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Messages - TheCulminatingApe

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The Almanac: PON Edition / ARC: TTT Chapter 1 (and What Has Come Before)
« on: January 06, 2019, 07:00:11 pm »
"My heart shrivels even as my intellect bristles.  Reasons - I find myself desperate for reasons.  Sometimes I think every word written is written for shame."

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 25
« on: December 22, 2018, 04:26:13 pm »
I appreciate you, TCA.

You're not so bad yourself. :)

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 25
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:39:08 pm »
Presumably, will you be doing the ARC: TTT now?

I suppose so ;)

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 25
« on: December 20, 2018, 02:56:45 pm »
Kellhus is cut down.

...Everywhere he looked, he saw men kneeling...
Yes... The Thousandfold Thought

And it seemed there was nothing, no dwarfing frame, that could restrict him to this place, to any place...  He was all things, and all things were his...
He was one of the Conditioned.  Dunyain.
He was the Warrior-Prophet.

The Padirajah sends a message to the Holy War, offering to give them lands if they yield and convert.
Twelve knights provide a reply, telling him 'the Warrior-Prophet shall come before you', and then cutting their own throats. 
(click to show/hide)

The Inrithi come out to fight.  They have a new banner - the Circumfix of the Warrior-Prophet.
...They sang, the Men of the Tusk, overcome with strange passions: joy that knew no laughter, terror that knew no fear.  They sang and they marched, walking with the grace of almost-broken men.

Somehow, Athjeari has got around the back of the Fanim lines and attacks them in the rear.  It implies he is mounted, but I was under the impression that all the horses had be eaten.

As though driven by inevitability, the iron men marched forward.  When the heathen charged, they grabbed at bridles and were trampled.  They punched spears deep into the haunches of Fanim horses.  They fended hacking swords, pulled heathen shrieking to the ground, where they knifed them in armpit, face, or groin.  They shrugged off piercing arrows.  When the heathen relented, some Men of the Tusk, the madness of battle upon them, hurled their helms at the feeling horseman.  Time and again the Kianene charged, broke, then withdrew, while the iron men trudged on, through the olive trees, across the fallow fields.  They would walk with the God - whether he favoured them or no,

The Padirajah takes the field himself. 
...Men cast about for sign of the Cishaurim...
  Clearly under orders from Mallahet, to keep out of it.

The Inrithi overwhelm the Fanim.  Yalgrota kills a mastodon singlehanded.  Kellhus kills the Padirajah.  His children, led by Fanayal, escape. 
Those Grandees that survive are hung from trees.
...And to anyone who listened, they would whisper a revelation...  The secret of battle.
Indomitable conviction.  Unconquerable belief.

Does this mean that faith is greater than reason?  Emotion trumps intellect?  This did appear to one of the key themes set up in Book 1.


Meanwhile, in the North, the Werigda, including Aengelas, search for the missing wives and children.  They enter ruined Myclai.
The Werigda are
...descendants of the Apocalypse.  They dwelt among the unerathed bones of greater things.

They are tracking Sranc 
... a different, more wicked clan - one never before encountered.  Some of them were even horsed - something unheard of the the Sranc

They pass on into the plains.

They keep finding piles of children's bones.

The Sranc take them in the night.  There are Nonmen there.  They are brought to their loved ones.

The men without families and the families without men are all killed.

They are lined up opposite their wives and children.

Then he saw... it.  An abomination walking through dawn twilight.
It was half-again taller than a man, with long, folded wings curved liked scythes over its powerful frame.  Save where it was mottled by black, cancerous spots, its skin was translucent, and sheathed about a great flared skull shaped like an oyster set on edge.  And within the gaping jaws of that skull was fused another, more manlike, so that an almost human face grinned from its water features


Aengelas' wife and child are successively raped to death, then it is his turn (and presumably the rest of the Werigda too).  They are asked and asked a question that they cannot answer.
Who are the Dunyain?

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 24
« on: December 16, 2018, 04:27:38 pm »
Cnaiur dreams of Kellhus' words
You, the abomination said, still command the ears of the Great
.  He remembers Sarcellus killing Serwe.

He wakes and rides to find Proyas.  He knows how to break the siege.  Akka has returned.  Proyas waves him away.

The hunt need not end!
He understood the Dunyain's plan - or part of it... If only Proyas would have listened!

Achamian addresses the Holy War
"You must free Anasurimbor Kellhus"

Proyas makes them listen.

Akka tells them
..."I haven't come to tell you whether Prince Kellhus is truly a Prophet, nor even whether he's a prince of anything at all.  I've come, rather, to warn you of a different cancer... One that you've overlooked, though indeed some of you know its presence.  There are spies among us, my lords..." - a collective murmur momentarily filled the chamber - "abominations that wear false faces of skin".

The sorceror bent beneath the table, hoisted a fouled sack of some kind.  In a single motion, he unfurled it across the table.  Something like silvery eels about a blackened cabbage rolled onto the polished surface, came to rest against an impossible reflection.  A severed head?

Lie made flesh

Cnaiur notices Sarcellus, and recognises  the pattern of lines on his face.  He follows.

Eleazaras receives notice of the goings on at the Council.  He knows Kellhus can see the skin-spies.

It hungered, the thing called Sarcellus.  For blood.  For fucking things living and dead.  But more than anything it hungered for consummation.  All of it, from its anus to the sham it called its soul, was bent to ends of its creators.  Everything was twisted to the promise of climax, to the jet of hot salt.
But the Architects had been shrewd, so heartlessly astute, when they laid its foundations...
Although subtle beyond reason, the thing called Sarcellus walked a far simpler than that walked by men.  There was no war of competing passions, no need for discipline or denial.  It lusted only to execute the will of its authors.  In appeasing its hunger, it appeased the good.
So it been forged.  Such was the cunning of its manufacture.
The Warrior-Prophet must die...

