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Messages - littlegrice

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The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers]Kayûtas - Boring or Terrifying?
« on: August 01, 2017, 11:19:59 pm »

littlegrice, I'm not sure if you'd have been exposed to this before but Bakker has mentioned over the years that the omnipresent war POVs were heavily influenced by both Homer but specifically Harold Lamb's Iron Men and Saints.

Great read, as is much of his other historical fiction (I can't speak to his fantasy fiction, though I'm sure its worth reading too).

Now it's officially on the 'to read' list.

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers]Kayûtas - Boring or Terrifying?
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:41:34 pm »
Certainly the Great Ordeal of Kellhus has perished, buy maybe we have the remnants of it renamed and rallied by Mim&Akka&Kayutas in something like Xenophon's "Anabasis", but fighting hordes of gangraping sranc instead of Persian.

The March of the Ten Thousand. That's great ;).

You ever read any Paul Kearney, Woden? His Macht series is basically a fantasy rendition of the above. Though, I think all fans of Bakker would enjoy his The Monarchies of God quintet.


Welcome to the Second Apocalypse, Zealously.

In the Prince of Nothing, I definitely saw a LOT of shadowing(historically speaking) of the First Crusades in their march to take back Jerusalem(Shimeh).  Maybe we will see some other major campaign mimicked in the No-God.  Napoleon after his loss in Russia?  Dunno.  Would be cool, though, as the initial one led me to read up a lot more on the Crusades.  Made me a more learned man. (insert 'like a sir' emote here)

The Unholy Consult / Metaphysics and Twin Souls
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:35:28 pm »
So I have been giving this some thought for some time, back when I thought Kelmomas could be rehabilitated and help the so-called good guys, but with recent twists, it think it has become even MORE relevant, and not just a figment of my over-active imagination. 

Twin Souls i.e. having more than one person in one person.  How would that affect Cants?  I have a few possibilities:

  1.  The extra soul adds inutterals, making Meta Gnostic Cants, or (what?) Ultra Meta Gnostic Cants for someone like Kellhus who can already do Meta Gnostic?
  2.  The extra soul makes his own inutterals, playing off the utterals of the Speaker, but to achieve a different Cant altogether.  Two for the price of one.
  3.  I don't have a third, but lists should have at least three

Then there are the questions...if Shauriatas IS inside the Mutilated, can the fact that he is one of the Few allow the ones who are not among the Mutilated to use Cants?  Does he make the one(s) who are more powerful, or is his soul a distraction?  Which is more important, the utteral or the inutteral?  One completes the other, but must they BOTH be anchored in the mystery of the Few?  Or as long as there is one, the other can compensate? 

Crack-pot and maybe(probably?) a pointless talk, since it may(will?) not come to pass, but it has been gnawing at me for years, so I would love some fellow Apocalypse Nerds' thoughts on this. ;D

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Shauriatas
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:20:58 pm »
Why do they have to destroy each other? Maybe Shauriatas is undone as Shauriatas but is now living in symbiosis as a new combined entity with the Dunyain. Maybe it's a mutual arrangement. It would explain how they could do sorcery, in any case. IIRC all the Dunyain with that potential murdered themselves in the prologue of the first book. But if they have a sorcerer's soul being utilized between them, maybe that's not an obstacle.

I don't think it was the ones with the potential, just the ones he contacted, and as I remember they were all elders.  This makes(for me at least) a new question:  Who can receive dreams?  Can it only be the Few?  We know almost nothing of the Pshuke(misspelled?), and so we don't know how those Cants of Far-calling work.  All we know is the ones contacted killed themselves, and the others honored their sacrifice by not snooping.

And I firmly believe that the Dunyain would be capable of sustaining Shauriatas AND acting Dunyain normal.  The way they all came down their own steps, and stayed there, was kind of telling.  And Shauriatas ASSISTING them with Cants is a cool twist to my initial thoughts...Still not sure if this is what happened, but if it did, I can see it. 

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers} Sorweel
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:57:57 pm »
Given the method of his use as a POV in the Mansion, Bakker could literally have used any character for that. It also bugs me that when he died he wasn't even really sorweel. A lot of his identity was just suddenly consumed by the White Luck with no warning. Something about the whole thing just feels off to me, and not in a good "Damn you brilliant bastard for making me like this character" way.

He couldn't have though, right?  Not without using an Erratic, and we have all seen how confusing THAT is from the Atrocity Tale.  Sorweel was the only human that(sort of) had free reign in the Mansion.  I definitely agree that for as much time we spent with him, he went out quick and ugly, and to no real purpose from the viewpoint of those of us whom had begrudgingly come to like him. 

The Unholy Consult / Re: Bakker Q&A Thread!
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:46:30 pm »
When is the AMA?

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers} Sorweel
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:44:31 pm »
I think maybe he was there mostly to show is the last Nonman Mansion and how bad it had really become for them, and to somehow have a POV that wasn't just being tortured for however long it was they were there.  Before and after that, he was just a vessel of the Dread Mother.  All of his good stuff came from the Mansion.

