would still exist because there will be some people that still have to be detained. This was something he only admitted after I questioned him.

Pierre doesn't think that anything exists. The tree falling in the woods does not exist. Everything is narrative, everything is the same at the quantum level. The narrative is unhealthy due to the idea that humans exist and have selves and have intention.

Pierre says there is a prohibition in our culture on expressing the fact that our conscious experience is infinitely resolved and ineffable. It is this infinite/ineffableness that is destroyed by the junkie addiction to volition and the incoherence of our language.

Backing up his ideas are an impressive knowledge of quantum physics, Jaynes, child psychology, philosophy and science. Impressive though it is, it's ever changing and always deferring to the point of spontaneous global awakening when we will all be sane and have our utopia.

I should also point out that from what I've seen, up until about 2009 Pierre was obsessed with the Singularity and believed that AI would imminently bring about human extinction. He moved on from this idea but there are still youtube comments he made on Ray Kurzweil videos warning that the apocalypse was nigh.

Of course everything I've said is wrong because I am referring to him as an existential entity and using incoherent language which characterizes myself as an existential and intentional entity, but its the best I can do.

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« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:49 pm »
Quote from: jamesA01
Quote from: Callan S.
*exhaling from a drag on an imaginary cigarette*

Wow, his hermitude seems a kind of thunder on the horizon. What's that notion about the seperation of experience and knowledge? Well there goes knowledge, off to it's hermit hut in the hills.

Already down a soldier.

Yeah, 'selves exist is junkie addiction', about that - so why does he engage in the gluttony of outpouring on several websites?

No, not mad...madness is a kind of innocence. He's not mad.

As well as retreating to his hermit hut, he's stocking up on guns and ammo. Even to the point of using his theory to explain a conspiracy in incoherent consciousness to suppress rounds of a particular ammo he was trying to buy.

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« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2013, 08:53:58 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
Callan it took a lot of liquor to say this but you have one of the most idiosyncratic and poetic posting styles I've ever seen in my long career as a Superstar Forum Poster. Sometimes I dunno what you're saying but other times you say some real beautiful shit keep on rockin and never change bro

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« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2013, 08:54:03 pm »
Quote from: Callan S.
Quote from: jamesA01
As well as retreating to his hermit hut, he's stocking up on guns and ammo. Even to the point of using his theory to explain a conspiracy in incoherent consciousness to suppress rounds of a particular ammo he was trying to buy.

There's basically two types of bullet I know of - bullets, and fuck you up bad bullets (hollow points, for example).

Uh, if there's a special kind of bullet he's trying to buy - why does he want to buy fuck you up bad bullets? (hell, wanting bullets should make me questioney, but no, it gets to fuck you up bad bullets and I'm asking)

Or are there special long shelf life bullets or something that's available?

Pierre doesn't think that anything exists.
Of course everything I've said is wrong because I am referring to him as an existential entity and using incoherent language which characterizes myself as an existential and intentional entity, but its the best I can do.
Doesn't it sound bogus when nothing exists, but somehow being wrong still exists?

I'm not trying to say even being wrong exists somehow, I'm just trying to say it seems a piecemeal repudiation of existance on his/its part.

bbaztek, I dunno what to say? Well, drink responsibly and in good health!? :)

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« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2013, 08:54:08 pm »
Quote from: jamesA01
I have no idea about the bullets, it was a certian type of ammo that he couldn't buy, its on the blog somewhere.

This was when the shootings in the US were happening big time and all his fellow survivalist fuckwits were stocking up on ammo and it was selling out.

Fucking survivalists really are disgusting people. They are prepared to rely on civilization but dream of its downfall so they can lord it over starving peasants as ego manic warlords. Except the dumb shits never think about what happens then, when their supplies have run out and everything has collapsed. I guess they dream of regressing to savagery.

Anyway, as problematic as all this shit is, I can't simply discount his primary assumption, which is that the self is not real and our belief in it is not what we think it is. He is producing some really high quality thinking at times and his critique of things is so ruthless that it can't be ignored.

But trying to talk with him is like smacking your head off a brick wall.

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« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2013, 08:54:14 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
I'm pretty wary of people who claim to have existence "all figured out" and then disable comments. Right now I'm not seeing revolutionary in his thinking that aren't borrowed from a million other philosophical traditions/spiritual systems. It's true in this day and age there's no such thing as an original thought, but if you're gonna make claims about having solved the mysteries of life there's a lot to be said for presentation. There's not even a pretense of friendly discussion on his blog, it is literally "this is the true state of things, come at me bro COMMENTS DISABLED".