Cnaiur is on his way
How?  How can he afflict me so?
But then that was Moenghus' lesson.  The Dunyain made disciples of all men, whether they revered him or no.  One need only breathe.
Even my hate!  Cnaiur thought.  Even my hate he uses to his advantage!
Though his heart rankled at this, it rankled far more at  the thought of losing Moenghus.  Kellhus had spoken true those long months past in the Utemot camp: his heart had only one quarry, and it could not be fed on surrogates.  He was bound to the Dunyain as the Dunyain was bound to Serwe's corpse - bound by the cutting ropes of an unconquerable hate.
Any sham.  Any indignity.  He would bear any injury, commit any atrocity, to whet his vengeance.  He would see the whole world burn before he would surrender his hate.  Hate!  That was the obsessive heart of his strength.  not his blade.  not his frame.  His neck-breaking, shield-cracking hate!  Hatred has secured him the White Yaksh.  Hatred had banded his body with the Holy Scars.  Hatred had preserved him from the Dunyain when they crossed the Steppe.  Hatred had inured him to the claims these outlanders made on his heart.
Hatred and hatred alone, had kept him sane.
Of course the Dunyain had known this...

...For this was the most paramount of the Unwritten Laws: a man - a true man - conquered, and did not suffer himself to be used.
Hence the torment of his pact with Kellhus.  All this time Cnaiur had jealously guarded his heart and soul, spitting upon the fiend's every word, never thinking that the man could rule him by manipulating the circumstances about him.  The Dunyain had unmanned him no differently than he had those Inrithi fools.
Moenghus!  He named him Moenghus!  My son!...

...There were no codes.  There was no honour.  The world between men was as trackless as the Steppe - as the desert!  There were no men... Only beasts, clawing, craving, mewling, braying.  Gnawing at the world with their hungers.  Beaten like bears into dancing to this absurd custom or that.  All these thousands, these Men of the Tusk, killed and died in the name of delusion.  Save hunger, nothing commanded the world.
This was the secret of the Dunyain.  This was their monstrosity.  This was their fascination.

He reaches Kellhus hanging from the Umiaki, guarded by the Zaudunyani.
Sarcellus is arguing with Gotian.
"But why this moment?"  Cnaiur heard the Grandmaster cry over the growing thunder of the masses.
"Because!" Cnaiur boomed in his mightiest battlefield voice.  "He bears a grudge no man can fathom!"

Achamian debates with Conphas.
He'd been outmatched, Achamian realised.  Conphas knew his answer, knew how the others would scoff and dismiss.  The Consult was the stuff of children's tales and Mandate madmen.  He stared wordlessly at the Exalt-General, struggling to mask his dismay with contempt.  Even with proof, they could undo him with mere words.  Even with proof, they refused to believe!

Conphas seems to convince everybody that the skin-spies belong to the Cishaurim, and that Kellhus is a Cishaurim agent. 
Why doesn't Proyas show them Maithanet's letter?

Achamian dwells on Esmenet's betrayal with Kellhus.
Achamian remembered Nautzera, in what seemed another lifetime, asking him if the life of Inrau, his student, was worth the Apocalypse.  He'd conceded then, had admitted that no man, no love, was worth such a risk.  And here, he'd conceded once again.  He would save the man who'd halved his heart, because his heart was not worth the world, not worth the Second Apocalypse...

...Sitting speechless before the Great Names, Drusas Achamian realised that he held his Heart in one hand and Apocalypse in the other.  And as he hefted them in his soul, it seemed that he couldn't tell which was the heavier.
It was no different for these men.
The Holy War suffered, and someone must die.  Even if it meant the World/

Cnaiur calls out Sarcellus attempts to deceive Gotian.
..."You know not what you do, Scylvendi..."  His face flexed, twitched like a dying insect.  "You know not what you do".
Eleazaras and the Javreh arrive, and demand Kellhus.

Xinemus enters the Council chamber. 
...And suddenly Achamian understood what he had to do...
He had to tell a story.
Esmenet had loved him just yesterday.  But then so too had the world ended!

He tells the assembled Inrithi the story of the Consult and the First Apocalypse.  He thinks he may have convinced them, but Conphas mocks him, and the others join in.

The arrival of the Scarlet Spires has convinced Gotian to kill Kellhus.  But Cnaiur gets there first.

"We worship the same God, you and I."
The breeze had calmed, and the sun's heat leapt into its wake.  It seemed to Cnaiur that he could smell rotting flesh - rotting flesh mingled with the bitter spit of eucalyptus leaves.
"This", Cnaiur said calmly, "is the sum of my worship."
Rest, my sweet, for I shall bear you...
He clutched his tunic about its blood-clotted collar, tore it to his waist.  He raised his broadsword straight before him.
I shall avenge

I shall butcher
All hungered here.  All starved.
Everything, Cnaiur realised, had transpired according to the Dunyain's mad gambit.  What difference did it make whether he perished now, hanging from this tree, or several days hence, when the Padirajah at last overcame the walls?  So he'd given himself to his captors, knowing that no man was so innocent as the accused who exposed his accusers.

They fight. 
... Suddenly, Sarcellus was swatting his blade as though it were a game.
Cnaiur is stabbed through the thigh.

But Gotian distracts the skin-spy. 
"Sarcellus..."  "The Grandmaster's eyes were slack with disbelief.  "Where..." - a hesitant swallow - "where did you learn to fight so?"
The Knight of the Tusk whirled, his face the very mask of reverent subservience

And Cnaiur kills it and cuts off its head.
...Gotian fells to his knees.  Eleazaras stumbled back into his slaves.  The mob's thunder - horror, exultation - broke across the Scylvendi.  The riot of revelation.
He tossed the hoary thing at the sorceror's feet.

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 23
« on: December 09, 2018, 07:39:58 pm »
Chepheramunni has died, but he has no face.  Eleazaras is overcome - he thinks the Cishaurim know everything.

Akka and Xinemus are on their way into Caraskand.  Somehow they are not detected by the Fanim, and get inside, to the complete bewilderment of the defenders.

Kellhus is hanging upside down from the Umiaki tree, strapped to Serwe's corpse.

Cnaiur is watching, surrounded by the Inrithi
Dog-eyed drunks!
.  He can hear Kellhus' voice, and answers it.
Is the voice real, or just his internal monologue?  We've had passages like this before, where it is implied Kellhus is speaking to Cnaiur, without actually speaking.  Is this just Cnaiur's madness, or something more?