So I took this to mean something along the lines of them betraying their logic process. 

So in chess, when you see a certain opening sequence, or a certain gambit, you know your opponent has studied a certain type of style.  I think it's the same here, where Kellhus finally sees the unmistakable gambit/logic path of Ishual, and there could only be one conclusion.  I also remember he was quiet for a good long time, staring at the machine.  Maybe he was doing his probability trance, hunting the threads of the Thousand Fold Thought that accounted for other Dunyain.  Then he says not everyone can be saved, but amends it with 'this is a good thing.'  Now why the shit would he say that?  Besides the fact that he is constantly playing the prophet and saying cryptic shit to confuse and better possess people, I think, once he knew there were Dunyain in control of the Consult, he IMMEDIATELY knew how to defeat them, because he knows how they think, but he has been in the world for more than 20 years, and knows things they cannot fathom.  He was precisely correct when he said 'I am the greater mystery here.'

Clever.  Bastard.


It's also why some of them were waging war on Kellhus, because he was the only thing they could attribute all the commotion to. 

I really need to finish reading the book (savouring it!) but I think this a fairly common misconception so far. The Gods aren't hunting Kellhus, they're hunting Ajokli, whom they know is making a play for whatever Ajokli wants through Kellhus' mortal coil.

Ehh...little of column A, little of column B.

General Misc. / Re: Collector's edition of Bakker books
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:20:26 pm »
Madness sent me this way in search of limited versions of the books...there was also a link for leather bound books that didn't work.  So...who's down to get some leatherbound books?!

I think that just became my signature.  I love this site!

Well met, littlegrice 8). Love the choice of avatar, by the way.

Why thank you, good sir. 

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoiler] Heron Spear?
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:02:24 pm »
It's the Sun Lance.

What happened to the Heron spear is a mystery. However, if the No-God 2.0 doesn't have chorae on the carapace I don't think the "good" guys would need it anymore to destroy it, no?

You know, I actually took the no Chorae in the modified Carapace to be an upgrade by the Mutilated. It's been long assumed by a number of readers that the reason for the Chorae aren't for sorcerous protection but rather to perform some other function (soul-containment, whathaveyou, etc). It might follow that that's why Shauriatas was such important part of the Consult - besides breaking the Barricades - because their cabal didn't have the strictly Tekne know-how to start up the No-God. That Shauriatas jury rigged it to work with his sorcerous knowledge the first time.

By my reading, I interpreted the lack of Chorae to mean that the No-God functions better this time around.

Well that would be shitty, huh?  Everybody(the ones who survived, anyway) thinking maybe they have a weakness to exploit, and at the first major battle they discover to to instead be a new-found strength.  Que disaster, and the perishing of the second major force at the hands of the No-God.  Up next, the plains of Mengedda, since Bakker is such a fan of history repeating?

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers]The effects of Chorae
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:56:00 pm »
Wasn't the Chorae that hit Serwa the same that had been given to Sorweel via Yatwer? (I remember it being described as suddenly coming out of nowhere...) Maybe it's a combination of the effects of the pouch and the sword that renders it less effective, or makes it so that its effect is not immediate?

The Chorae coming out of nowhere.  I was thinking it was little Kelmomas on his way to kill dad, and saw Serwa fighting for her life, and thought 'well, now, another sibling to kill?  why not?'  He knew no one found the artifact on Sorweel, so he could have stopped on his way to the Golden room to find it real quick.

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers] Ajokli's larger presence
« on: August 01, 2017, 06:26:16 am »
Awesome I said, though....wrapped around the axle, am I right?   :D

The Unholy Consult / Re: [TUC Spoilers] The Survivors
« on: August 01, 2017, 04:48:56 am »
Serwa could be dead, but I bet that she is going to be more "hunger" than "fodder".
Remember that Mimara saw her like a ciphrang.

Serwa was mortally wounded (according to Kayutas) by a laser weapon, then had one of her hands/ arms salted off, and was then buried by collapsing debris.  Even if she somehow teleported out, I don't see how she can have lived

Yes, I think she's dead but maybe we will see her again not in Earwa but at the Outside as some kind of cute Ciphrang.

I thought she was dead when the roof came down.  But the fact that Kayutas was carrying her body later makes me wonder.

Yeah, the Dunyain are a cold-blooded lot.  Unless Kayutas inherited a larger portion of the mother than we know, I just don't see him carrying around a dead body on a battlefield.  And didn't she take some dead nonman ash?  Who KNOWS the limits to that stuff.

Survivors of the Ordeal
  1.  Achamian, Esmenet, Mimara, and baby.  Achamian, after receiving a mouthful of dead person ash, just hauls ass and doesn't look back.
  2.  Kayutas and Serwa.  Either with Achamian(I don't think so, but possible), the Mandate Grand Master, or (my crazy theory) they hide in Golgotterath while she regains her strength for the Meta-Gnostic.  Hiding where no one could possibly be?  Sounds pretty fuckin Dunyain to me.

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