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Messages - TaoHorror

Pages: 1 ... 60 61 [62] 63 64 ... 77
The Unholy Consult / Re: The Goad
« on: September 18, 2017, 01:18:06 pm »
Yeah, could be that too - get them talking, the more they talk, the more they help him - and they were chatty ( for the benefit of us readers  ;) )

The Unholy Consult / Re: Who actually liked TUC?
« on: September 17, 2017, 05:12:00 pm »
Yes, of course, you’re both right – in spite of my poor argument, the mystery of The Consult was altered by the title of TUC - for me, anyways. I'll spare you more of my flawed perceptions on the books - I'll leave it as it does seem to matter the book titled the way it is. And now the next series could be titled, The No-God? For us who have journeyed with the author, this is fine. But for new readers to the series, that’s a big spoiler of a title. Making the titles more abstract like the previous books is the way to go.

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (VI)
« on: September 17, 2017, 04:30:24 pm »
Sarcasm confirmed!

If he were to me the honor, I would like something depraved  :D

The No-God / Re: The Mutilated: A Census
« on: September 17, 2017, 04:28:21 pm »
Good point, could be he lied/exaggerated. Bakker has said he doesn't let the reader in on when entities lie in the story. Either contextually we have to determine what is and isn't, otherwise we're misled either purposely or not.

The Unholy Consult / The Goad
« on: September 17, 2017, 02:01:55 pm »
Kelhus didn't "succumb" to the goad of the IF ( any relevance to IF as acronym, I wonder ) - I take that was because of his "deals" with hell ( i.e. he didn't see himself tormented, so was relieved more than scared ). He asks if he's the first - perhaps ferreting out he's the only one to have attempted an alliance with the 4 Horned, ensuring he won't be betrayed by same? Kelhus had the idea, maybe vetting if any of his "brothers" had come up with a similar approach, you see hell is real, why not try to "tame" it into your control. Given their millennia of dedication to logic/logos/reason, could be the discovery of hell is just a new data point to them.

At first read, I took this as maybe a bit of hubris, maybe even pride that Kelhus would ask this. Upon reflection, seems there was design to the question - perhaps an incomplete question, "am I the first ... to attempt dominating hell". Kelhus may have been surprised The Mutilated took up the cause of The Consult in lieu of going in another direction.

The No-God / Re: The Mutilated: A Census
« on: September 17, 2017, 01:59:05 pm »
Well, once the interrogation started ( interrogations work in both directions ), the Mutilated had them, cants or no cants. The mere fact they took prisoners means:

1) They underestimated them, simple as that – as any prison guard underestimates the captured rendered feeble. Also, as Bakker says, "humility" was not their strong suit, so could be as prisoners they were unconcerned of any threat they posed and thought themselves protected with their cants, maybe the arrogance of sorcery towards the unmarked – magic/technology trumps intellect. Or immortality lends to immaturity - Bakker surely doesn't imbue much wisdom to his gods in Earwa; just a bunch of fuckers feeding on the fat/souls of humanity. And the non-men go insane with immortality. Could be they were so outclassed intellectually to the point they didn't understand the danger they put themselves in by bringing them into their mists.

2) They wanted to recruit them - I hadn't thought of this, but this has some merit, I think. Could be they wanted to see if they were damned likewise and enlist them to their common cause once the Dunyain were "educated" on hell. The war on Ishual was impressive, quite the campaign taking what appeared to me in the text massive losses ( a 1,000 sorcerers/magi/shriekers? ) and wanted some of that logos stuff on their side. Seems like you’all are leaning in this direction, appears I need to do a re-read.

The Unholy Consult / Re: Who actually liked TUC?
« on: September 17, 2017, 12:47:59 pm »
I actually agree with Rots, but for a different reason. I'm fairly well put off by the title as it's a spoiler. For any new readers, The Consult could well be bullshit for several books, maybe even into the 6th as we don't see Aurang until near the end of that book. Even in TUC, the eerie  silence and apparent "no one's at home" approach to the horns was yielding some confusion and "what if the damn thing's abandoned" were my thoughts. VERY cool, clever writing and would've been more wild if the title was more along the lines of what Rots is suggesting.

So I find the ending very satisfying and don't find it to be a betrayal by the author, myself - but I do take exception to the title for "spoiling" the story before the book is read.

The Unholy Consult / Re: TUC Reviews
« on: September 16, 2017, 10:54:39 pm »
frigid isn't a doctor nor does he claim to be.  His editor, on the other hand, is a mutual friend and does have Phd.

Aw, nuts! I misread that - the editor is a phd ... oh, well, ego now deflated. Does Frigid have respects? Anything?

I'm not sure what you're asking.  He's a veteran of the US Marine Corps with an Anthropology degree who takes his Christianity seriously but who has no problems with being friends with godless atheists like yours truly.

Good enough for me! See TSA people ... I can be smart! Me and this very impressive person agree, Hell isn't just some scare tactic to get kids to Sunday school - it's some serious shit!

The Unholy Consult / Re: TUC Reviews
« on: September 16, 2017, 05:54:14 pm »
frigid isn't a doctor nor does he claim to be.  His editor, on the other hand, is a mutual friend and does have Phd.

Aw, nuts! I misread that - the editor is a phd ... oh, well, ego now deflated. Does Frigid have respects? Anything?

The Unholy Consult / Re: TUC Reviews
« on: September 15, 2017, 08:47:15 pm »
Ha! Reference my thread, [TUC Spoilers] TaoHorror’s big take away from the series.

This reviewer agrees with me ... and he's a doctor, ooo aaah! The reward centers in my brain are firing on all cylinders  ;D

Our society, often divided between those arrogantly assured of their salvation and immunity to the flames and those who honestly believe that those flames don't exist, has in large measure forgotten that horror even exists. Mr. Bakker brings us a small reminder that something as immense as eternity should not be taken casually. If Hell is an objective, provable fact in your universe, then it is a horrifying, gut churning, bowel loosening one and should be treated as such.

The Unholy Consult / Re: TUC Reviews
« on: September 15, 2017, 07:21:54 pm »
Didn't mean to suggest all of these reviews were negative - to clarify, of those "complaining" about the work, I'm seeing some common criticisms. Not a big deal.

General Misc. / Re: College Football
« on: September 14, 2017, 10:59:13 pm »
Don't you mean the V?  :D

General Misc. / Re: What's your favorite kind of pie?
« on: September 14, 2017, 02:37:57 pm »
Key Lime - a richer soul among us pirates - doss thou reveal their geography? South Florida, perhaps?

The Unholy Consult / [TUC Spoiler] The Ciphrang
« on: September 14, 2017, 02:31:13 pm »

Forgive me if simply a reread would answer my question, but I like posting here so ...

I remember Met looking up to see 3 Ciphrang coming down on him. My memory is unclear what happened with their efforts after that. Met shows up in the Golden Room later to be strangled/hung by Kel - but don't recollect his interaction with the Ciphrang. I thought that was such a cool scene - I was like, "Yes! Kick that arrogant ass's ass!" ... but fizzled out? 3 Ciphrang seems like they could do massive damage to the scranc and bashrag, maybe even take out that dragon.

[EDIT Madness: Subject title.]

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