Cnaiur gave up Kellhus, but they got the wrong wife. 
"They were supposed to kill the whore!"

Akka is on his way to Esmi.  He recognises the look in the eyes of the men he passes. 
The look of Apocalypse

Xin is blind, but could see the Cishaurim 'seeing'
Achamian pursed his lips, troubled by the fear-to-hope tone of the Marshal's voice.
"You did see," he said carefully, "in a manner... There's many of seeing.  And all of us possess eyes that never breach skin.  Men are wrong to think nothing lies between blindness and sight."
"And the Cishaurim?" Xinemus pressed.  "Is that... Is that how they-"
"The Cishaurim are masters of this interval.  They blind themselves, they say to better see the World Between.  According to some, it's the key to their metaphysics."
What is the 'World Between'?  'Tell me what you see' Cishaurim?

They are brought before Proyas.  Who grabs Xinemus like a child, and weeps, and begs forgiveness.  Xin says Akka will fix his eyes.
Proyas then asks Akka for forgiveness
Though Achamian heard the words clearly, they seemed to reach him as though from a great distance, their speaker too distant to truly matter.  No, he realised, he couldn't forgive, not because his heart had hardened, but because it has receded.  He saw they boy, Prosha, whom he'd loved, but he saw a stranger as well, a man who walked questionable and competing paths.  A man of faith.
A murderous fanatic.
How could he think these men were his brothers?

Proyas tells them Kellhus is dead.

Cnaiur is in the great bazaar.  He raises a knife to his throat.  The suggestion could be that he is committing suicide, but the passage can also be read that he is cutting a swazond for Serwe.

Kellhus lives. He 'speaks' to a voice - his father?  He dreams of two figures on a ridge - a man and a tree.  The man is compared to an ape and a priest, to a monk and a beast...  The man speaks the No-God words

Akka comes to Esmenet.
\he would hold her while she sobbed.  He would speak his every thought, tell her what she'd meant to him through his captivity.  He would tell her that he, a Mandate Schoolman, would take her as his wife - his wife!  And her eyes would weep wonder... He almost laughed with joy.
  I thought they were already man and wife.

She tells him she carries Kellhus' child.

Akka heads for the Umiaki.
...His first thought was to set it alight, to transform it into a blazing beacon of his wrath - a funeral pyre for the betrayer, the seducer!  But he could sense the absences that encircled the man, the three Chorae the Men of the Tusk had bound to his bronze ring.  And he could see that he suffered...

The Shrial Knights guard the tree, but thousands surround them singing hymns and dirges.

He rages at Kellhus.
"You've made a whore of her, Kellhus... You've made a whore of my Esmi..."

"Achamian"  Kellhus whispered.
The words winded him, struck him dumb with horror.
No... He's not allowed to speak...
"He said you would come"  Spoken from a dead woman's cheek.

Who said Akka would come?
Kellhus tells him he can see the Consult.  He has seen the No-God.  Akka should ask the Nascenti what lies in the garden.  How can Akka hear this, and no-one else?

Proyas awakens.  Akka is there.  He tells Proyas that Xinemus was blinded to coerce him.  The Scarlet Spires are terrified of what they cannot see.  Kellhus cannot die, only Proyas can understand this.
Proyas responds with something approaching mockery.  Akka compares him to Shikol who condemned Inri Sejenus.
"Shikol was wrong... I am right!"
It all came down to truth

Proyas explains how he has come to doubt Kellhus.  He says that Cnaiur
In some ways, he's as extraordinary as Kellhus...
  He found Esmi in Kellhus' bed.  As prince of 'nothing', Kellhus is transgressing caste - a very serious matter in the Three Seas.

Akka talks of the Apocalypse again.  Proyas shakes his head.

The Schoolman silenced him with an outstretched hand.  "You once asked me, Proyas, whether I had more than Dreams to warrant my fears.  Do you remember?"
All too well.  It was the same night Achamian has asked him to write to Maithanet.
"I remember, yes."
Without warning, Achamian stood and stepped out onto the balcony.  He vanished into the morning glare only to reappear moments afterward, hoisting something dark in his hands.
By some coincidence, the sun vanished the moment Proyas reached out to shield his eyes.
He stared at the soil- and blood-stained bundle.  A pungent odour slowly filled the room.
"Look at it!"  Achamian commanded, brandishing it.  "Look! Then send you quickest riders out to the Great Names!"

Proyas shows him Maithanet's letter.

"Call them," Achamian said.  "Summon the others to Council."
Gone was the golden morning.  Rain poured from black skies.

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 22
« on: December 02, 2018, 06:47:36 pm »
Kellhus seeks a path.
No matter how many times he submitted to the rigours of the Probability Trance, all the lines were extinguished, either by disaster or by the weight of excessive permutations.  The variables were too many, the possibilities too precipitous.

Sometimes, Esmi, we must cross death to reach our destination"...
... Was this what Inri Sejenus had said to his nameless lover?  That loss could somehow secure glory?
But this is madness
"The Shortest Path," she said, horrified by the teary-eyed contemptuousness of her tone.
But the blond-bearded face smiled.
"Yes," the Warrior-Prophet said.  "The Logos"

They take the baby from Serwe. 
'Sarcellus' kills her.

Kellhus has already foreseen his 'dead wife' back in Hinnereth (Chapter 9).  If that wasn't in relation to him being scourged, then what was it in relation to?
(click to show/hide)

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 22
« on: December 02, 2018, 06:42:13 pm »
'Sarcellus' finds the Synthese, now revealed as
The shell of the Old Father... Aurang, Great General of the World-Breaker, ancient prince of the Inchoroi
"The Holy War is doomed.  We must deal with the Cishaurim some other way..."  Again, the eyes clicked shut.  "You must ensure this Kellhus dies with the Men of the Tusk.  He must not escape."

Strange that they do not seem to be able to make any connection between the Cishaurim being able to see the skin-spies (not sure that we've learnt this yet), and Kellhus doing the same.  The Consult, for all their power are not especially bright.

