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Messages - Wilshire

Pages: 1 ... 341 342 [343] 344 345 ... 392
The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: January 02, 2014, 06:23:28 pm »
He did? I can't remember why he told anyone about Skios (sp), but aside from that he didn't let anyone know what he had seen other spies around. Hell he tried to hide the first death of Sarcellus. He only revealed his true nature once he realized it was the only real way to get rid of him. I seem to recall him keeping it a secret rather well, is that wrong?

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God? II
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:29:32 am »
Triskele that's something I have not thought of before. Its definitely and interesting idea that makes sense given what we do and don't know.

I'm curious though: Would there be any reason for the Scylvendi would have been lead by Nau-Cayuti? Or, further still, reason for them to refer toany man as a God? Certainly they worrship war and have had many great leaders, but what would raise one to God-hood in Scylvendi culture?

Literature / Re: Illuminatus
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:13:52 am »
Now I'm afraid to look it up for fear of putting on a dunce cap and being sent to the corner.

General Misc. / Re: What else are you into?
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:09:14 am »
I have a lot less time to indulge my many hobbies besides reading and excercise since we launched a biotech start up in june of this year; and we work weekends.

What's it called, what do you make/do, and where at? If you don't mind my asking. Hope you get it off the ground.

Disciple of the Dog / Re: Disciple Mixtape: Track Three
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:04:53 am »
A great summary, as always. Makes me want to go back and read it again. I probably would start right now if I knew who I gave the book too last.

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:42:30 am »
A fair point I suppose. I forgot that all them blind folk see things they shouldn't. Probably odd to see a human without a soul.

I actually was seeing circus at first but that it ended rather anime "next-episode" preview lol.

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:34:40 am »
I find it hard to imagine that Moenghus Sr. found the first skin-spy and just let everyone know about it all careless like. I don't subscribe to the meta-moenghus theories, but even still, that seems like quite the blunder leaving an unknown just laying around for anyone to see.
Repercussions indeed. Maybe he planned on winning the war until they forced a school to march?

General Earwa / Re: Kellhus in Modern Times
« on: December 31, 2013, 08:21:07 pm »
I don't know what his goals might be, but the Christian church would see him as the anti-christ and try to kill him (which reminds me ever so much of the 100...).

I'm sure he'd pick a major religion and wield it like a sword, causing world wide calamity until he ruled it all.
Though that's a bit unimaginative. Probably just as easy for someone like that to conquer the world with economics and money so as to not put one's self in harms way. Crime seems inevitable though. Its just so much easier to get to the top when you aren't restricted by things like "laws" and "morality".

The Thousandfold Thought / Re: Who attacked the Scarlet Spires and why?
« on: December 31, 2013, 08:13:46 pm »
Maybe this portal thing was a group effort to open the door, and it took an immense amount of time and effort... Still though that doesn't explain why we never see their special door show up. Seems like a nifty hit-and-run tactic. I do still think Moe was behind it, either directly or in some roundabout fashion.

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. III
« on: December 30, 2013, 06:03:07 pm »
Man, these are really starting to take some time.  Thanks for the great feedback on these.

Akka v. Zioz from TTT.
I really like these. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Your stuff really captures the SA feel.

Literature / Re: Illuminatus
« on: December 27, 2013, 07:56:50 pm »
Spiral orbit? Thought it was elliptical :P

Cool post though.

Philosophy & Science / Re: Mathematical/Fractal Art // Geometry Lust
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:38:24 pm »

This is described as a "space filling curve". So I suppose the Glamor could have been some kind of fractal construct resembling this... or not. This is the only time I've ever really seen that description though.

Lol, I'm breaking my moratorium on posting more than once today. Studying for my exam is killing me.

Hah, I hear you man. Gotta let loose somehow though!

Anyways, I have another question. Could anyone point to me where Akka first "comprehends the onta"? I know it's in least I think it is....but I can't find it. As always, any help is appreciated.

An image struck Achamian: himself as a boy, climbing on the big rocks, the ones his father had used to dry the nets, pausing every few breathless instants simply to look around him. Something had happened. It was as though he’d opened different eyelids, ones beneath those he normally opened each morning. Everything was so agonizingly tight, as though the flesh of the world had been dried taut across the gaps between bone: the net against stone, the grid of shadows cast over the hollows, the watery beads cupped between the flex of tendons on his hands—so clear! And within this tightness, the sensation of inner blooming, of the collapse of seeing into being, as though his eyes had been wrung into the very heart of things. From the surface of the stone, he could see himself, a dark child towering across the disc of the sun.

The very fabric of existence. The onta. He had—and he could still never adequately express this—“experienced” it. Unlike most others, he’d known immediately he was one of the Few, known with a child’s stubborn certainty. “Atyersus!” he could remember crying, feeling the vertigo of a life no longer to be determined by his caste, by his father, or by the past.

Bakker, R. Scott (2008-09-02 04:00:00+00:00). The Darkness that Comes Before (Kindle Locations 1356-1360). Overlook. Kindle Edition.
I wish I could convert kindle locations to book pages, but its near the beginning, as Madness said. M

Literature / Re: YOU MUST TELL ME ... What else are you reading?
« on: December 22, 2013, 04:43:50 pm »
I can't say I struggled too mightily with it, though I did listen to it on audio. Something about driving for 8 hours can make even the most dull book exciting.

All I can say is, its worth the read. Truly. Eventually you begin to grasp all the chaos, and while things might not "settle", they do start to make sense, for the most part anyway. The book gets better as you go, and the ending is great. Read on!

From what I've seen, CM thinks he's a rule breaker. He likes to write complex books that challenge the set rules of SFF or whatever genre he is writing. I think he's a brilliant writer and wildly imaginative. This can make his stuff somewhat frustrating/difficult to read, but PSS is worth it.

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