Earwa > The White-Luck Warrior

Sorcerous Artifacts

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Please help me document all historical and contemporary notation on sorcerous objects in the books :).

First, just straight off my head - whore-shell. Yes, I know it's only mildly sorcerous and rather vulgar, but still.

It's mildly sorcerous and absolutely an object to be classified in our conversation here.

Agonic Circle (Anagogis - Scarlet Spires)
Agonic Collar (Gnosis - Mangaecca)
Chorae (Aporos)
Seeing-Flame (Presumably, Gnosis - Kellhus)
Ekkinu Tapestry (Presumably, Gnosis - Kellhus)
Worldhorn - (Gnosis - First Apocalypse/Twelve Gnostic Schools of Sauglish)

Gots to go.

One post. Good job me!

Wathi Doll - ?

I didn't include that only because we have Weapons of Animata and we were initially distinguishing the two because one kind seems to require souls, animas, and the other kind, listed in this thread, don't seem to...

Mimara's knife and armour from the Coffers (Gnosis - Mihtrulic School of Sauglish; they seem to be producing the bulk of the ancient sorcerous objects).


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