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 22
« on: December 02, 2018, 03:52:00 pm »
The Padirajah's forces have surrounded Caraskand. The Holy War is trapped.
Celebration had turned to terror and disbelief.  They were imprisoned in a city that had already been besieged for weeks.

The Fanim have 130,000 men, and 100 mastodons.

Proyas is questioning what is happening.
...Like a wronged child, his thoughts had stamped about the fact of his piety.  Who among the Great Names had toiled as he'd toiled?  Who'd burned more sacrifices, intoned more prayers?  But now he no longer dared ask these questions.
Thoughts of Achamian and Xinemus had seen to that.

"We're cursed," he murmured.  "They're right... The God does punish us!"
What are you saying?"
"That maybe Conphas and the others are right about him!"
The brutal face hardened into a scowl.  "Him?"

Cnaiur tells him to go to Kellhus, but to
secure your heart

Kellhus tells him it is Proyas who betrayed Achamian, and to open his heart.  He realises Cnaiur has warned Proyas.

In the city, the plague dies away, to be replaced by starvation, accompanied by new diseases.  The Great Names continue to turn away from Kellhus. 

The baby (Cnaiur's son) is to be named Moenghus, after Kellhus' father.  We are reminded that the King of Atrithau is called Aethelarius. Kellhus can explain this away to Serwe quite easily.

Two of the Zaudunyani sit on the walls talking about the baby.  Cnaiur is listening and demands to know the child's name, the tell him and resume their conversation - as instructed.

Kellhus seeks a path.
No matter how many times he submitted to the rigours of the Probability Trance, all the lines were extinguished, either by disaster or by the weight of excessive permutations.  The variables were too many, the possibilities too precipitous.

There are nine Nascenti, the senior disciples of the Warrior Prophet.  They consecrate Judges and lay the foundations of the Ministrate.  Kellhus is already looking beyond the Holy War.  Can we assume from this he has already decided to do away with his father?

He tells them Esmi is in charge if anything should happen.

Her skin tingled.  The Thanes of the Warrior-Prophet watched her, and she looked through their faces, glimpsed their yearning hearts.  To think!  So many deluded souls, living illusory lives in unreal worlds!  So many!  It both boggled her and broke her heart.
And at the same time, it was her triumph.
Something absolute
Her heart fluttered, pinioned by Kellhus' shining gaze.  She felt at once smoke and naked flesh - something seen through and something desired.
There's more then me... More than this - yes!
"Tell us, Esmi," Kellhus hissed through Serwe's mouth.  "Tell us what you see!"
There's more than them.
"We must take the knife to them," she said, speaking as she knew her Master would have her speak.  "We must show them the demons in their midst"
So much more!.
The Warrior-Prophet smiled with he own lips.
"We must kill them", her voice said.

'Sarcellus' heads through the streets towards Conphas' HQ.  It is accosted by the Zaudunyani.
"Ah," Sarcellus said, suddenly understanding.  "You belong to him... What is it you call yourselves?"
"Zaudunyani." The man smiled, and for a moment, it seemed the most terrifying smile Sarcellus had ever witnessed: pale lips pressed into a thin, passionless line.

They are not afraid.  They try to set it alight.  They miss and one of their own burns instead, but he grabs the skin-spy, and it howls.

Martemus is in Conphas' chambers - to assassinate.  He strikes, but is decapitated in the act.  'Sarcellus' lives - but flees before Conphas can see his burnt skin-spy face.

Nansur troops are out looking to harm the Zaudunyani.  They do not succeed.

'Sarcellus' finds the Synthese, now revealed as
The shell of the Old Father... Aurang, Great General of the World-Breaker, ancient prince of the Inchoroi
"The Holy War is doomed.  We must deal with the Cishaurim some other way..."  Again, the eyes clicked shut.  "You must ensure this Kellhus dies with the Men of the Tusk.  He must not escape."

'Sarcellus' and Conphas are with Proyas.  They have news of Atrithau.  King Aethelarius has no living heirs - Kellhus is an imposter.  Cnaiur is summoned.
Working his jaw, Cnaiur glared at the Shrial Knight, wondering what could cause such a strange disposition of burns across a man's face.  He thought of the Battle of Anwurat, of the relish with with which he'd driven his knife into Kelhus' chest - or the thing that had looked like him.  He thought of Serwe gasping beneath him, and a pang watered his eyes.  Only she knew his heart.  Only she understood when he awoke weeping...
Serwe, first wife of his heart.
I will have her! someone within him wept.  She belongs to me.
So beautiful... My proof!
Suddenly everything seemed to slump, as though the world itself had been soaked in numbers in numbness and lead.  And he realised - without anguish, without heartbreak - that Anasurimbor Moenghus was beyond him.  Despite all his hate, all his tooth-gnashing fury, the blood trail he followed ended here... In a city.
We're dead.  All of us...
If Caraskand was to be their tomb, he would see certain blood spilled first.

He confirms Kellhus is the Prince of Nothing.

Saubon warns Kellhus, who knows he will not do anything to help.
"Silence-silence-silence!  They told me you would do this!  They warned me!"
"Indeed.  They warned you against the truth.  Against wandering into the nets of the Warrior-Prophet".
"How can you know this?" Saubon cried, overcome be incredulous woe.  "How?"
"Because it's Truth."
"The fie on it"  Fie on the truth!"
"And what of you immortal soul?"
"Then let it be damned!" he roared, leaping to his feet.  "I embrace it - embrace it all"  Damnation in this life!  Damnation in all others!.  Torment heaped upon torment!  I would bear all to be King for a day!  I would see you broken and blooded if that meant I could own this throne!  I would see the God's own eyes plucked out".
Does this explain why sorceror's persevere with their magic?  Scarlet Spires in particular?

The Great Names have summoned Kellhus to parley.  Esmi knows it is a trap.  Serwe cannot even conceive it.

