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The Sharmat:
If women really don't read philosophy I'd say that's more a compliment than an insult to be honest.

A good many of my peers during my philosophy degree were women, a number of my professors were women, and a number of my female peers have earned their PhDs in the interim between then and now...

And the majority of my psychology peers were women by a large margin...

The Sharmat:
No good layabouts the lot of them, then!


--- Quote from: The Sharmat on August 04, 2017, 10:26:23 pm ---If women really don't read philosophy I'd say that's more a compliment than an insult to be honest.

--- End quote ---

lol...say what now? Are you serious? If so, why is that a compliment?

I hope that's ok here...i mean it's not something that was moved here or anything but reading the thread, this jumped out at me. And i'd like more info ;)

Also, if i may, MSJ - I get your sentiment (reaction to Edward), but 1) i think it was unnecessarily passive agressive AND ... to be honest...nobody "owes" you an indepth explanation why they hate or don't like something. Sometimes people just want to vent and get some "yeah, me too!!", you know.
Also, if you really want people to get you your explanations, do you really think that the way you phrased it is the way to go? I am pretty sure a more friendly and constructive "inquiry" would have had more chance of engaging Edward.

Anyway...not trying to be the wise-ass here...just my 2 cents to the communications at hand.

Thing called Sarcellus:
I'm not sure if I understand the nature of this thread, but if it helps here's my 50 cents...

I have found, in my 20+ years of experience on the internet, that people need to understand that text is the second most primitive form of communication.  The lack of emotion is extremely limiting and someone can read whatever "tone" they subconsciously want into It, depending on their own mood at the time.

The difference between "fuck you man" and "fuck you man :)" is enormous.


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