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« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2013, 08:54:19 pm »
Quote from: jamesA01
RE: http://lodown.net/?p=7682

What Pierre is doing is literally speaking in the place of a non existant form of consciousness. It's like he has virtualized himself and is using the reaction of his entity to reality to denounce it.

Either he's completely insane, or he's speaking in the place of death without realizing it. The gut reactions of me and Callan and others against him either means we are the defenders of civilization and he is the void or he's turned himself into a ghost of an 'entity' that doesn't exist yet.

"That the mere sense data, consciousness, by the presumption of claiming, claims both consciousness AND existence is the pathological incoherence."

If we take this seriously then Pierre is calling for a new... i can't say world - there's no word i can say what it is - but this entity would combine both consciousness and noumena together.

There would be no:

US (standing in a) WORLD (that we are) INSIDE etc. etc. to infinity.

Baudrillard warned us of the sublime fate of the total virtualization of the universe and here in Pierre we are seeing this process has already begun!

If you think he's mad, then he can't distinguish between reality and hyper reality whatsoever (who can right?) but he ALSO can't distinguish between HIS self and the REPRESENTATIONS of self that are everywhere, in the media, hell, in the presence of other people.

It's all a horrendous violent inhuman intrusion to him and he's reacting badly by retreating into his navel.

I mean, we can make fun of this all we like but I defy anyone to go and thoroughly consider his writings without being at least suspicious that he isn't onto something.

The most basic 'law' I can derive from this, like the prohibition he's calling for, is for us to cease the idea that 'sense data represents consciousness'. So no more art or entertainment that pretends to be selves doing things and speaking about other selves.

I'm astounded by the implications of what it would mean for the world to take this seriously, if it's even possible or not.

It makes the singularity look like a pleasantly stoned afternoon in front of a computer.

Or maybe it's all just some sort of asbergery, autistic dream of a totally singular plane of consciousness unrelated and unconnected to any other people, noumena or intrusive phenomena.

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« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2013, 08:54:25 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Whatever it is reminds me of a vehement but ultimately, less articulate, and evolved Wilbur.

I internalized that excerpt a little differently, james.

It seems to be reducing the term consciousness to "sense data," or datum and parsing our "I," volitional existence as individual distinctions, the "I" experiencing being as epiphenomenal... least that's what I read.

Also, to me this seems the thesis of that narrative, an assertion on its part - assertions to me seem to drag on the intentional though:

The first coherent consciousness will ultimately be symbolic consciousness by nomenal pattern-recognition without the atrocious inequities of hierarchical development of self or self roles (inside) vs. outside, in other words without the establishment of apish societies of subjective or hierarchical non-deterministic agents or any agency at all.

It suggests valuing coherency and that its, thus far, missing from consciousness. "Symbolic consciousness by nomenal [I think its using this instead of noumenal, which simply means phenomenal at piece, or of, the mind] pattern-recognition," doesn't exist and yet betrays premises and promises of Platonic form and the existence of mind as a special and distinct from matter. Nihilism, or some variant, Buddhism or self-negating conscious state will arise and do away with prejudice entire.

Honestly, it reeks self-loathing. Why can't we just try and do better ourselves now? I can be a better human for strict abstraction - arguments like this exploit pessimistic statistics, which exist as averages.

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« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2013, 08:54:31 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
Quote from: jamesA01
RE: http://lodown.net/?p=7682]Baudrillard warned us of the sublime fate of the total virtualization of the universe and here in Pierre we are seeing this process has already begun!

If you think he's mad, then he can't distinguish between reality and hyper reality whatsoever (who can right?) but he ALSO can't distinguish between HIS self and the REPRESENTATIONS of self that are everywhere, in the media, hell, in the presence of other people.

It's all a horrendous violent inhuman intrusion to him and he's reacting badly by retreating into his navel.

I mean, we can make fun of this all we like but I defy anyone to go and thoroughly consider his writings without being at least suspicious that he isn't onto something.

The most basic 'law' I can derive from this, like the prohibition he's calling for, is for us to cease the idea that 'sense data represents consciousness'. So no more art or entertainment that pretends to be selves doing things and speaking about other selves.

I'm astounded by the implications of what it would mean for the world to take this seriously, if it's even possible or not.

It makes the singularity look like a pleasantly stoned afternoon in front of a computer.

Or maybe it's all just some sort of asbergery, autistic dream of a totally singular plane of consciousness unrelated and unconnected to any other people, noumena or intrusive phenomena.

Thank you for taking the time to inform my woefully uneducated ass about this guy's blog. I rescind my earlier statements and agree that his posts are rather fascinating, even if he is a bit of a blowhard. Fascinating, fascinating.