Sometimes, Esmi, we must cross death to reach our destination"...
... Was this what Inri Sejenus had said to his nameless lover?  That loss could somehow secure glory?
But this is madness
"The Shortest Path," she said, horrified by the teary-eyed contemptuousness of her tone.
But the blond-bearded face smiled.
"Yes," the Warrior-Prophet said.  "The Logos"

Gotian denounces Kellhus.  He is to be scourged in the manner decreed by Scripture.
Kellhus tells them all that they fear his growing power.
"No."  His flashing eyes found them among the masses:Saubon, Proyas, Conphas, and the others.  "You fear that as my power waxes, yours will wane.  You do what you do not in the name of the God, but
in the name of avarice.  You wouldn't tolerate even the God to possess you Holy War.  And yet, in each of you hearts there is an itch, an anguished question that I alone can see: What if he truly is the Prophet?  What doom awaits us then?"
"You turn to fury in the absence of certainty,"  he continued sadly.  "I only ask you this:  What moves your soul?  What moves you to condemn me?  It is indeed the God?  The God strides with certainty, with glory, through the hearts of men! Does the God so stride through you?  Does the God so stride through you?
Bit then a Shrial Knight, the one named Sarcellus, whose face alone remained pious and devoid of hesitation, answered the Warrior-Prophet in a loud clear voice.
"All things both sacred and vile," the Knight-Commander said, quoting the Tusk, "Speak to the hearts of Men, and holding out their hands to darkness, they name it light"
The Warrior-Prophet stared at him sharply, and quoted in turn: "Hearken Truth, for it strides fiercely among you, and will not be denied".
Possessed of beatific calm, Sarcellus answered: "Fear him, for he is the deceiver, the Lie made Flesh, come among you to foul the waters of your heart."
And the Warrior-Prophet smiled sadly.  "Lie made flesh, Sarcellus?"  Serwe watched his eyes search the crowds, then settle on the nearby Scylvendi.  "Lie made flesh," he repeted staring into the fiend's embattled face.  "The hunt need not end... Remember this when you recall the secret of battle.  You still command the ears of the Great."
"False Prophet," Sarcellus continued.  "Prince of nothing"

The Shrial Knights attack the Zaudunyani.  Cnaiur saves Serwe.  Gotian commands them to stop.
He repeats that Kellhus will be scoured according to scripture.
They take the baby from Serwe. 
'Sarcellus' kills her.

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 21
« on: November 30, 2018, 07:34:55 pm »
Saubon enlists the support of the recovering Proyas for his bid to become king of Caraskand.

Proyas discusses this with Cnaiur.
Proyas was still sick - grievously so, it appeared.  He sat bundled beneath wool blankets in a camp chair, his normally hale face drawn and pale.  In any other man, Cnaiur would have such weakness disgusting, but Proyas wasn't any other man.  Over the months the young prince had come to command something troubling within him, a respect not fit for a fellow Scylvendi, let alone an outlander.  Even sick he seemed regal.
He's just another Inrithi dog

Not sure this Cnaiur - Proyas relationship actually ends up going anywhere.  What then is its purpose in the story?

Cnaiur lost ownership of his madness at Anwurat. 
...For weeks he'd been little more than a corpse bound to maddened horse.  How his soul had galloped!

He misses the desert - impossible to leave tracks.

Before finding Serwe
... he'd spent weeks alone with the man - weeks alone with a Dunyain.  Now, after watching the inhuman fiend devour heart after Inrithi heart, it scarcely seemed possible he'd survived.  The bottomless scrutiny.  The narcotic voice.  The demonic truths... How could he not take Serwe after enduring such an ordeal  Besides beautiful, she was simple, honest, passionate - everything Kellhus wasn't.  He warred against a spider. How could he not crave the company of flies?
Yes... That was it!  He'd taken her as a landmark, as a reminder of what was human.  He should've known she'd known she'd become a battleground instead.
He used her to drive me mad!

I think we have already learnt this from Kellhus. But, we see an example of Cnaiur's perceptive intelligence.

He wonders what Proyas would do if he learns the truth. 
He eats you, and you know it not.  And when he's done, there will be only bones...
  Foreshadowing the Great Ordeal

Saubon has been approached by a Fanim traitor.  With a group of about 50 men, including Cnaiur, they scale the city wall.

There was a hate that eclipsed the hater, a hunger that encompassed the very ground of appetite.
Bent low, his broadsword before him, Cnaiur urs Skiotha stole across the heights of the wall toward the postern gate, thinking of Kellhus, Moenghus, and murder.
Need me... I must find some way to make him need me!
Yes... The madness was lifting

The Galeoth Prince's grin broadened.  "Truth shines," he said.
Cnaiur squashed the urge to sneer.  "So do pigs' teeth".
He spat across the ancient stonework.  There was no escaping the Dunyain - not any more.  It sometimes seemed the abomination spoke from every mouth, watched from all eyes. And it was only getting worse.
Something... There must be something I can do!
But what?  There pact to murder Moenghus was a farce.  The Dunyain honoured nothing for its own sake.  For them only the ends mattered, and everything else, from warlike nations to shy glances, was a tool - something to be used.  And Cnaiur possessed nothing of use - not any more.  He'd squandered his every advantage.  He couldn't even offer his reputation among the Great Names, not after the degradation of Anwurat.
No.  There was nothing Kellhus needed from him.  Nothing except...
Cnaiur actually gasped aloud.
Except my silence

They open an unlocked door.  They enter the gatehouse and butcher the Kianene. 
Despite the blood threading his face, there was a majesty to his look, a paternal confidence that chilled Cnaiur's heart.  Coithus Saubon was already king, and he belonged to Kellhus

One of the Galeoth kills an adolescent, and starts shouting 'truth shines'.  Cnaiur nuts him to death.

The Holy War is in the city, and start pillaging.
The Men of the Tusk cast the bodies from the rooftops.  They rifled the pockets of the dead, tugging rings from grey fingers, or just sawing at the knuckles to save time.  Shrieking children were torn from their mothers, tossed across rooms and caught on sword point.  The mothers were beaten and raped while their gutted husbands wailed about their entrails.  The Inrithi were like wild-eyed beasts, drunk with howling murder.  Moved by the God's own fury, they utterly destroyed all in the city, both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and asses, with the edge of the sharp sword.
The anger of the God burned bright against the people of Caraskand.

The 'Old Name' flys above the city watching the skin-spies hunt Kellhus.  Kellhus has to die - he is an Anasurimbor.
...They were so near!  So close!  Soon the Children would gather, and they would rain ruin upon this despicable world!  The End of Ends was coming...
One did not gamble with such things.  They would kill this Anasurimbor Kellhus, then they would seize the others, the Scylvendi and the women, to learn what they needed to know.

Kellhus lures them into a dark cellar, where they cannot see him.  They can smell him, but he removes his clothes to trick them.  He kills four of them, taking a head, and 'Sarcellus' flees.

The Holy War lays siege to the Citadel of the Dog.  But there are Cishaurim inside.

Kellhus has identified many skin-spies and given the Zaudunyani instructions. 
The Holy War must be purged

The Scarlet Spires enter the fray.
Kellhus watched, wondering at the spectacle and at the promise of deeper dimensions of understanding.  Sorcery was the only unconquered knowledge, the last bastion of world-born secrets.  He was one of the Few - as Achamian had both feared and hoped. What kind of power would he wield?
And his father, who was Cishaurim, what kind of power did he already wield?...
... Uncanny hymns ached in Kellhus' ears.  How could such things be said?  How could words come before?

A fleeing Cishaurim comes to him.  With a message from Moenghus.
"you walk the Shortest Path.  Soon you will grasp the Thousandfold Thought"
Sheathing his sword, Kellhus opened himself to every outward sign the man offered.  He saw desperation and purpose.  Purpose above all...
"How did you find me?"
"We see you.  All of us."  Behind the man, the smoke rising from the Citadel opened like a great velvet rose.
"All of us who serve him - the Possessors of the Third Sight"

...knows the Pragma sent me as an assassin... He needs to be certain of me ...

"I must warn you," Hifanat was saying.  "The Padirajah himself comes with the South.  Even now his outriders ponder the smoke they see on the horizon"

Kellhus kills him as the Spires approach.

Kellhus warns Esmi that
"The trial is about to begin, Esmi.  The true trial"


Akka and Xin sail past the wreckage of the Imperial Fleet.  The greatest naval defeat in Nansur history.

"What about the Holy War?" Achamian asked.
"I'm an old sailor.  I've seen enough voyages blown off course, enough vessels, to know the God gives no guarantees, no matter who the captain or what the cargo."  He looked back to Achamian.  "There's one thing certain about this Holy War: there's never been a greater bloodletting."
Achamian knew different, but refrained from saying as much...

Achamian now heard dread in Xinemus' every word.  It was as though something horrific loomed in the blackness, something he feared might recognise the sound of his voice.  As the weeks passed, it was becoming more and more apparent:  the Scarlet Spires had taken more than his eyes; they had taken the light and devilry than once filled them as well. With the Cants of Compulsion, Iyokus had moved Xinemus' soul in perverse ways, had forced him to betray both dignity and love.  Achamian had tried to explain that it wasn't he who'd thought those thoughts, who'd uttered those words, but it didn't matter.  As Kellhus said, men couldn't see what moved them.  the frailties Xinemus had witnessed were his frailties.  Confronted by the true dimensions of wickedness, he'd held his own infirmity accountable."

Kellhus can do all this without sorcery.

The captain tells them about the 'new prophet'.  Kellhus lives, and therefore in Akka's mind so does Esmenet.
Esmenet and Kellhus.  They lived!  The woman who could save his heart, and the man who could save the world...

There will be fire when I return, Zin"

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 20
« on: November 23, 2018, 07:50:06 pm »
The Holy Way lays siege to Caraskand.  They can scale the walls, but are always thrown back.  Meanwhile disease rages through the troops.
...Cumor, Proyas, Chepheramunni, and Skaiyelt all succumbed within days of one another.  At times, it seemed the sick outnumbered the healthy...

Athjeari brings 'news of doom'.  The Padirajah is on his way.

A great fear seized the surviving leaders of the Holy War.  Caraskand continued to rebuke them.. Akkeagni oppressed them with misery and death, and the Padirajah himself marched upon them with yet another heathen host.
They were far from home, among hostile lands and wicked peoples, and the God had turned his face from them. They were desperate.
And for such men questions of why, sooner or later became questions of who...

'Sarcellus' approaches Conphas.
Conphas had never trusted Shrial Knights.  Too much devotion.  Too much renunciation... Self-sacrifice, he'd always thought, was more madness than foolishness.
He'd come to this conclusion in his adolescence, after perceiving just how often - and how happily - others injured or destroyed themselves in the name of faith or sentiment.  It was as though, he realised, everyone took instructions from a voice he couldn't hear - a voice from nowhere.  They committed suicide when dishonoured, sold themselves into slavery to feed their children.  They acted as though the world possessed fates worse than death or enslavement, as though they couldn't live with themselves if harm befell others...
Wrack his intellect as he might, Conphas could neither fathom the sense nor imagine the sensation.  Of course there was the God, the Scriptures, and all that rubbish.  That voice he could understand.  The threat of eternal damnation could wring reason out of the most ludicrous sacrifice.  That voice came from somewhere.  But this other voice...

Again, Conphas comes across as devoid of empathy - a worldborn Dunyain?

Sarcellus tell him that 'we' share his feelings about Kellhus.

.."But he saved the Holy War," he said.  "Your life... My life..."

The Consult need Conphas to preserve the Holy War, once they have killed Kellhus.

Serwe is in labour. Esmenet reflects on the passage through the desert, and their arrival in Enathpaneah.
...For a time, it seemed they alone survived, that all mankind and not just the Holy War had perished.  They alone spoke.  They alone gazed and understood that they gazed.  They alone loved, across all lands and all waters, to the world's very pale.  It seemed all passion, all knowing, was here, ringing in one penultimate note. It wasn't like a flower.  It wasn't like a child's careless laugh.
They has become the measure... Absolute. Unconditioned.
When they made love in the river, it seemed they sanctified the sea.

...Without knowing, Esmenet had lived her entire life for him - for Anasurimbor Kellhus.
Grief for his compassion.  Delusion for his revelation.  Sin so he might forgive.  Degradation so he might raise her high.  He was the origin.  He was the destination.  He was the from where and the to which, and he was here!

The baby is born.  Kellhus calls out in mock surprise.
For an instant, just and instant, Esmenet thought she'd heard the voice of someone hated.

Men, Kellhus had once told her, were like coins: they had two sides.  Where one side of them saw, the other side of them was seen, and though all men were both at once, men could only truly know the side of themselves that saw and the side of others that was seen - they could only truly the inner half of themselves and the outer half of others...
...The measure of wisdom, Kellhus had said, was found in the distance between these two selves.
Only afterwards had she thought of Kellhus in these terms.  With a kind of surpriseless shock, she realised that not once - not once! - had she glimpsed shortcomings in his words or actions.  And this, she understood, was why he seemed limitless, like the ground, which extended from the small circle about her feet to the great circle about the sky.  He had become her horizon.
For Kellhus, there was no distance between seeing and being seen.  He alone was whole.  And what was more, he somehow stood from without and saw from within.  He made whole...

He knows the Great Names are becoming scared of him.

She is the 'begetting fire'

Akka is in a villa near Iothiah.  Xinemus is suffering, but Akka seems to be losing his compassion.

...Had this been the gift of the Scarlet Spires?  Had they burned some lesson into him?
Or had they simply beaten him numb?
Whatever the answer, he would see them burn - especially Iyokus.  He would show them the wages of his newfound certainty.
Perhaps that had been their gift.  Hatred.

Conphas summons the Great Names - to discuss the False Prophet.

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 19
« on: November 16, 2018, 08:30:10 pm »
Proyas awakes in the desert, but
...he heard gurgling water - the sound of life...
...The green of living things blurred the distance.

Cnaiur is nearby - he is not much younger than Proyas' father.

The Holy War enters Enathpaneah.  They have lost 200,000 in the desert.
There were no innocents.  This was the secret they carried away from the desert.
All were guilty.

Echoes of the Great Ordeal.

The Scarlet Spires cannot break Achamian, because
For all their merciless cunning, what the Scarlet Magi never understood was that they plied two men, not one.
Whatever they do, I remain untouched.  The heart of a great tree never burns.  The heart of a great tree never burns
Two men, like a circle and its shadow.  The torture, the Cants of Compulsion, the narcotics- everything had failed because there were two men for them to compel, and the one, Seswatha, stood far outside the circle of the present.  Whatever the affliction, no matter how obscene, his shadow whispered, But I've suffered more...

Xinemus is brought in.  He can bear no more.  Akka doesn't recognise him at first.  They put his eyes out.
"ZIN!"  Achamian shrieked.
But there was his hanging shadow, smeared across mortared glass, whispering,
I know not this man

A tabby cat hunts.  Recently it has dined on dead men.  It longs for the taste of living, bleeding prey.  It pounces and bites.  The taste is wrong.  The Wathi Doll stabs it, and then grabs its throat.
Is this some kind of metaphor for a plot point?  Food turning on its 'eater'

The Holy War is heading for Caraskand.

Iyokus is telling Akka about the Holy War, and how it has suffered in the desert.  The Spires have been recalled.  Iyokus admits that Akka truly believes that the Skeaos was Consult.
Achamian swallowed painfully.  "I know he was.  And someday soon, so will you."
"Perhaps.  Perhaps... But for now, my Grandmaster has decided these spies must be Cishaurim.  One cannot substitute legends for what is known.
"You substitute what you fear for what you don't know, Iyokus"

After the Spires leave, a slave will bring a Chorae for Akka and aknife for Xinemus.

The Holy War begins the siege of Caraskand.  A man dies of plague and is catapulted over the walls
... as would be those who followed.

Mamaradda the Javreh slave decides he will kill Achamian.  He hears scraping, and sees something - a tiny man.  Akka unleashes sorcery on him.  He has a Chorae, but is hit by a shower of coals and drops it. 
Seswatha is on the loose.

Iyokus is revealed as a Daimotic sorceror - a scholar of forbidden forks.  He knows Achamian is coming, and summons a demon.
"I have bound you"
Thou art damned!  Dost thou not recognise he who shall keepeth thee for Eternity?

Akka attacks
...Then he was falling, borne down by a raving demon, perched upon his wards, hammering with great nailed fists.

Achamian charred its crocodile hide, ribboned its otherwordly flesh, smote its elephantine skull with ponderous cudgels of stone, and it bled fire from a hundred wounds.  But it refused to fall.  It howled obscenities that cracked rock and rifled the ground with chasms.  More floors collapsed, and they  grappled through dark cellars made bright by flickering fury.
Sorceror and demon.
Unholy Ciphrang, a tormented  soul thrust into the agony of the World, harnessed by words like a lion by strings, yoked to the task that would see it freed.
Achamian endured its unearthly violence, heaped injury after injury upon its agony.
And in the end it grovelled beneath his song, cringed like a beaten animal, then faded into blackness...

Achamian wanders through the burnt ruins.  He
...wondered that he'd been the catastrophe that had wrought this devastation...

He finds Xinemus, blinded and chained up in his own shit.
"I'm sorry, Akka.  I'm so sorry..."
But the only words Achamian could remember were those that killed.
That damned.

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 18
« on: November 16, 2018, 07:49:34 pm »
I suspected that it was intellect on behalf of Kellhus to find water in the desert.

I googled it. Apparently, in the desert water is likely to be found at the bottom of a depression.  It could be that Kellhus worked it out himself.  To me its more likely that he just asked the right people in Shigek.  The real question is, why didn't anyone else in the Holy War know?

The Almanac: PON Edition / Re: ARC: TWP Chapter 18
« on: November 10, 2018, 04:04:25 pm »
The Holy War enters the desert of Khemema.  All the wells have been polluted.
Water will be transported from the Imperial Fleet.
The Khirgwi attack and cut water bags

The Holy War continued its nocturnal march.  Despite the blood-curdling raids, many found themselves awed by the beauty of the Carathay.  There were no insects, saved the odd crazed beetle rolling its ball of dung across the sands.  The Inrithi called them "shit chasers".  And there were no animals, except of course the vultures circling endlessly above.  Where there was no water, there was no life, and apart from the heavy skins draped about the shoulders of the Holy War, there was no water in the Carathay.  It was as if the sun had burnt the whole world to sterile bone.  The Men of the Tusk stood apart from the sun, stone and sand, and it was beautiful, like a haunting nightmare described by another.  It was beautiful because they need not suffer the consequences of what they witnessed.

This description is reminiscent of Blood Meridian to me.    Also, note the crazy beetle reference - Ajokli?

The Fleet does not make its scheduled rendezvous.  Kellhus tells them its a trap.

They can reach the oasis of Subis - if everything
mules, slaves, camp-followers
are left.  Many thousands are butchered.

Horses are to be put down, except those of the caste-nobility.  This sparks a mutiny amongst the Cengemi, which is put down by the Tydonni.

Very little water remained the ensuing night, and the Men of the Tusk, their skin like parchment, overcome by irritability and fatigue, began casting away their food. They no longer hungered.  They thirsted, thirsted as they'd never thirsted before.  Hundreds of horses collapsed and were left to snort their final breaths in the dust.  A strange apathy descended upon the men.  When the Khirgwi assailed them, many simply continued to walk, not hearing or not caring that their kinsmen perished behind them.

They reach Subis which has been poisoned, but drink anyway.  Many become ill, and many are abandoned.

Wherever Prince Kellhus and his two women went, men crowded about them, begging to be touched, to be cured, to be forgiven.  Stained by dust, his face bronzed and his flowing hair almost bleached white, he seemed the very incarnation of sun, stone, and sand.  He, and he alone, could stare into the  endless Carathay and laugh, hold out his arms to the Nail of Heaven and give thanks fo their suffering.
"The God chooses!" he would cry.  "The God".
And the words he spoke were like water.

He commands his followers to dig a hole, and they find water - spring-fed wells.  Many hail him as the Warrior-Prophet. The Great Names argue about him.

How does Kellhus know there is water there?  Is this intellect?  I can't see that he just got lucky.

The Khirgwi are massacred, by men with renewed faith.

The Holy War is battered by a sandstorm, and it is implied that much of the new water and their baggage is lost.

They passed beyond the sea of dunes and entered land like a burning plate, a flat expanse where the air fairly hissed with heat.  Once again the water was strictly rationed.  Men became dizzy with thirst, and some began casting away armour, weapons, and clothes, walking like naked madmen until they fell, their skin blackened by thirst and blistered by sun.  The last of the horses died, and the footmen, ever resentful that their lords tended to their mounts more faithfully than their men, would curse and kick gravel at the wooden corpses as they passed.  Old Gothyelk collapsed and was strapped to a litter made by his sons, who shared their rations of water with him.  Lord Ganyatti, the Conriyan Palatine of Ankirioth, whose bald head looked  so much like a blistered thumb jutting from a torn glove, was bound like a sack.
When night had at last fallen, the Holy War continued its march south, once again stumbling along the backs of sandy dunes.  The Men of the Tusk walked and walked, but the cool desert night proved little relief.  none talked.  They formed an endless procession of silent wraiths, passing across Carathay's folds.  Dusty, harrowed, hollow-eyed, and with drunken limbs, they walked.  Like a pinch of mud dropped in water they crumbled, wandered from one another, until the Holy War became a cloud of disconnected figures, feet scraping across gravel and dust.
The morning sun was a shrill rebuke, for still the desert had not ended.  The Holy War had become an army of ghosts.  Dead and dying men lay scattered in their thousands behind it, and as the sun rose still more fell.  Some simply lost the will, and fell seated in the dust, their thoughts and bodies buzzing with thirst and fatigue.  Others pressed themselves until their wrecked bodies betrayed them.  They struggled feebly across the sand, waving their head like worms, perhaps croaking for help, for succour.
But only death would come swirling down.
Tongues swelled in mouths.  Parchment skin went black and tightened until it split about purple flesh, rendering the dying unrecognisable.  Legs buckled, folded, refused one's will as surely as if one's spine had been broken.  And the sun beat them, scorching chapped skin, cooking lips to hoary leather.
There was no weeping, no wails or astonished shouts.  Brothers abandoned brothers and husbands abandoned wives.  Each man had become a solitary circle of misery that walked and walked.
Gone was the promise of sweet Sempis water. Gone was the promise of Enathpaneah...
Gone was the voice of the Warrior-Prophet.
Only the trail remained, drawing out warm, thrumming hearts into an agonized line, desert thin - desert simple.  Frail heartbeats stranded in the wastes, pounding with receding fury at seeping, water-starved blood.
Men died in the thousands, gasping, each breath more improbable than the last, at furnace air, sucking final moments of anguished, dreamlike life through throats of charred wood.  Heat like a cool wind.  Black fingers twitching through searing sands.  Flats, waxy eyes raised to blinding sun.
Whining silence and endless loneliness.

Again, the style is reminiscent of Blood Meridian. 

Kellhus sees a river in the distance.

Meanwhile, back in Shigek, Xinemus, Dicnh and Zenkappa have managed to sneak into the Scarlet Spires compound.  All three have Chorae.

The figure was thin, but dressed in voluminous scarlet silk robes, with deep sleeves embroidered with golden herons.  His face was the clearest, because it was bathed in impossible light.  Rutted cheeks lost in the slick curls of a lavishly braided beard, bulbous eyes, bore by the tedium of waking from place to place, all illuminated by a teardrop of candlelight suspended a cubit before his forehead, without any candle.
Xinemus could hear Dinch's breath hiss through clenched teeth.
The figure and the ghostly light paused at a juncture in the corridor, as if he had stumbled across a peculiar smell.  The old face scowled for a moment, and the sorcerer seemed to peer into the darkness at them.  They stood still as three pillars of salt.  Three heartbeats...  It was as though the eyes of Death itself sought them.

They enter a large chamber and are surrounded.  The Spires could sense the Chorae all along.

Dinch and Zenkappa are burnt alive.  Xin is taken alive - because he is Akka's closest friend.

In the ruin of the Sareot Library, the Wathi Doll crawls out of the debris. 
Someone had spoken its name

The Almanac: PON Edition / ARC: TWP Chapter 25
« on: November 04, 2018, 07:57:44 pm »
What is the meaning of a deluded life?

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